.bk J06 .fl S824cvp1.j .fd q-lot .ed S824 .ei cVP .ri pC .ei pC .rd S824 f 132 ds glacis under f63 in k84 f .rd S819 .ri pC ;147 87 fb m4975 5 151 hard 148 85 ad m4982 125 156 m4982 53 146 S820 149 86 ly m6019 163 146 150 84 ad m4990 113 161 m4980 73 147 S820 151 84 ab m4989 73 147 dark brown 7-SYR 3/3 152 85 w .rd S820 .ri pC 153 84 mix 154 85 fb m4982 53 146 155 84 ld m4988 101 143 156 84 ld m6021 182 145 153 157 84 fb .ri hQ 158 85 ab m6021 40 159 .ri pC 159 101 glacis 160 84 ab m6021 100 155 161 85 ld qi .rd S818 .ri eA 234.1 kw 7.5 13.5 cl green a pice of kiln waste 234.2 bd 3 cl brown it is a bead 235.1 1 2.2 0.3 quartz white a small fragment of quartz 237.1 fg 4 2.5 2.7 cl brown a small animal figurine, it could be a dog. 237.2 sg 6 2.5 cl reddish 237.3 uk 5 flint brown a small pice of flint 238.1 uk 2 2 ob black a small fragment of obsidian. 238.2 bd 2 0.8 crystal quartz white a small fragment of qyartz bead. .rd S819 .ri eA 245.1 kw 9 7 cl gray a pice of kiln waste. 245.2 to 12 5.5 3.1 li gray part of a tool .ri pC 251.1 fg 4 6 cl red part of a figurine it could be a human figurine. 251.2 loom weight 10 14 li loom weight basalt. .rd S820 .ri eA 94.1 fg 6.5 7 cl brown a fragment of an animal figurine .ri dH 254.1 shell 0.1 2 1.3 sh white a fragment of a shell .rd S820 .ri cvp 258.1 sm cb 3 pieces of a char coal from f151 254.2 bl 4.5 2.7 0.3 li reddish brown silex blade .ri pc 254.3 bd 0.3 0.5 li green a small bead .ri cvp 258.2 bd 1.3 0.6 frit greenish white elongated frit bead .rd S821 .ri eA 260.1 bd 4.3 0.7 fv turquase one complete bead 260.2 si 4 2.3 li brown a seal with impression on it 261.1 fg 4 3 2.3 cl brown a head of an animal figurine 260.3 kw 4.2 4 cl brown a pice of kiln waste 261.2 a-bone 4.5 2 tooth white a complete animal tooth 260.4 kw 4 3 cl green a piece of slag .ri pC 260.5 bd 4.5 0.6 frit white a frit bead .ri eA 261.3 uk 5 2.8 2 li black unknown .rd S823 .ri eA 255.1 sm soil black it is one bag of sample from N baulk of k84 255.2 sm soil black it is one bag of sample from N baulk of k84 264.1 bd 1.3 0.5 black it is a stone bead from cleaning the ash feature 262.1 kw 4 9 3.5 green it is one pice of kiln waste .ri hQ 262.2 ma 1.5 0.6 bronze green a fragment of a bronze arrow. 266.1 cl 5.5 2.5 cl dark gray a fragment of clay lump with one combed side 266.2 bl 0.6 6 3.5 flint black flint blade .rd S823 .ri eA q 262 pb 154 85 m4982 280 cm S 315 cm W m6018 10 151 263 p 155 84 m4989 108 cm N 270 cm W m4988 101 143 removed baulks 264 p 155 84 m4989 108 cm N 270 cm W m4988 101 143 new because the bag was full 265 p 153 84 cleaning the section 266 p 156 84 m4988 225 cm S 100 cm W removed baulks .ri hQ 267 p 158 85 m4982 400 cm S 400 cm W m6021 40 159 .ri pC 268 p 157 84 floors sherds