.bk J06 .fl S828cvp.j .fd q-item log, item log, view log 60-118 .ed S828 .ei cVP .rd S828 .ri cVP qi .rd S825 .ri eA 231.2 sg 3.1 1.6 1.4 li it is one seal not finished and not inscription 272.1 la 8 li brown it is a piece of a mace .rd S826 276.1 la 17 30 13 li brown it is a stone polished by use 276.2 la 20 45 16 li brown it is a stone polished by use 276.3 la 26 30 29 li brown it is a stone polished by use 277.1 bl 3.8 4.5 0.8 ob black it is a fragment of obsidian blade 277.2 shell 2 8 sh white they are two small pieces of shell .ri cVP 275.1 cl 2.7 1.7 0.8 cl black a perforated disc, broken .ri dH 275.2 kw 5 3.5 2 cl dark brown it is a piece of kiln waste .ri eA 284.1 fg 4 8 3 cl brown it is only the body of an animal figurine 284.2 fg 2.5 3 2.1 cl brown it is the rear part of an animal figurine .ri cVP 278.1 bl 2.6 2 0.3 li black obsidian blade 278.2 shell 2.4 2.1 sh pearly white piece of mother of pearl shell .rd S827 .ri dH 286.1 ca 4 8 3.5 cl brown it is the broken corner of a clay artifact, flat inside, higher rim 292.1 bd 0.6 li green perforated complete bead .ri hQ 293.1 wh 4.5 cl brown fragment of a wheel 294.1 pi 1.1 mt green a small fragment of bronze pin 292.2 uk 2.2 2 cl black 288.1 ca 2 8 5.5 cl greyish small piece of possible crucible, with pieces of bronze .ri dH 292.3 la 3.2 4.3 0.7 li black It is a small piece of stone blade with saw teeth 298.1 la 2 1 ob black a fragment of obsidian blade with one flat smooth surface i 14 148 85 251 ma 0.5 18 bz bronze/tin pin 15 151 84 260 bd frit 8 frit beads 16 164 84 273 fg 3.5 3 1 cl brown it is a small horse figurine 17 si 2 1.2 ivory white a complete seal 18 167 74 288 si li black a cylinder seal, complete 20 174 84 296 nail 1 bz green a nail with one pointed head 21 170 84 290 ma bz bronze spatule v .rd S814 .ri eA 60 t n gk87 gf115,116 This view shows the northern baulk of k87 without string 60a t n gk87 This view shows the northern baulk of k87 with string .ri pC 61 n gk87 gf116,gf131 view showing the mud surface f116; in section is visible f131, which is located directly under f116 and is characterized by a massive amount of pottery and stones 61a t s gk87 gf116 Mud f116 61b w gk87 gf116,gf124 Mud f116 and in the background brickfall f124 62 n gk101,gk74,gk84 gf126,gf159,gf107,gf63 the small trench we did to expose the glacis f159, which is located under the latest glacis f107. To the North there is an accumulation f126, which we suspect is the beginning of a pit, but we stopped excavating here. to the east is visible f107 and to the West the glacis f63, which are the same glacis. 62a s gk101 gf159 this view shows the particular of the glacis f159 and to the north f126 with lot of pottery, the possible pit 62b w gk101 gf126 This tight shot shows the particular of f126, which is characterized by having lot of sherds and some baqaya .rd S816 .ri pC 63 e gk86,gk85,75 gf137,gf135,gf110,118,97,124 The Brickfall f124 and stones f137 in k86, in k85 the glacis f110 and the sherd floor f135. In the background the first glacis f118 63a t e gk86 gf136,gf137 Brickfall f129 and floating stones f137, part of the brickfall 64 s gk84,gk101 gf126,gf159,gf107,gf63 this view is similar to v62: it shows the first glacis f107 and f63, the second one f157. To the West J4k100 is the deep sounding made two years ago and now is backfilled 64a w n gk84,gk101 is a wide shot showing the latest glacis f107 and f63, the second glacis f157 and in the background the stones of the bin J4f89 64b t s gk84,gk101 Glacis f63 to the west and f159 to the east: it shows clearly two different glacis .rd S817 .ri pC 65 w gk86,200 gf136,gf137,gf139 Brickfall f136, the stones f137 and to the South the ashy layer f139 66 w gk87 gf131,gf133,gf143 Brickfall f143 and f131: f131 ov f145. Big flat stone f133 66a w e gk86,gk87 gf136,gf137,gf131,gf143 Overall view of k87 and k86 to show the brickfall f136 in k86 and the dump f131 which covers the brickfall f143 67 w gk85 gf90,gf86,110 View of the W section of k85, before removing, without string, showing the brickfall f86 which overlays the ashy layer f90 67a w gk85 gf90,gf86,110 View of the W section of k85, before removing, with string, showing the brickfall f86 which overlays the ashy layer f90 68 w gk84 gf132,gf140,gf141,142 General view of k84 showing in the foreground the glacis f132 overlaying pebble floor f140, and in the background, in the NW corner, the brown soil f141. 68a w gk84, gf132,gf140,gf141 General view of k84 showing in the foreground the glacis f132 overlaying pebble floor f140, and in the background, in the NW corner, the brown soil f141. 69 e gk84 gf142,150,140,141,132 After beginning to remove the glacis f132, an elongated pit of ashes begin to appear. visible sherd floor f140 69a w gk84 gf142 After beginning to remove the glacis f132, an elongated pit of ashes begin to appear. Detail. 70 s gk87 gf144,143 Detail of the what was considered a possible wall f144, but maybe just part of the brickfall. 70a t gk87 gf144 Detail of the what was considered a possible wall, but maybe just part of the brickfall. With surroundings. .rd S818 .ri cVP 71 s gk85,86 gf136,139,110,135 View of the section with brickfall f136, same as f86 and ash f139 same as f90 (S section of k85) in relation with floor f135, which was covered by f110 72 s gk85,84 gf135,110,140,142,141 floor f140 is the same as floor f135 (^floor2) under the glacis f132 and with ashy layers f142. This view is similar to v72, but from North 72a n gk85,84 gf128,110,132,140,142,141 General view of pebble floors from k85 and k84 together, with ashy layers 72b nw gk85,84 gf110,132,140,142,141 Detail of general view of pebble floors from k85 and k84 together, with ashy layers. 73 nw gk84,85,86 gf127,101,63,110,135,140,141,122,142,118 similar view of v72, but from South 74 e gk84 gf132,140,142,141,151 Detail of general situation in k84: pit f142 cuts f132 and f151, going under floor f140 75 s gk86 gf138 Beginning of the glacis f138 in k86, found under the ash f149 75a t gk86 gf138 Detail of the beginning of the glacis f138 76 n gk86 gf136,139,137 View of the North section of k86, from the south, without string 76a n gk86 gf136,139,137 View of the North section of k86, from the south, with string .rd S819 .ri cVP 77 nw gk85 gf135,110,152 General situation after removing the W baulk, with old pebble floor f135 in the east and glacis f110 in the west. wall f152 came out after removig the baulk 77a t n gk85 gf135,110,152 detail of wall f152 over the glacis in the NW corner .ri pc 78 n gk85,84 gf141,142,150,135,110,152,127 in k84 pit f142, which is not present in k85, whereas f110 covers sherd floor f135, same as f140 in k84. f152 is a stone wall resting on top of glcis f110 78a m n gk85,84 gf141,142,150,135,110,152,127 ga2 in k84 pit f142 79 n gk85,84 gf127,142,150,122,135,110 situation of k84 after removing part of pit f142. Here is possible to see the form of the pit, which is shallow .ri cVP 80 n gk84 gf142,141,150 Present situation of the ashy layer f142, in the center and NW corner of the square; in the SW corner still the soft brown f141; in the NE corner, hard brown layer (f150) surrounding the ashes 80a m w gk84 gf142 Closer shot of the pit f142 81 s gk84 gf142,141 View of the relation between the two features in the NW corner, grey ashesf142 covered by brown f141 81a t w gk84 gf142,141 Subview from the W. Here is possible to see the cut f122 82 w gk84 gf142,141,150,151,122 Final situation of bag of ashes f142: at the E the bag of ashes is abuting the bard brown f150 (under glacis f132). At the south side it ends, having excavated the soft brown f141. The brown level left at that moment maybe will change feature number if, when removed the grey patch, we see that the soil under is the same as the one under the grey f142. 82a m e gk84 gf142,141,150 Subview from the SW 82b t s gk84 gf142,141,150 Detail of group of pottery sherds within f142 82c t s gk84 gf142,141,150 Group of sherds at the south 82d t sw gk84 gf142,141,150 Vessel on section 82e t sw gk84 gf142,141,150 Close-up of vessel on section .rd S820 .ri cVP 83 n gk84 gf142,150,122 North section of k84, showing the shallow pit with the ashes of f142 83a t n gk84 gf142,150 North section of k84, showing the shallow pit with the ashes of f142. Detail of the east end. 83b t n gk84 gf142,150 North section of k84, showing the shallow pit with the ashes of f142. Detail of the east end. 83c t n gk84 gf142,150 North section of k84, showing the shallow pit with the ashes of f142. Detail of the west end. 84 s gk84 gf151,132,122,140 South section of k84: f132 covers all, under it the floor f140; the pit cut f122 here is visible 84a w s gk84 gf140,132 South section of k84 85 w gk84 gf151,150,122,142 General view first hour in the morning, with the remains of the ashes f142 still in the bottom of the shallow pit with cut f122. 86 w gk84 gf150,151,142,151,122 ga3 General view of the shallow pit a3 after having removed the remains of the ash layers. There is still the triangle with f150, the rest of the brown soil would already be f151 86a m nw gk84 gf150,151,ga3 Subview from the east 86b t n gk84 gf142,151 Detail of the North section after removing the remains of f142, to see the shape of the pit and the layers of ashes, along with the bottom of already f151 86c t n gk84 gf142,151 Detail of the North section after removing the remains of f142, to see the shape of the pit and the layers of ashes, along with the bottom of already f151 87 w gk85 gf154 Beginning of pisé floor f154 87a w n gk85 gf154 Subview from the south 87b t nw gk85 gf154 Detail of the floor .rd S821 .ri cVP 88 n gk85 gf151,142 gi15 Context of the finding of the group of elongated frit beads i15 in f151. 88a t n gk85 gf151,142 gi15 Detail context finding of the group of elongated frit beads i15. 89 ne gk85 gf151,142 gi15 Context of the finding of the group of elongated frit beads i15, during excavation, place indicated with shovel. 89a t ne gk85 gf151,142 gi15 Context of the finding of the group of elongated frit beads i15, during excavation, place indicated with shovel. 89b t sw gk85 gf151,142 gi15 Detail context of the finding of the group of elongated frit beads i15, during excavation, place indicated with shovel. 90 n gk84 gf142,141,151 ga3 North section of k84, without string. a3 is the pit with its cut 90a w n gk84 gf142,141,151 North section of k84, with string. 90b t n gk84 gf142,141,150,151 North section of k84, detail of the East side 90c t n gk84 gf142,141,150,151 North section of k84, detail of the West side .rd S823 .ri cVP 92 w gk84 gf142,141,151,63,122,164 West Section of k84, without string 92a w w gk84 gf142,141,151,63,122,164 West Section of k84, with string 92b w nw gk84 gf142,141,151,63 West Section of k84, showing joining point with W Section of k83 (k83 was a J4 locus) 93 s gk84 gf157,127,160,101,152 Excavation of W baulk of k84. Here is seen from above: Piece of pebble floor f157, which is the same as f140. General view looking south. 93a m w gk84 gf157,127,160,101,152 Excavation of W baulk of k84. Piece of pebble floor f157 in relation to wall f127. General view looking west. 93b m nw gk84 gf157,127,160,101 Excavation of W baulk of k84. Piece of pebble floor f157. 93c t n gk84 gf157 Excavation of W baulk of k84. Piece of pebble floor f157. Detail. 93d t sw gk84 gf157,101 Excavation of W baulk of k84. Piece of pebble floor f157. Detail with pottery sherd. .rd S824 .ri cVP 94 e gk85 gf110,148,154,158 East Section of k85, without string. The East section of k85 shows eaven layers, instead to the north in k84 the layers are sloping 94a w e gk85 gf110,148,154,158 East Section of k85, with string. 95 n gk85 gf110,148,154,158 North Section of k85, without string. alos here the layers are eaven as for v94. In this section the there is no slope, instead for f110 the glacis sloping West 95a w n gk85 gf110,148,154,158 North Section of k85, with string. .rd S825 .ri cVP 96 e gk84 gf101,162,163,164 East Baulk. Beginning of possible wall, stone f163, the reddish layer f162 above, and the red f164 around and below the stone. 96a w n gk84 gf101,162,163,164,130 Subview from the south to see the conection with the stones over it (f101) and the wall on the other side (f130) 97 n gk84 gf101,127,130,169 Detail of features f101 and f127 (stones above) in the East baulk. 97a w n gk84 gf101,127 Detail of features f101 and f127 (stones above) in the West baulk of k84 before removing it. 98 n gk84 gf164,162,163 North section of k84, without string. 98a w n gk84 gf164 North section of k84, with string. 98b w n gk84 gf164 Detail of the west side. .rd S826 .ri cVP 99 e gk74 gf166,167,107 New wall found in k74 99a w s gk74 gf166,167,107 View from the North of wall f166 99b w e gk74 gf166,167,107 View with E Section ok k74: here is possible to see wall f166 on the bottom 99c t n gk74 gf166,167,107 Detail of contact between glacis f107, ash layer f167 and wallf166 100 s gk75 gf22,42,61,71,62,93,97,109 Corner between S and W sections (baulks) of Area J6 100a w se gk75 gf22,42,61,71,62,93,97,109 Corner between S and E sections (baulks): this is one of a series of views intending to show the brickfall in J6 and following in J7 and J2 100b w s gk75 gf22,42,61,71,62,93,97,109 This wiew shows the brickfall and the ash in the south baulk of k75 100c w se gk75 gf22,42,61,71,62,93,97,109 This wiew shows the brickfall and the ash in the south baulk of k75 101 e gk86 gf124,136,137,139,138 East section of k86 with brickfall f124 and f136. f139 is the ashy layer and f138 the glacis found under brickfall and ash. this is a series of views taken to show the brickfall in J6, J7, J2 102 gk84 gf101 gi17 Finding place of cylinder seal i17, wall f101 in West baulk of k84 102a t gk84 gf101 gi17 Detail of i17 in situ .ri pC .rd S831 103 s gk84 gf63,132,151 South section of k84 showing that the features here are even, except for the glacis f63 and f132. This section is important because shows that there is no boundary beween South and North, as we were expecting till we did not found the wall f130 continuing to the east. for this see better the conclusions on J6 and the daily k84 104 nw gk84 gf101,127,163,164,142,179,180,181 This view wants to show the East baulk of k84 and the small piece of the north baulk: it shows the volume of the features sloping and its relation with the wall f101. In particular f164 is the reddish fill behind the wall f129 (in this view not shown), and was excavated in season 2004 in J4 as J4f150. The north section shows the features f179 which is the brickfall covering the glacis, which is the top of feature J4f121, then f180 is the equivalent of J4f121, f181 is the equivalent of the top portion of J4f150. The real reddish fill is f164, which is visible in the east section sloping sharply south and then takes an almost eaven surface in k84. f142 is the ashy fill of the shallow pit. all what is visible is Mittani, except for f164 which is phase h33. 104a w nw gk84 gf101,164,163 West small baulk of k84: stones f101 and accumulations below. f164 is visible in the lower part 105 n gk85,84 gf127,101,179,180,181,110,148,154,158,63 This view intents to show the North section of k85, where the layers are almost eaven and the north section of k84, where instead the layers are sloping south. It is an important section because here we were expecting a boundary between north and south, which instead there is not. wall f130 does not continue to the East. We assume taht f164, the red fill sloping South, is the boundary, because to the south of it all layers are even. 106 nw gk85,84 gf127,101,164,110,148,154,158 General view of N section of k85 in relation with the E sections of k84 and k83. it is very similar to v105 107 w gk84 gf130,100,101,129,127 the Removal of the mittani wall f101 in k84. This is one of a series of views showing different stages of the removal of each stone of f101. In this view stone f127.1, which covered part of f101 has been removed and under it was f101.2 and f101.13. 107a t s gk84 gf130,101,129 f127.1 has been removed and f101.9 and f101.10 are shown 107b t s gk84 gf130,101,129 f127.1 has been removed and f101.9 and f101.10 are shown 107c t s gk84 gf130,100,101,129 Removal of the third stone of f101 107d s gk84 gf130,100,101,129 Removal of the fourth stone of f101 108 n gk84 gf177,171,176,170,130 Obelisk f177 and floor f171, which was covered by f176. f170 is the soil between stones f101, which in the moment of this view are removed. behind f170 is wall f130 108a w n gk84 gf177,171,176,170,130 this view is a wide shot of v108 and shows where f177 is located and its thelation to wall f130 and the staircase. floor f171 abuts stone f177 and probably is related to a use phase of the area in front of wall f130 and staircase 108b t n gk 84 gf177,171,130 particular of stone f177 and floor f171 109 ne gk84 gf177,171,130,129,100,178,127 This shot is similar to v108. here is visible the connection between wall f129 and f130 and the two oblique stones f100 and f177 109a nw gk84 gf177,171,130,129,100,178 stone f177 and f178 and wall f130 which begins to come out 110b n gk87 gf143,147,131,116 111 n gk84 gf127,179,180,181,130,178,177,163,164,174,151,168 The north section of J4k100 and k84. To the left wall f130 and stone f177. f178 and f163 may be floating stones. f174 covers almost all k84 and is the southern part of f164, where the red is mixed with other soil. f168 was the remaining part of the north baulk of k85 111b w ne gk84 gf127,179,180,181,130,129,178,177,163,164,174,151,168 same as v111 from a different range. shows better the east section and in particular the red J4f150, same as f164 111c w e gk84 gf127,179,180,181,130,129,178,177,163,164,174,151,168 stone wall f130 and the two oblique stones f100 and f177 111d w n gk84 gf127,179,180,181,130,129,178,177,163,164,174,151,168 stone wall f130 and the two oblique stones f100 and f177 112 nw gi19,20 gf178,177,163,174,130,183 Finding of the bronze nail i19 and the pin i20, very closed to each other and next to wall f130 114 n gk84 gf130,178,177,163,184,171 This view shows wall f130 and oblique stones f100 and f177 just in front of f130. f184 is a floor surface in front of wall f130 and probably was continuing in front of staircase 114a w ne gk84 gf130,178,177,163,183 wall f130 and the two oblique stones f100, f177, belonging to the same construction phase. floor surface f183 is also in relation to this features. 114c w n gk84 gf130,178,177,163,183 this shot shows better wall f130 and oblique stones f100 and f177 in relationship to staircase and apron. 114d w nw gk84 gf130,178,177,163,183 as v114c, this view shows apron and wall f130 with stones f100 and f177 and floor f183 .ri cVP 113 e gk74 gf167,166 gq288.1 Finding place of piece of crucible q288.1 next to wall f166 113a t e gk74 gf167 gq288.1 Detail of crucible q288.1 .rd S827 .ri cVP 116 ne gk74 gf107,167,166,187 gi18 Finding place of cylinder seal i18 116a t ne gk74 gf107,167,166 gi18 Detail of i18 in situ 116b t ne gk74 gf107,167,166 gi18 Detail of i18 in situ 117 n gk74 gf107,167,166,187 ga5 General view of situation at the end of the season in the small sounding in k74. 117a t w gk74 gf107,167,166,187 General view of situation at the end of the season in the small sounding 117b t n gk74 gf107,167,166,187 General view of situation at the end of the season in the small sounding 117c t n gk74 gf107,167,166,187 General view of situation at the end of the season in the small sounding 117d t n gk74 gf107,167,166,187 General view of situation at the end of the season in the small sounding 118 e gk74 gf166,187,167,107 View of wall f166 with beginning of glacis f187 abutting it. .ri pC .rd S901 119 n gk84 gf100,130,177,171,163 gi21 This view shows the finding of i21 next to stones f100 and f177 119b t n gk84 gf100,130,177,171,163 gi21 detail of i21 in situ 119a t n gk84 gf100,130,177,171,163 gi21 This view shows the finding of i21 119c t n gk84 gf100,130,177,171 removal of f171 which abuts f177, just after the founding of i21