.bk J06 .fl S901pC9 .fd specific labels .rd S901 .ri pC .fn revised gB ^ dump1 df aa >l f35 >l f42 >l f43 >l f37 >l f38 >l f94 >l f131 ds a probable dump spread in almost all J6: it is a compact soil with patches of softer soil, characterized by a massive presence of pebbles, bones, large stones, lot of pottery and large sherds. It slopes toward South and the pottery is all Mittani. It is the latest level before abandonment (were instead are only natural accumulations) and located just above the brickfall ^bf1 ^ bf1 df bf >l f46 >l f95 >l f98 >l f52 >l f64 >l f70 >l f71 >l f72 >l f78 >l f111 >l f114 ds The topmost portion of the brickfall: it is defined as brickmelt: it is a very compact, irregular hard surface which when was removed showed small fragments of bricks. Brickmelt is the latest stage of melting of the bricks, which was exposed longer to water and sun and therefore has a hard compact surface. This distinguishes only the kind of accumulation and not a different kind of event, which is the same as ^bf2 ^ bf2 df bf >l f53 >l f55 >l f69 >l f75 >l f82 >l f83 >l f86 >l f93 >l f103 >l f108 >l f119 >l f120 >l f123 >l f124 >l f136 >l f143 >l f145 >l f146 >l f175 >l f179 ds The brickfall spread in all J6: it is a thick layer of bricks mixed with soil and lot of stones (also door socket, kilin waste, lot of pottery, grinding stones), where the bricks build any kind of construction, but are irregulary located: it belongs to a collapse of a large structure or a series of smaller buildings, probably located to the South-East of J6. This brickfall continues also in J2 and J7 following the West-South slope of the glacis, located under it. Most of the pottery is dated to Mittani ^ ash1 df ly >l f90 >l f97 >l f139 >l f149 ds a layer of ashy soil, which is located directly under bf2 and overlays glacis1. It is thicker in k75 and slopes then towars South-West in k85 and k86, following the slope of the glacis underneath. It marks an event consisting on burning just before the brickfall. this ash was found in J7 at the same elevation ^ ash2 df ly >l f167 ds a layer of ash under ^glacis1 in k74 nr This feature was not excavated in season 2008, but only exposed. It is not the same as ^ash1, while they are not touching, but between them there is the glacis. It is an event to ascribe before Mittani and to associate to ^wall7 ^ glacis1 df glacis >l f63 >l f109 >l f107 >l f180 ds This is the latest glacis of a series of similar surfaces in J6, East of the wall f127, dated to Mittani. It is located directly under the bf2 and is a very hard and compact surface, which slopes toward South-West. It is reddish in colour and in the surface were many calcite pebbles and some sherds lying flat. In some points is damaged. nl We decided to name this series of compacted surfaces glacis, for the similarity with situation in J3, were North of the revetment wall were found several layers of hard compacted surfaces sloping and intentionally set to cover the temple mound. In the case of J6, we encontered also several surfaces which for similarity of consistence and inclusions and for the comparable structural situation, was decided to give the same name, even if for glacis normally is seen a coating beginning from a wall or construction. In this case wall f127 (^wall5) is the structural component of this (see a2) ^ glacis2 df glacis >l f110 >l f132 >l f159 >l f138 ds It is a grey hard surface sloping south, south-west, located under glacis1; there are small calcite pebbles in the matrix. ^ glacis3 df glacis >l f164 >l f183 >l f187 ds It is the glacis behind the wall f129, which is a red orange granular soil; the main characteristic is that slopes sharply to the South, beginning in a thick compact band and finishes in the range of 3 meters in a thin orizontal layer (f183). The purpose of this glacis is still not clear: a probable explanation is that is in function to protect wall f129. It probably continues to the East in f187 in k74 nl f164 is the same as J4f150 ar f187 was found in connection to wall f166 and was not excavated compleatly to see if it is the same as f164. The equivalence is based only on the assumption that the elevation and the type of material (red orange granular with Phase 3 material, as pottery and seal) in both glacis are similar. Next season will be investigated better the connection between the two.