.bk K01 .fl ZJ226_rL_items_cv .fd Descriptions of ceramic vessel items .rd ZJ226 .ri rL .rd ZJ227 .ri rL i 15 A40 M1 56 df cv sh p caS3 106 caS4 fw w1 13.5 wm S F2 f16 nt Shape and other details added based on drawing Q3 Mozan 1, fig. 24. .rd 85.522 .ri mKB i 28 A40 M1 54 df cv sh p caS4 sp w1 8.3 th 0.4 wm S nt Incomplete wheelmade, heavily fired, outcurving rim, sharp fracture, fine surface texture, no carbon streak, no firing cloud, in destruction layer and refired. Mid-late third millennium. .rd ZJ227 .ri rL i 28 sh p caS3 107 caS4 sp F2 f16 nt shape updated during horizon review Q3 Mozan 1, fig. 24 .rd 85.523 .ri mKB i 32 A40 M1 55 df cv sh j caS1 m ht 5 h 0.5 wm S w1 11 Zca3 pink Zca4 7.5YR8/4 nt Incomplete, wheelmade, heavily fired, outcurving rim, sharp fracture, fine surface texture, firing cloud, probably rounded base, wet smoothed surface finish. Mid-late third millennium. .rd ZJ227 .ri rL i 32 sh p caS3 106 caS4 fw F2 f16 nt shape updated during horizon review Q3 Mozan 1, fig. 24 .rd ZJ226 .ri rL i 58 A40 M1 71 df cv sh b caS1 r caS3 2 caD1 11.7 ZcaC3 pale yellow ZcaC4 5Y 7/3 ZcaC5 pale yellow ZcaC6 5Y 7/3 wm S ht 4.8 th 0.3-0.6 w1 9 sh c caS1 o caS3 3 F2 f16 nt Recorded as a shallow bowl, wheelmade, heavily fired, not curving rim, rounded base, fine surface texture, sharp fracture, firing cloud and no carbon streak. Wet smoothed surface finish. Not decorated. Mid-late third millennium. Reconstructible. The shape code has been updated based on the drawing and current typology. nt This was recorded in MZ2 (1985), but no further date is noted on the original sheet, and the initials of the recorder are not readable. Shape based on drawing and horizon review. Q3 Mozan 1, fig. 25 .rd ZJ226 .ri rL i 94 F2 q178 df cv sh c w1 14.5 ht 3 th 3 wm S nt Pottery sheet almost certainly by mKB, no date given but possibly from MZ4. Wheelmade, warped (refired), not curving rim, flat-convex base, medium surface texture, wet smoothed surface finish, no carbon streak, no firing cloud. Refired so surface greener than it was originally and also blackened. Mid-late third millennium. Restorable but does not go well together due to the refiring.