; File processed on 2025-03-03
; K1f4
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB earth pocket
; K1f5
A20 !!_!! !! installation
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! pit
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB pit
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB pit
F51 2025-02-26_ZJ226_rL_items_other.j rL i2 (sample) sits in f5 (pit)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i3 (specimen) sits in f5 (pit)
; K1f6
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB space between f23 and f10
; K1f7
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB no description given in file
; K1f8
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB no description given in file
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i14 (sample) sits in f8
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i15 (ceramic vessel) sits in f8
F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature
; K1f12
C1 0000-00-00_ZIy20_rL_fnotes.j rL Feature 12 (midden) was removed exposing most likely the virgin soil. It was about 4cm from the last point we finished. The profiles of K1 in the vicinity of feature 12 were cut and cleaned to see the direction and mass of the midden. The midden is about 30cm in depth. The midden appears to be in the virgin soil (light yellow-green) and extends across K1, into both profiles (east and west) and is seen in the north corner of K4 where it discontinues. There is no visible trace in the profile of K2. The midden identification is Feature 12. The description includes the following: dark gray with a mixture of charcoal, animal bones, and sherds.
K99 0000-00-00_ZIy20_rL_fnotes.j rL This is the only extant diary entry for K1, and the only available information concerning f12. The handwritten page has the date 06.14.87 noted, and Anthony Mathis as the recorder.
; K1f13
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB no description given in file
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i8 (seal impression) sits in f13
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i9 (seal impression) sits in f13
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i10 (charcoal) sits in f13
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q13 sits in f13
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q13-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f13
F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature
; K1f14
A20 !!_!! !! buildup
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! accumulation C
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB accumulation C
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB accumulation
F51 2025-02-26_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i6 (seal impression) sits in f14 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i7 (sherd) sits in f14 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q10 sits in f14 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q11 sits in f14 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q12 sits in f14 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q12-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f14 (accumulation C)
F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature
; K1f15
A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! fill
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB fill
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB fill
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i11 (unknown) sits in f15 (fill)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q23 sits in f15 (fill)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q25 sits in f15 (fill)
; K1f16
A20 !!_!! !! buildup
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! accumulation C
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB accumulation C
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB accumulation
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB destruction level
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k10
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k12
F51 2025-02-27_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i9 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-27_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i13 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-27_ZJ226_rL_items_cv.j rL i15 (ceramic vessel) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-27_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i16 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-27_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i18 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-27_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i20 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-26_ZJ226_rL_items_other.j rL i22 (pin) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-27_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i24 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-27_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i25 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-27_ZJ226_rL_items_cv.j rL i28 (ceramic vessel) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-27_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i29 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-27_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i31 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-27_ZJ226_rL_items_cv.j rL i32 (ceramic vessel) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i34 (unknown) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i35 (sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i41 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i42 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i43 (roofing material) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i44 (painted plaster?) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i45 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i46 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i47 (sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i49 (sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i50 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i51 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i52 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i53 (roofing material) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i54 (unknown) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i55 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i56 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i57 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-26_ZJ226_rL_items_cv.j rL i58 (ceramic vessel) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i59 (roofing material) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i60 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i61 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i62 (roofing material) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-27_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i63 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i65 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i66 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i69 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i70 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i71 (unknown) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i72 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i73 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i74 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i75 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i76 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-28_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i77 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-28_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i78 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-28_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i78b (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-28_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i81 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-28_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i82 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-26_ZJ226_rL_items_other.j rL i83 (pin) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-28_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i87 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-28_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i88 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-28_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i90 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-28_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i91 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2025-02-28_ZJ226_rL_si.j rL i92 (seal impression) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q14 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q16 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q18 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q20 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q21 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 2024-11-20_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j rL q48 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q53 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q55 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB; mKB q62 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q63 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q65 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q66 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q69 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q73 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q74 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q75 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q77 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q78 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q80 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q81 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j glB q82 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q83 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q84 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q85 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q87 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q89 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q90 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q91 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q94 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q95 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q96 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q97 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q98 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q99 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q100 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q102 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q105 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j glB q106 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q107 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q108 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB, mKB q112 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q114 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q115 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q117 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q119 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q122 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q123 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q124 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q125 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q127 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q128 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q129 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q133 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q134 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q136 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q137 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q138 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q139 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q142 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q143 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q144 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q145 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q146 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q147 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q148 sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q14-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q16-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q16-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q16-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q16-p4 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q18-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q18-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q21-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q21-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q21-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q74-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q74-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q75-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q75-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q80-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q80-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q81-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q81-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q100-p67 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q100-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q100-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q112-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q115-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q117-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q125-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q125-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f16 (accumulation C)
F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature
K99 2024-11-19_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j rL This feature is noted both as part of locus 10 and locus 12; this is likely because both loci are extensions E of locus 6, and f16 is either in both or was not clearly recorded as only in one.
; K1f17
A20 !!_!! !! buildup
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! topsoil
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB topsoil
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB top soil
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q15 sits in f17 (topsoil)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q15-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f17 (topsoil)
F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature
; K1f18
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB wall?
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q17 sits in f18
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q22 sits in f18
; K1f19
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB top part of f23?
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q19 sits in f19
; K1f20
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB no description given in file
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q24 sits in f20
; K1f21
A20 !!_!! !! buildup
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! accumulation C
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB accumulation C
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB accumulation
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i12 (blade) sits in f21 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZJ226_rL_items_log.j arB i13 (seal impression) sits in f21 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j arB q26 sits in f21 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q26-p1 (other shape sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q26-p2 (other shape sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation C)
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q26-p3 (other shape sherd) sits in f21 (accumulation C)
F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature
; K1f23
A20 !!_!! !! installation
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! wall
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB; glB wall
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB; glB city wall
; K1f24
A20 !!_!! !! buildup
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! topsoil
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB topsoil
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB top soil
; K1f25
A20 !!_!! !! buildup
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! topsoil
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB topsoil
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB top soil
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k10
; K1f26
A20 !!_!! !! buildup
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! topsoil
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB; glB topsoil
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB; glB top soil
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k9
; K1f27
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB; glB bricks
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k9
; K1f28
A20 !!_!! !! fill, dumping, collapse
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j !! fill
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB accumulation C
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB fill
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB accumulation?
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k9
; K1f29
A20 !!_!! !! buildup
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! accumulation C
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB accumulation C
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB accumulation
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB accumulation under topsoil
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k10
K99 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB from pottery sheet: above glacis, just under topsoil
; K1f30
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! ac, mud
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB ac, mud
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB accumulation?
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB mud layer
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB wahal under f30
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k10
; K1f31
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB accumulation?
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB bricks?; bricky mass
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB bricky mass W of f27
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k9
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j glB q44 sits in f31
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j glB q52 sits in f31
; K1f32
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB accumulation?
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB earth (compact)
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB very compact earth; gate trench
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k9
; K1f33
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB earth
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k9
; K1f34
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB bricks
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB wall under f31
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k9
; K1f35
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB bricks
; K1f36
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB bricky mass
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB green-red earth under f33
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k9
; K1f37
A20 !!_!! !! buildup
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! topsoil
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB topsoil
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB top soil
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k11
; K1f38
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB earth
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB under topsoil, brown-black earth
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k11
; K1f39
A20 !!_!! !! buildup
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! topsoil
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB topsoil
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB top soil
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k12
; K1f40
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB room?
; K1f41
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB bricks
; K1f42
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB stones
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB plater + stones in locus 11
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k11
; K1f43
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB earth
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB very compact earth
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k11
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j glB q71 sits in f43
; K1f44
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB earth (compact); bricks
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB very compact earth; bricks above the wall in gate sounding
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k11
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j glB q79 sits in f44
; K1f45
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB stones
; K1f46
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB pebbles
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB near large stones in ?wall
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k11
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j glB q92 sits in f46
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j glB q101 sits in f46
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j glB q103 sits in f46
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j glB q109 sits in f46
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j glB q110 sits in f46
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q101-p68 (other shape sherd) sits in f46
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q101-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f46
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j !! q109-p69 (other shape sherd) sits in f46
F60 !!_!! !! frequencies of ceramic vessels and sherds included within feature
; K1f47
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB stones
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB large stones
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k11
; K1f48
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB floor?
; K1f49
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB earth
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB compact earth between f47 and f46
D1 0000-00-00_ZIy19r_rL_locus.j mKB k11
F51 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_qlots.j glB q113 sits in f49
; K1f50
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j glB floor?
; K1f51
A20 !!_!! !! buildup
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j !! topsoil
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB topsoil
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB top soil
; K1f52
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy18_rL_features.j arB bricky mass
; K1f59
A20 !!_!! !! buildup
A21 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j !! accumulation C
B10 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB accumulation C
B11 0000-00-00_ZIy19_rL_fnotes.j mKB accumulation on floor of gateway