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Elena Asero

Marco De Pietri – August 2023

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Elena Asero (eA)

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Staff profile

Processed on May 22, 2009

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Curriculum vitae

Born October 14th 1966 Italy
October 1980-June 1985Secondary-school diploma. State Institute of Tourist "C. Varalli" of Milan.
October 1997-June 2001Degree to Archaeology and Art of History of the Ancient Near East. University of Venice.
October 2004 - presentSpecialization post-University. Curriculum archaeological - 17 subjects divided as follows: 6 archaeologies (History of the Ancient Near East , Egypt, Hellenistic and Islamic Asia, 4 histories (Ancient Near Orient , Egypt and Near Orient Hellenistic) and 7 linguistics and philological (sumerian, akkadian, Aramaic egyptology, hittitology and old Persian). Centro Studi Del Vicino Oriente of Milan.

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Archaeological field work

July 2000The Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University e The Pennsylvania State University. Member of archaeological dig to Megiddo in the M area, where are the Late Bronze tombs .
May 2002Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with Reasearcher National Center. Member project geophysical survey of the Italian Archaeological Mission of Pyrgos-Cyprus of the CNR.
July-August 2008Mozan / Urkesh Archaeological Project - IIMAS - The International Institute for Mesopotamian Area Studies

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Academic Writings

August-October 2000Comité Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur Chypre - Université de Nancy II Nancy - Francia. Title of the research: "The economic role of Cyprus in its relationship with the Syrian Cost in pre-classical times".
June 2001"Iconography and composition of Ashurbanipal's sculptures at Niniveh (668 - 627 B.C.)", graduation thesis. Degree to Archaeology and Art of History of the Ancient Near East. Supervisor prof. Elena Rova, Prof. Lucio Milano. University of Venice.

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Tasks at Mozan

2008Participated in field excavations. Analyzed pottery and described objects in the lab. Worked on the Global record for units J6 to prepare them for publishing.

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Data authored for the Urkesh Global Record

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