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Hans Barnard

Marco De Pietri – August 2023

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Hans Barnard (hB)

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Staff profile

Processed on April 08, 2009

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June 1990M.D. (Leiden University, the Netherlands)
June 2008Ph.D Archaeology (Leiden University, the Netherlands)

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1998Wendrich WZ, Barnard H, Bridgman RM, Report of the Baynun Mapping Project, Yemen 1998. Leiden, Cairo 1999, Research School CNWS, Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (ISBN 90-5789-034-8).
2007Barnard H, Eerkens JW (eds.), Theory and Practice of Archaeological Residue Analysis. British Archaeological Reports International Series 1650. Oxford 2007, Archaeopress (ISBN 978-1-4073-0084-9).
2008Barnard H, Wendrich WZ (eds.), The Archaeology of Mobility: Old World and New World Nomadism. Los Angeles 2008, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (ISBN 1-931745-50-1).
2008Barnard H, Eastern Desert Ware: Traces of the inhabitants of the Eastern Deserts in Egypt and Sudan during the 4th-6th centuries CE, British Archaeological Reports International Series 1824. Oxford 2008, Archaeopress (ISBN 978-4073-0310-9).

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Selected Articles

1990Barnard H, “The matzaar and aliquot tonescales,” Experimental Musical Instruments 6; December 1990: 18-19.
1990Barnard H, Dreef EJ, Van Krieken JHJM, “The ruptured spleen: A histological, morphometrical and immunohistochemical study,” Histology and Histopathology 5; 1990: 299-304.
1993Barnard H, Overbeke AJPM, “Dubbelpublikatie van Oorspronkelijke stukken in en uit het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde [Duplicate publication of original manuscripts in and from the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde],” Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 137; 1993: 593-597.
1993Barnard H, “A Description of three graves at Qasr Ibrim,” Archéologie du Nil Moyen 6; 1993: 47-63.
1996Barnard H, Wolffers IN, Arab MM, “Could the low prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the Egyptian desert be the result of protective elements in the Bedouin diet?” Egyptian Journal of Diabetes 1; 1996: 23-30.
1997Barnard H, “Veranderingen binnen de gezondheidszorg in de regio Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika [Changes in health care in the Middle East and North Africa regions],” Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 141; 1997: 1701-1703.
1999Barnard H, “Een collumfractuur en een niertransplantatie in Egypte [A femoral neck fracture and a kidney transplantation in Egypt],” Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 143; 1999: 2285-2287.
2000Barnard H, “Hepatitis C in Egypte: Een iatrogene epidemie [Hepatitis C in Egypt: A iatrogene epidemic],” Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 144; 2000: 2024-2025.
2000Barnard H, “Geneeskunst geïnspireerd door armoede [Medicine inspired by poverty],” Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 144; 2000: 949-951.
2000Barnard H, “De waarde van een Nederlandse bul in Egypte [Value of a Dutch medical license in Egypt],” Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 144; 2000: 39-41.
2002Sidebotham SE, Barnard H, Harrell JA, Tomber RS, “The Roman quarry and installations in Wadi Umm Wikala and Wadi Semna,” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 87; 2001: 135-170.
2002Sidebotham SE, Barnard H, Pyke G, “Five enigmatic settlements in the Eastern Desert,” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 88; 2002: 187-225.
2005Sidebotham SE, Barnard H, Pintozzi LA, Tomber RS, “The enigma of Kab Marfu’a: Precious gems in Egypt’s Eastern Desert,” Minerva 16,1; January/February 2005: 24-26.
2006Barnard H, Dooley AN, Faull KF, “New data on the Eastern Desert Ware from Sayala (Lower Nubia) in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna,” Ägypten und Levante 15; 2005: 49-64.
2006Wilkins A, Barnard H, Rose PJ, “Roman artillery balls from Qasr Ibrim, Egypt,” Sudan & Nubia 10; 2006: 64-78.
2006Barnard H, Magid AA, “Eastern Desert Ware from Tabot (Sudan). More links to the north,” Archéologie du Nil Moyen 10; 2006: 15-34.
2005-2006Barnard H, “Eastern Desert Ware from Marsa Nakari and Wadi Sikait,” Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 42; 2005-2006: 131-146.
2007Barnard H, Ambrose SH, Beehr DE, Forster MD, Lanehart RE, Parr RE, Malainey ME, Rider M, Solazzo C, Yohe RM, “Mixed results of seven methods for organic residue analysis applied to one vessel with the residue of a known foodstuff,” Journal of Archaeological Science 34; 2007: 28-37.
2007Barnard H, “Additional remarks on Blemmyes, Beja and Eastern Desert Ware,” Ägypten und Levante 17: 2007: 23-32.
2009Barnard H. “The archaeology of the pastoral nomads between the Nile and the Red Sea,” in Szuchman JJ (ed.). Nomads, Tribes, and the State in the Ancient Near East. Chicago 2009, Chicago University Press: 15-41.

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Selected Lectures

September 2002Tenth International Conference for Nubian Studies (Rome, Italy).
March 2003Fifth Annual Middle East Studies Regional Conference (Santa Barbara, USA).
December 2003Egypt Exploration Society (Cairo, Egypt).
April 2004Organizer Nomadism in Archaeology during the 69th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (Montreal, Canada).
April 200455th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt (Tucson, USA).
June 2004Organizer Mobile People in Archaeology at the Cotsen Institute for Archaeology at UCLA.
October 2004People of the Red Sea Conference in the British Museum (UK)
March 2005Organizer of the two symposia Archaeological Residue Analysis during the 70th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Salt Lake City.
September 2005Users’ Group for Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography in the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam.
October 2006Mare Nostrum Symposium (Leiden University, the Netherlands).
April 200758th annual meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt in Toledo.
September 2007Users’ Group for Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania.
March 2008Nomads, Tribes, and the State in the Ancient Near East: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives at the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago.
March 2008Symposium 157, “Identity and Ideology at the Frontier: Perspectives from Tarapaca, Northern Chile,” at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (Vancouver, Canada).
May 200810th International Congress of Egyptologists (Rhodes, Greece).
September 2008Red Sea IV: Connected Hinterlands Conference at the University of Southampton, Great Britain.
November 2008Principal organizer of History of the Peoples of the Eastern Desert, between the Red Sea and the Nile Valley in Egypt and Sudan, from Prehistory to the Present in the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (Egypt).

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Archaeological Projects

1994-1995Surveyor for the Deir Anba Mussa al-Aswad Project (Wadi Natrun, Egypt), financed by the Egypt-Netherlands Cooperation for Coptic Art Preservation.
1998Survey of a part of the medieval city walls around Cairo, for N.J. Warner (American Research Center in Egypt).
1998Surveyor for the Baynun Mapping Project (Dhamar Province, Yemen), financed by the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Sana’a.
1998Survey of a part of the Sabil-Kutub Mohamed Ali Pasha (Cairo, Egypt), for A. Dobrowolska (American Research Center in Egypt).
1998Surveyor for the Old Cairo Archaeological Project, financed by the Canadian Centre for Architecture.
1999Surveyor for the Marsa Nakari Project (Egyptian Eastern Desert), financed by John and Valerie Seeger.
1994-2001Surveyor and physician for the Berenike Project (Egyptian Eastern Desert), co-financed by Leiden University and the University of Delaware.
1992, 1994, 2000, 2004Surveyor for the Qasr Ibrim Project (Nubia, Egypt), financed by the Egypt Exploration Society (London, UK).
2001-2008Surveyor and instructor for the UCLA-ARCE-SCA-RUG Archaeological Expedition and Field School.
2001-2002, 2005Participation in the Skagafjörður Archaeological Settlement Survey (Iceland), financed by the National Science Foundation (USA).
2003-2005Archaeologist and surveyor for the Suakin Conservation Project (Sudan) of the British Institute in Eastern Africa and the McDonald Institute in Cambridge
2005Surveyor for the Dakhleh Oasis Project (Egypt).
2005, 2007Surveyor for the project recording the Paleolithic petroglyphs at Qurta and El-Hosh (Egypt), organized by the Musées royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, Brussels (Belgium) and funded by Yale University (USA) and Vodaphone Egypt.
2005-2008Surveyor and instructor for the Tarapaca Valley Archaeological Field School (Atacama Desert, Chile) organized by the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology.
2006 Surveyor and instructor for the Sitio Drago Project (Panama), directed by archaeozoologist Dr. Tom Wake (Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA).
2008Surveyor and ceramic consultant for the excavations as Tell Mozan (Syria) directed by Giorgio Buccellati (UCLA) and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati (CSU Los Angeles).

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