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Lorenzo Crescioli

Marco De Pietri – August 2023

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Lorenzo Crescioli (lC)

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Staff profile

Processed on April 14, 2011

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Curriculum vitae

January 14,1983 Born, Florence,Italy
2002Classical Secondary Degree
2007Graduated with a first level Degree in Archaeology from Florence University
2010Graduated Master in Archaeology in Florence University "Le fornaci da ceramica del periodo Khabur nell'Area A15 di Tell Mozan: Analisi Architettonica e Tecnologica"
2017PhD in Ancient History and Archaeology.
     "Necropolis or sanctuaries? The funerary, ritual and social dimension of the Scythian kurgans. New data from the Kaspan burial ground (Semirech'e region, Kazakhstan)".
     Ca' Foscari University, Venice
2019II level MA: Master GTARC Geothecnologies applied to archaeology.
     CGT (Centro di geotecnologie), University of Siena

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Archaeological field work

2003Work with Italian private archaeological society, Vetulonia, Italy
2004Work with Italian private archaeological society, Roselle, Italy
2004Work with Italian private archaeological society, Vetulonia,Italy
2006IIMAS Excavation at Tell Mozan, Syria
2007IIMAS Excavation at Tell Mozan, Syria
2008Excavation at Hirbemerdontepe, Turkey - IsIAO (Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente) and Catania University
2008IIMAS Excavation at Tell Mozan, Syria
2009Excavation at Hirbemerdontepe, Turkey - IsIAO (Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente) and Catania University
2009IIMAS Excavation at Tell Mozan, Syria
2010Excavation at Hirbemerdontepe, Turkey - IsIAO (Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente) and Catania University
2010IIMAS Excavation at Tell Mozan, Syria
2011Excavation at Hirbemerdontepe, Turkey - IsIAO (Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente) and Catania University
2013Excavation at Aradetis Orgora, Georgia - Ca'Foscari University
2013Excavation Kaspan Necropolis, Kazakhstan - Ca'Foscari University and Centro Studi e Ricerche Ligabue
2014Excavation Kaspan Necropolis, Kazakhstan - Ca'Foscari University and Centro Studi e Ricerche Ligabue
2015Excavation Kaspan Necropolis, Kazakhstan - Ca'Foscari University and Centro Studi e Ricerche Ligabue
2015Excavation at Aradetis Orgora, Georgia - Ca'Foscari University
2018Excavation at Uzum Rama necropolis, Azerbaijan, GaRKAP Project - CAMNES (Center for ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern studies)
2019Excavation at Uzum Rama necropolis, Azerbaijan, GaRKAP Project - CAMNES (Center for ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern studies)

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Academic Writings

2011L. Crescioli, N. Laneri: "Downsizing a Ceremonial Center. A brief overview of the LBA period at Hirbemerdon Tepe (SE Turkey)", in ANATOLICA. Annuaire international pour les civilisations de l'Asie antérieure, Volume 37, 2011.
2015L. Crescioli: "The saka in the Seven rivers region: historical sources, state of studies and new research perspectives", in Sak Culture of Saryarka in the context of the study of ethnic and sociocultural processes of Steppe Eurasia.
2016L. Crescioli: "I kurgan reali del periodo scita: complessità architettonica, ideologia e ritualismo funerario", in Ferrari, A., Ianiro, E. (a cura di), Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale, Ricerche 2016, Eurasiatica, Quaderni di studi su Balcani, Anatolia, Iran, Caucaso e Asia Centrale 6, pp. 65-116.
2016L. Crescioli: "Phase IIIC: The Late Bronze Age", in Hirbemerdon Tepe Archaeological project 2003-2013, Final Report - Chronology and material culture, Bologna 2016, pp. 81-91.
2017L. Crescioli: "The Scythians and the eastern limits of the Greek influence: the Pazyryk culture and its foreign artistic influences", in Antonetti, C., Biagi, P. (eds), With Alexander in India and Central Asia, Moving East and back to West, 2017, pp. 122-151.
2017A. Beysenov, L. Crescioli, G.S. Jumabekova,G.A. Bazarbaeva, E. Barinova: "The Early Iron age Burial ground Kaspan-6", in Jetisy. Barnaul, pp. 97-108.
2017L. Crescioli, S.G. Russo: "Interpreting a probable pottery kiln of the Middle Bronze Age from Hirbemerdon Tepe, SE Turkey", in Anatolica 63, pp. 83-101.

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The Alicia Goldsmith Urkesh Student Scholarship Fund


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Scholarship fund at Mozan

Alicia Goldsmith scholarship for 2010

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Tasks at Mozan

2006 Assistant Archaeologist in unit J1. Participated in field excavations. Analyzed pottery and described objects in the lab.
2007 Participated in a study season. Worked on pottery analysis, A15 pottery for my MA thesis
2008 Principal assistant in unit A20.
2009 Unit director J1, UGR publication for J1.
2010 Unit director A20. UGR publication for J1 and A20
2011 Review and work on UGR, units J1 and A16

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