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Marco De Pietri

Marco De Pietri – August 2023

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Marco De Pietri (mDP)

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Staff profile

Processed on August 28, 2019

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Curriculum vitae

1990Born, Milano (Italy)
2009Diploma in Classics (San Donato Milanese, Italy).
2012BA in “Antichità classiche e orientali” (University of Pavia, Italy).
BA thesis: “La Collezione egizia delle Raccolte Archeologiche dell'Università degli Studi di Pavia” (“The Egyptian Collection of the Raccolte Archeologiche of the University of Pavia”).
2014Participation to the workshop “L'ermeneutica dell'archeologia” (“The Hermeneutic of Archaeology”), Prof. Dr. Giorgio Buccellati, at “Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore”, Milano.
2014Collaboration with Prof. Dr. Giorgio Buccellati to the CAR project (“A Critique of Archaeological Reason”).
2015MA in “Antichità classiche e orientali” (University of Pavia, Italy).
MA thesis: “Per lo studio della glittica anatolica del II millennio a.C.: indici dei nomi, prosopografia, analisi del titolo 'SCRIBA'” (“Towards a Study of the Anatolian Glyptic of the 2nd millennium BC: Indices of Names, Prosopography, Analysis of the Title 'SCRIBE'”)
2019PhD in History (“Civiltà del Mediterraneo - Egyptology and Ancient Near East”, University of Pavia, Italy).
PhD thesis: “Evidence of contacts between pharaonic Egypt and the State entities of Hittite and Post-Hittite Anatolia”.
2018-presentSection Editor of the page “E-Library” (Urkesh website).

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Archaeological field work

2013Excavation at Kinik Höyük (Turkey)
2014Excavation at Kinik Höyük (Turkey)
2014Survey at S. Sofia di Torre d'Isola (Pavia)
2015Excavation at Kinik Höyük (Turkey)
2015Survey at Rivanazzano Terme (Pavia)
2016Excavation at Kinik Höyük (Turkey)
2016Survey at S. Sofia di Torre d'Isola (Pavia)
2017Excavation at Kinik Höyük (Turkey) and at Cave 11Q (Qumran)
2018Excavation at Kinik Höyük (Turkey)
2019Survey and excavation at Caves 3Q and 6Q (Qumran)

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Academic Publications

  • 2012: “Non è morto col morire; ma di nuovo il suo nome sarà lodato sopra la terra in eterno…”, in Oscellana, Rivista Illustrata della Val d’Ossola, year XLII, no. 4, October-December, pp. 190-195.
  • 2014: “La piazza dov’è? Un’indagine sul concetto di ‘piazza’ nell’età pre-classica”, in E. Corti (ed.), La Città: com’era, com’è e come la vorremmo - Atti dell’Osservatorio Permanente sull’Antico: a.a. 2012/2013, Flos Italiae 13, pp. 131-136.
  • 2016: “Relationships between Egypt and Karkemish during the 2nd millennium BC: a brief overview”, in E. Foietta, C. Ferrandi, E. Quirico, F. Giusto, M. Mortarini, J. Bruno, L. Somma (eds), Cultural & Material Contacts in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the International Workshop 1-2 December 2014, Torino, Apice Libri, pp. 9-15
  • 2017a: “Campagna di scavi ISCAB-FTL e USI alla grotta 11Q di Qumran, marzo 5 2017”, in Rivista Teologica di Lugano 22 (2/2017), pp. 437-466 (together with M. Fidanzio - A. Maifredi - B. Torrini).
  • 2017b: “Excavations at Kinik Höyük 2016/2016 Yili Kinik Höyük Kazilari”, in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 39/2, pp. 587-599 (together with L. d’Alfonso - H. Ergürer - R. Casagrande - L. Castellano - N. Highcock - A. Trameri; specifically, paragraph “Operation B”, together with L. d’Alfonso, pp. 591-592).
  • 2017: Review of: R. Parker (ed.) 2013, Personal Names in Ancient Anatolia, Oxford; in Athenaeum 105/1, pp. 367-371.
  • 2018a: “Archaeological Excavations (TR) at Ni&#487de-Kinik Höyük: Excavation Report 2017”(together with L. d’Alfonso – H. Ergürer – A. Trameri – K. Justement – A. Mantovan – N. Lovejoy – A. Matessi – L. Castellano – E. Dalkiliç – R. Casagrande – E. Zampierini – V. Cinieri – M. Morandotti), in “Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi” 40/2, pp. 569-590 (specifically, paragraph “Operation B”, together with A. Matessi, pp. 575-577).
  • 2018b: “Typological classification of Hittite hieroglyphic seals. State of work, preparation of the second supplement and index of names”, in News from the Lands of the Hittitesvani egittologi italiani”, Pisa, Università degli Studi di Pisa.
  • 2018: 11 May 2018: “Kadesh, beyond the conflict: the Hittites in Egyptian ‘minor’ documents”, poster presented at “The 5th Annual Birmingham Egyptology Symposium: Conflict in Ancient Culture”, University of Birmingham (UK).
  • 2018: 7-9 September 2018: “‘The vile chief of Hatti as captive’: topographical lists as a source for Egypto-Hittite contacts”, at “The Fourth British Egyptology Congress”, University of Manchester (UK).
  • 2018: 5 December 2018: “L’ 2 (together with C. Mora; specific contribution at paragraph 2: “Preliminary indexes about 2nd mill. Anatolian glyptic: some ground data”).
  • 2019: “Tra il Nilo e il Ticino: la collezione egizia del Museo Archeologico dell’Università degli Studi di Pavia”, in Gilgameš (Giornale Interdisciplinare di Lettere e linguistica, Geografia, Arte e archeologia, Musica e Spettacolo - Università degli Studi di Milano)of Hatti as captive’: topographical lists as a source for Egypto-Hittite contacts”, at “The Fourth British Egyptology Congress”, University of Manchester (UK).
  • 2018: 5 December 2018: “L’ 2, pp. 85-93.
  • Forthcoming: “From Thebes to Arslantaş: Egyptian Iconography on Ivories through Ugarit, Byblos and Megiddo”, in Proceedings of the International Congress “Broadening Horizon 5: Civilizations in Contact”, session 2, 5th-8th June 2017Egyptian Corner, Università degli Studi di Udine.
  • Forthcoming: “I frammenti di mummy cover dell’Egyptian Corner dell’Università di Pavia”, in Kermesia”, conference “Dialoghi sulle mummie” (together with Ch. Greco, S. Malgora, Ch. Milani, S. Zesch, M. Nicola, J. Elias, A. Zink), Università degli Studi di Pavia.
  • 2019: 23 February 2019: “An investigation about the (together with C. Argentino - A.L. Magrassi Matricardi - A.M. Picco - M. Rodolfi).
  • Forthcoming: “‘The vile chief of Hatti as captive’: topographical lists as a source for Egypto-Hittite contacts”, to be published in the proceedings of “The Fourth British Egyptology Congress”, 7th -9th September 2018, University of Manchester (UK).
  • Forthcoming: “The seal as an instrument of administration and a mirror of society: a look at the Hittite empire”, in F. Giusfredi (ed.), Fs. Clelia Mora.
  • Forthcoming: “Notes from the 2017 Excavation of Cave 11Q - Chapter 2. Appendix B” (together with M. Fidanzio - A. Maifredi - B. Torrini), in M. Fidanzio (ed.), Khirbet Qumrân et Aïn Feshkha: Vol. IV A Cave 11Q. Archaeology and New Scroll Fragmentsetween Egypt and Hatti: a brief overview” (together with E. Urzì), conference “Current Research in Egyptology XII” – Madrid (University of Alcalà).
  • 2019: 24-28 June 2019: “The identity and role of messengers and envoys within the Egypto-Hittite relationships: an insight on the textual and archaeological documentation”, conference “Broadening Horizons 6” – Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin).
  • 2019: 21-24 August 2019: “Some peculiar scribal features of an unpublished Amduat papyrus at the Archaeological Museum of the University of Pavia”, “International Congress for Young Egyptologists VI” – Leiden University.
    , Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, pp. 65-79.
  • Forthcoming: “Un manuscrit de J.-F. Champollion sur une stèle de Pavie : quelques notes”, RdE.
  • Forthcoming: Review of: I. von Bredow 2017, Kontaktzone Vorderer Orient und Ägypten. Orte, Situationen und Bedingungen für primäre griechisch-orientalische Kontakte vom 10. bis zum 6. Jahrhundert v. Chr.ning Horizons 6” – Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin).
  • 2019: 21-24 August 2019: “Some peculiar scribal features of an unpublished Amduat papyrus at the Archaeological Museum of the University of Pavia”, “International Congress for Young Egyptologists VI” – Leiden University.
    , Stuttgart; in AthenaeumFreie Universität Berlin).
  • 2019: 21-24 August 2019: “Some peculiar scribal features of an unpublished Amduat papyrus at the Archaeological Museum of the University of Pavia”, “International Congress for Young Egyptologists VI” – Leiden University.

Updated list of publications on Academia.edue” target=”_blank”>.

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Academic Presentations

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Academic Teaching

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Academic Grants

  • 2016: Grant of the Università degli Studi di Pavia for a period of PhD scientific research at the Museums of Istanbul, Ankara, Kamakale-Höyük, Niǧde (Turkey, May-June 2016).
  • 2017: Grant of the Università degli Studi di Pavia for a period of PhD scientific research in Egypt (Cairo) and Turkey (Ankara, Izmir, Bodrum, Adana, Istanbul), 1-31 May 2017.
  • 2017: Grant of the Università degli Studi di Pavia for a period of PhD scientific research at the Institut für Altertumswissenschaften (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz), 1-31 August 2018 (Tutor: Prof. Dr. Doris Prechel).
  • 2017: Grant of the “Fondazione Chiara Lupinacci Stiftung”, Lugano (Swiss).

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  • 2016-present: Member (“student membership”) of the BIAA (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara).
  • 2016-present: Member (“student membership”) of the IAE (International Association of Egyptology).
  • 2017-present: Member (2017-2018: “membre étudiant”; 2018-2019: “membre bienfaiteur”) of the SFE (Société Française d’Égyptologie).
  • 2019-2020: Member of the ACME (Associazione Amici Collaboratori del Museo Egizio di Torino).
  • 2019-present: Member of IICE (Istituto Italiano per la Civiltà Egizia).
  • 2022-present: Member of the IAA (International Association for Assyriology.

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