Mozan Sitewide (Version 2, Beta release)


Giorgio Buccellati – November 2005

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There are two major types of digital books within the UGR, and they present different conerns with regard to authorship: 1. Unit books. – In principle, the excavation staff is also directly rsponsible for the publication process. This should in fact be the case on a regular basis if and when the ideal goal of the system, to have a final publication ready on a daily basis, were to be realistically implemented. In practice, this is not possible at this point in time for older excavation units, and may happen also for future excavation units. In this case, the attribution of authorship can become complex, and is dicussed below. 1. Topical books.

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Authorship of unit books

In addition, there is a distinct set of tasks and responsibilities for the digital volumes that are more broadly synthetic in nature, in particular e Mozan sitewide volume and those pertainng with given typological aress.

In any case, the authorial staff of a digital volume is distinct from the project staff, and its tasks may be described as ollows.

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Primary author of Mozan sitewide


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Contributing authors of Mozan sitewide


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