Mozan Sitewide (Version 2, Beta release)

In-house online version of Grammar and Reference Manual

Giorgio Buccellati – Summer 2008
In-House Grammar and Manual

In-house online version of

Grammar and Reference Manual

Summer 2008

Giorgio Buccellati


            This is an online version of chapters that are useful for consultation while working on the record in the Alpha stage. They are regularly updated, and can be called using the hyperlinks below. A modified version of the Grammar only will be available in the public website..

            Please do not make copies for personal use.



12  Nature and Structure of Constituents

13  Constituent Inventory

14  Constituent labels

15  Consituent properties

16  Main Roster

17  Main Lexicon



1    Preface


Part One. Data Input

2    Overview

3    Folders and files

4    Primary input

5    Secondary input

6    Graphic files

7    Procedures


Part Two. Operations

10  Overview

11  Definitions

12  Standards

13  Forms

14  Procedures

15  Checklists



Part Three. Core Programs

20  Overview

21  Batch files

22  Intra-unit programs

23  Extra-unit programs

24  Sitewide programs


Part Four. Auxiliary Programs

30  Overview

31  Utility programs

32  Search programs

33  Adaptation to commercial programs


Part Five. Data Base

40  Purpose and uses

41  Text data bases

42  Graphic data bases

43  Exogenous data


Part Six. Browser Edition

51  Overview

52  UGR frame

53  Parallel books

54  Discursive synthesis


91 Indices







© 2008 IIMAS