total number of files | 0 |
total number of records | 0 |
total number of hyperlinks | 0 |
cumulative file size (in bites) | 0 |
total number of graphic files overall | 0 |
total number of photographs | 0 |
total number of templates | 0 |
total number of drawings | 0 |
total number of plots | 0 |
cumulative file size (in bites) | 0 |
total number of files | 0 |
cumulative file size (in bites) | 0 |
features | 12 |
aggregates | 2 |
items | 12 |
q-items | 48 |
joins | 0 |
negatives | 0 |
composites | 2 |
q-lots | 23 |
sherds | 187 |
animal bones | 0 |
loci | 1 |
relays | 17 |
phases | 4 |
strata | 6 |
views | 29 |
drawings | 7 |
plots | 3 |
incidentals | 5 |
total number of files | 545 |
total number of records | 5,159 |
cumulative file size (in bites) | 223,523 |