.bk A20 .fl S803lr3.j .fd view log .ed S725 .ei lC .rd S713 .ri yM v 1 E gk13,12,3,2 gf1,2,3,4,8,9 Layout of the first four loci opened in A20 on the first day of excavation. In the east, the raised area is the modern day berm f1 and f2. Immediately to the south, the corner of A18 is visible, north A18. In the distance one is able to see the fence of A19 and see the difference in orientation between A20 and A19. Further east, area JP is visible. 2 S gk2,3,12,14 gf1,2,8,9,3,4 Area A20 before excavation with previously excavated Mittani structures from A18 in the south. Presumably this occupation area extends into A20 and this photo shows how close the structures are from the topsoil. .rd S714 .ri eE 3 O gk12 gf5,6,11,23 Overhead view of emerging scattered occupation immediately after the topsoil level. f11, a small cluster of stones labeled as an installation sits on f5, a more compact surface than f6 seen in the east. In the southwest corner, a small patch of sherds is visible. This the first view of f23, a sherd pavement or lens that eventually covered the entire corner. 3a S gk12 gf5,23 Detailed view of the embedded sherds f23 emerging. .rd S717 .ri yM 4 O gk2,12 gf5,11,10,12,14,15,18,24 Overhead view of k2 and k12 showing the continuation of features between these two loci at different levels with the eastern half an earlier level than the west. The compact bricky layer, f18 extends south into k2 visible in the northeast corner while an ashy surface is starting to emerge and at this point was unclear if it cut f18 or abuts it. The view also shows the later accumulations, f5 that continues into k2, overlays f18 with similar scattered occupation remains such as stone installations f11, f12, f15, and a sherd pavement f23. 5 O gk12 gf5,11,23,18,24 Overhead view similar to v4 but only of k12, showing two different strata. The latest strata, remnants of scattered occupation with a stone installation f11 and sherd pavement f23 in view (not fully exposed). Both these features sit on f5, pinkish gray surface that is slightly compact which overlays f18. Below, f18 represents the next strata, Tell abandonment with a very compact clay layer that extends into k2, k3, k13, and part of k14 (see f27). In the southeast corner, a semicircular area shows ashy material that abuts f18 with f5 also overlaying it. 5a S gk12 gf5,11 Tight shot showing the stone-installation f11 that rests on the accumulation f5 in k12. 5b W gk12 gf5,18,23 Sub-view showing bricky layer, f18, sloping down towards the west. 6 O gk2 gf12,14,15,16,22 gi4 Overhead view of k2, similar to v4 but only showing k2. Two strata are visible, the latest, remains of scattered occupation with stones f12 and f14 visible sitting on a more compact grayish pink surface that extends into k12 to the north (where a sherd pavement is present at this level). Half the square was cut and excavated, showing the next strata, Tell abandonment with the naturally compacted surface (melted brick) visible in the northwest corner. The ash, f22 abuts f16 and is overlaid by f14. To the south, a door socket, i4, was found floating in the ash. The door socket while not associated with a floor surface was found sitting upright. 6a W gk2 gf14,15 Sub-view showing the bricky material f14 in the western side of the locus with the stone installation f15 still in part covered by the bricky layer. .rd S719 .ri yM 7 N gk2,3,12,13,14 gf27,7,16,17,18,20 View showing the extent of the brick melt layer, f27, ending in the west and east. f27 refers to the label that groups all the brick melt together, each layer also has its own discrete feature number by locus. In the south, the north section of A18 is nicely shown. 8 S gk12 gf5,11,18,23,24 Overall view of k12 showing two strata. The shot shows the accumulation f5 and the pebble and sherds pavement f23 and the stone-installation f11. In the eastern half of the square the view shows the brick melt f18 that abuts the ash f24. 8a E gk12 gf5,23 Sub-view showing the pebble pavement f23 completely uncovered, that rests on the accumulation type c f5. 9 E gk3,12,13,14,15 gf5,11,23,24,27 View of k12,13,14,15 and part of k3 showing the extent of brick melt f27, ending towards the west. The ash f24 is overlaid by accumulation f5, a later strata from scattered occupation, of which rest the stone-installation f11 and the pebble and sherd pavement f23. 10 E gk12 gf3,6,18 The east section of k12 without string showing f3 (topsoil),f6 (natural accumulation) and f18 (brick melt)at the floor level. This photo unfortunately doesn't show these features very clearly since the photo was taken later in the day with the shadow too strong. The photo was needed to remove the section and taken quickly thus footprints, workmen, and the shade clothes are visible. 10a E gk12 gf3,6,18 View of the east section of k12 with the section string in place. f3 (topsoil),f6 (natural accumulation) and f18 (brick melt) at the floor level are in view. This view, similar to v9 were taken quickly later in the day as the photo was needed before removal of the section. As a result too much shade obstructed the view of the features with people also in view. 11 E gk13 gf4,7 Shot of East section of k13 without string, showing f4 (topsoil) and f7 (the brick melt) at the floor surface. This view, similar to v9 were taken quickly later in the day as the photo was needed before removal of the section. As a result too much shade obstructed the view of the features with people also in view. 11a E gk13 gf4,7 Shot of East section of k13 with string, showing f4 (topsoil) and f7 (the brick melt).This view, similar to v9 were taken quickly later in the day as the photo was needed before removal of the section. As a result too much shade obstructed the view of the features with people also in view. .rd S720 .ri yM 12 E gk2,3,12,13,14,15 gf22,24,27,7,16,17,18,20 View of A20, showing all loci that are currently open with a visual link between area A, Area J, and the temple. The ancient tell surface, f27 is visible, representing the beginning of the Mittani occupation strata in A20. 13 N gk2,3,12,13,14,15 gf7,16,17,18,20 View of all open loci of A20 with the Mittani walls from A18 and the north section in view. From this photo one can see the elevation difference between the brick melt f27 and the A18 structures. 14 N gk2,3,12,13,14,15 Wide shot showing A20 in the background with A19, A18, and A17, all Mittani occupation areas in view. .rd S720 .ri sE 15 N gk3 gf9,13,17 North section of k3 with section string in place, showing f9 (topsoil), f13 (accumulation) and f17 (the brick melt at the floor surface). 15a N gk3 gf9,13,17 Shot of North section of k3 without string, showing f9 (topsoil), f13 (accumulation) and f17 (the brick melt). 16 E gk2 gf8,10,16,22 East section of k2 with section string, showing f8 (topsoil),f10 (accumulation) that overlays f16 (the brick melt) and f22 (the ash). 16a E gk2 gf8,10,16,22 Shot of East section of k2 without string, showing f8 (topsoil),f10 (accumulation) that overlays f16 (the brick melt) and f22 (the ash). .ri yM 17 NE gk15 gf25,26 gi8 View showing the stones f25 resting on f26 and the andiron i8 before excavation. The stones are the latest strata, remnants of a scattered occupation that were found very close to the surface. 17a S gk15 gf26 gi8 View showing the fragmented andiron i8 before excavation. 18 E gk15 gf26 gi8 View showing the fragmented andiron i8 before excavating it. The andiron was found very close to the surface, sitting in f26, belonging to a later scattered occupation phase. .rd S720 .ri yM 18a E gk15 gf26 gi8 Photo of the andiron i8 in the process of being excavated. .rd S721 .ri yM 19 W gk2,3,12,13,14 gf27,32,7,16,17,18,20 View showing the extent of the brick melt f27 found throughout A20 after the removal of the baulks. The extent of the brick melt is visible towards the east in k14 and its relationship with the accumulation f32 that is overlaid by the brick melt. Several of the later phase stone installations were left padastooled and visible in the west. 20 S gk14 gf20,32,33 View of the eastern boundary of the compact bricky layer that overlays f32. In the next locus, k13, the compact layer was intact and located in the entire locus whereas in k14 only the western area showed the same hardness eventually ending in k15. This photo also shows f33, a sherd pavement, emerging that is covered by f32. 21 E gk2,3,12,13,14 gf22,24,27,32 View showing the boundaries of the brick melt/tell surface abandonment f27. It remains unclear if the compact layer f27 overlays the ashy accumulations f24 and f22 or abuts it. .ri sE 22 W gk13 gf30 gi9 View showing i9, a ceramic goblet. in situ sitting in the brick fall f30 in k13. No floors were associated with this item. 22a t NW gk13 gf30 gi9 General view showing the ceramic vessel i9 in situ sitting in the brick fall f30 in k13. .rd S722 .ri yM 23 E gk3 gf29,31,36 gi11 View showing k3 and the boundaries between the ash f36 and its interface f31. The shot also shows the brick fall f29 with the ceramic vessel i11 in the situ. 23a t E gk3 gf29 gi11 View showing, i11, a ceramic jar, in situ. The cobblestones in view, sit in ash f36 eventually formed a pavement, f43, which is associated with i11. .rd S723 .ri sE 24 W gk15 gf26,38,39,40,46 View showing the emerging of mud bricks walls f38 and f46 forming a corner and the accumulation f26 between this structure and the possible structure f40. The view also shows in the south-eastern corner of the square the accumulation f39 inside the possible room, a1. 25 S gk14 gf33,34,37 View showing the pebble and sherd pavement f33 that overlays the stone-installation or wall, f34. 25a t W gk14 gf33,34 Sub-view showing the relationship between the pebble and sherd pavement f33 and the stones of f34. 26 W gk13 gf27,30,41 View shows the emerging of mud bricks in the north-eastern corner of k13, probably a wall, and a hearth which are both covered by brick fall, f30. In section, one can also see the boundary of the brick melt. 26a t W gk13 gf30,41 View of the North corner of k13 showing the emerging of red mud bricks under the brick fall f30. 27 S gk3 gf29,31,35,36 gi11 Photograph of i11, a ceramic jar in situ before removal with f35 pavement in view which sits on f31. The ash in between f31 and f29 appears to abut f31, and goes under f29. .rd S724 .ri yM 28 W gk15 gf38,39,40,44,46 View of k15 showing the mud brick walls f38 and f46 forming a corner with the accumulation f39 inside the possible room, a1. Several stone tools were found along with large pottery sherds inside the fill f39 which are in view. To the west, f40 is emerging but undefined with both vertical and horizontal bricks in view. 29 E gk2 gf22,45 gi13 View showing ash, f22, in k2 found throughout most of the loci. with stones emerging in the northeast corner that run into the north baulk. These stones appear to sit on ash while the tannur i13 appears to sit on a more compact surface on the ash. 29a S gk2 gf22,45 gi13 View showing the stone installation f45 (possible wall) in the north-eastern corner of k2 and the tannur i13 just next to the eastern baulk. 30 W gk3 gf29,31,35,36,42,43 View showing an outdoor area with two pavements and a tannur in view. The brick fall f29 in k3 covered the tannur f42 and the pebble pavement f43, which is just starting to be uncovered. The cobblestones appear to sit on ash f36 that abuts f31 and perhaps associated with f35 pavement. 30a W gk3 gf29,42,43 View showing the relationship between the tannur f42, the pebble pavement f43 and the brick fall f29 that covers the two installations. 30b W gk3 gf29,42,43 View showing the pebble pavement f43 covered by the brick fall f29 in k3 with tannur f41 in view.