.bk A20 .fl S805se.j .fd qitems .ed S805 .ei sE .rd S802 .ri yM q 98.5 df shell co pinkish pearly white wm sh cn broken lg 3.2 w1 5.8 ds An almost complete half of a shell. The outer surface is matte, the inner surface is shiny and glossy. The color of the inner surface is pearly white, the outside is pinkish white. The shell is broken in two pieces that can be joined together, one of them is big and the other is smaller. q 127.1 df cs ds carbonised wood sample wm carbon q 103.3 P1 removed .rd S804 .ri yM q 145.1 df pestle wm li co dark gray cn broken lg 5.8 w1 4.9 ds pestle with a cylindrical shape, the bottom is larger than the top and the edges are round and smooth. The surfaces are slightly rough but flat. The piece is broken in two places in opposite directions and sides. q 141.1 df uk ct ca co dark gray wm li cn complete lg 1.2 w1 1.0 ds unknown small piece of lithic, slightly round but with two bases. One of the bases seems to be the bottom of the item, is rounded with a round smooth edge; the other has a round hole in it and one side of the edges is longer. The surface is smooth except for one side where there is a small bump different in color. q 145.2 df kw co grayish black wm cl cn broken lg 15.5 w1 10.5 ds large piece of kiln waste with an irregular shape, and with rough surfaces and edges. The surface is encrusted with soil and very dirty, but in some place the original surface is still visible and its color is grayish black. .rd S730 .ri yM q 109.1 df bl wm li co black cn broken lg 0.9 w1 1.1 ds piece of a very small blade. One surface is very smooth, the other has two distinct surfaces. The edges are sharp. The color is black but transparent. .rd S729 .ri yM q 105.1 df stone wm li co reddish brown cn complete lg 9.3 w1 4.8 ht 1.7 ds stone with a triangular shape, one edge is straight and the opposite is curved. The head is not pointed. The edges are round and not sharp; the surfaces are smooth and flat, they are damaged and some scratches marks are visible. q 102.2 ;df ta-o df tn wm cl co light brown cn broken lg 9.7 w1 5.4 ht 2.8 ds fragment of a tannur with a rectangular shape. The bottom side is flat but not smooth, and so are the sides. The outer surface is made with three layers on top of each other; they have all the same thickness, with rough surfaces and edges. Inside the color is a reddish brown, outside it is light brown. q 102.1 df cl wm cl co dark gray cn broken lg 2.7 w1 2.6 ds round clay lump, half of it is encrusted with soil. The surfaces are rough. q 103.4 df bl wm ob co black cn broken lg 2 w1 1.1 ds ds obsidian blade, the bottom surface is smooth and flat; the top has two surfaces. The edges are rough, worked and sharp. One the sides the item is a little transparent. .rd S803 .ri yM q 135.2 df uk ct ca wm cl co gray cn broken lg 2.6 w1 1.9 ht 0.4 ds unknown piece of clay shaped like a triangle without the top; the surfaces are smooth. The cuts are white while the rest of the piece is gray. The center is thicker than the edges; the side edges are not broken while the top and the bottom are broken. q 134.2 df uk ct ca co gray wm cl cn broken lg 5 w1 3.1 ds piece of clay with an irregular shape. What seems to be the bottom surface has four incurved lines; the other surface is not flat like the bottom and is seems to have finger marks on it. The edges are rough and different in thickness. q 134.1 ;df perforated disk df ca ct ca wm cl co light green cn broken lg 2.7 w1 0.9 ds perforated disk with a hole in the middle. The bottom surface is flat and the top is slightly rounded. The piece is broken in half. q 139.1 df uk ct la wm li co brown cn complete lg 1.0 w1 0.9 ds small piece of lithic with a shape close to a round. The piece is not thick, the edges are round and smooth. The two surfaces are very smooth, on each surface there is a spot lighter in color. .rd S804 .ri yM q 141.3 df to-s co dark gray wm basalt cn broken lg 5.3 w1 4.9 ht 2.1 ds basalt stone with a squared base; one of the edges is slightly while the other three are sharper. The surface is rough but flat. .rd S729 .ri sE q 101.1 df ls wm li co greenish gray cn broken lg 9.6 ht 3.3 w1 6.5 ds flat and smooth stone with a rectangular shape. One surface is encrusted with soil, the other is broken on one side. It fits in a hand, it is possibly a tool. i 16 df hb ds human tooth. Maxilla Incisor # 1 or 2 P99 to TBH .rd S730 .ri sE i 14 df fg wm cl co light red c# 2.5YR 7/6 cn broken lg 7.4 ht 3.7 w1 5.9 ds hindquarters of an animal figurine, possibly an equus. The object has several breaks: the torso, the head and the legs are missing; the right side and the caudal surface are erased. The left side is preserved but encrusted with soil. The original surface, when visible, is quite smooth and reddish brown. i 20 df fg wm cl co very pale brown c# 10YR 8/2 cn broken lg 7.45 ht 4.48 w1 3.33 ds torso of an animal figurine, possibly a bos: the identification is due to the prominent breast ridge. The tail and the sexual parts are preserved; the head and the legs are broken off. The surface is abraded. i 21 df fg wm cl lg 8.1 w1 2.78 ht 3.03 co very pale brown c# 10YR 8/3 cn vroken ds torso of an animal figurine, possibly a felis. The body is long and thin, the right frontleg is preserved while the left frontleg and both the hindlegs are missing. The tail is abraded but visible, sexual parts are not indicated. The surface is encrusted with soil. .rd S729 .ri sE q 98.4 df gr wm li co dark gray cn broken lg 14.8 ht 4.3 w1 12.5 ds circular grinding stone with one flat surface and one convex. The circle is not complete because the item is broken; in the middle of the stone there is a hole not centered dm. 1.9 cm. It can possibly be a grinding stone re-used as a door socket. q 103.1 df bl wm ob co black cn complete lg 2.1 ht 0.1 w1 1.7 ds obsidian blade with one side very smooth and convex and one side worked and smooth. The edges are very sharp. q 103.2 df ls wm li co gray cn complete lg 1.9 ht 0.3 w1 1.4 ds lithic specimen with a triangular shape, smooth surfaces and sharp edges. q 105.2 df ls wm li co dark gray cn complete lg 9.9 ht 5.2 w1 7.2 ds possible tool with a trapezoidal shape. The surfaces are very smooth and the edges are rounded, only two of the surfaces form a 90 degree angle. It fits nicely in one hand. .rd S805 .ri yM q 152.1 df bl co black wm ob lg 1.7 w1 0.5 ds piece of an obsidian blade with two sharp edges and one rough, broken edge. The item has three side surfaces smooth and flat, but the top and the bottom surfaces are broken and somewhere worked. q 146.1 df bl wm ob co black cn broken lg 1.9 cn broken w1 0.7 ds obsidian blade with a triangular shape. It has three surfaces, two of them are slightly smoother than the other, that is broken. Two of the edges are sharp and worked, the third is irregular and worked. q 148.1 df cl wm cl co dark gray cn broken lg 2.1 ht 0.7 w1 1.6 ds piece of sealing clay with a rectangular shape. The top surface is round, the bottom is rough and not flat and it is different in color. The top surface is dark gray and has scratching marks. The edges are rough but not sharp. q 146.2 df seed ct sp co black cn complete ds seed sample found in k2, in the ash layer.