.bk A20 .fl S812lC.j .fd view log .ed S812 .ei lC .rd S804 .ri sE v 52 N gk14,15 gf40,56,62 ga2 View showing the a2 composed by the f56 and f40. The a2 is a big mudbricks structure for which we have still to understand its function. It has many vertical bricks different in size, shape and conservation. 53 S gk13,14 gf56,60,61,62,63 View showing the accumulation f62 south of the long mudbrick wall running E-W f63. The shot shows the cobble stone pavement f61 resting on this soft accumulation and its relationship with the mudbrick structure f56. 54 N gk2,3,12,13 gf22,24,31,35,36,42,43,45,52,68,98 gi13 General view of the four square k2, k3, k12 and k13 without the E-W baulks and with just part of the central N-S baulk. The shot also shows the link between A18 level and the A20 where we are not arrived yet at the same level, that it's one of our goal for this season. In the western part of k2 and k12 is visible the thick ashy layer f22 and f24 abutting the brickmass f52 and f98. In k3 we have another ashy layer f36 but with some installations like the pavement f35, the tannur f42, the brickpile (?) f68 and the cobble stone pavement f43 that is going north into k13. 55 S gk3,13 gf30,31,35,36,41,42,43,50,59,60,68 General view of k3 and k13 in connection with A18. The shot shows the mudbrick wall f41 running E-W with the earth f59 and the brickfall f30 on top of the accumulation f60. The picture also shows the entire cobble stone pavement f43 and f50 between k13 and k3 and its relationship with the southern installations, toward A18, the pavement f35,the tannur f42 and the brickpile f68. 56 S gk2,3,13 gf30,31,35,36,42,43,50,60,68 View of k3, k13 and part of k2 in relationship with the Mitanni structures in A18. The picture also shows the entire cobble stone pavement f43 and f50 between k13 and k3 and its relationship with the southern installations, toward A18, the pavement f35,the tannur f42 and the brickpile f68. 57 S gk2,12 gf22,24,45,52,82,98 View showing the big ashy layer f22 and f24 in k2 and k12 abutting the brickmelt f52, the brickfall f82 and the brickmass f98. The same thick ashy layer is present in the northern section of A18 above the level visible in the background in front of the Mitanni structures. .rd S806 .ri yM 58 W gk13,14,15 gf38,40,41,46,50,56,57,59,60,61,62,63,78,84,85,86,94 gi23 ga1,2 View showing k13, k14 and k15 without baulks so we can have a nice view and a link between the different structures and features. In the foreground there is the a1 formed by stone pavement f57 and the two mudbrick walls f38 E-W and f46 N-S. Inside the room is also visible the i23, a nice grinding stone lying flat next to the wall f84. To the west we have the a2, a mudbrick structure, still to excavate, and the wall f86 probably connected with the big W-E wall, but we don't have for now a clear link. In k13 and k14 are visible the pebble pavement f50 and f61 connected with other accumulations like f60 and f62. 58a W gk15 gf46,55,57,84 gi23 ga1 View showing the i23, a nice grinding stone resting flat on the accumulation f55, inside the room a1, next to the wall f84. 58b S gk15 gf46,55,57,84 gi23 ga1 View showing the i23, a nice grinding stone resting flat on the accumulation f55 on top of the stone pavement f57, inside the room a1, next to the wall f84. 59 W gk14,15 gf40,56,61,62,78,84,94 View showing the a2 between k14 and k15 and its relationship with the wall f84, the probable mudbrick wall f94 and the accumulation f62. The a2 is composed by many vertical bricks, some of whose are complete, other are just half bricks, other are broken pieces of mudbricks. 59a W gk15 ga2 Closer view of a2 in k15 showing clearly the vertical mudbricks, some of which lying a little obliquely. 60 S gk14,15 gf56,62,63 View showing the a2 and its relationship with the features north to it. The accumulation f62 is abutting the a2 and the big W-E wall dosn't seem to have a link with it because it is separated by a iatus filled with a softer layer, but this contact has still to be checked. 61 E gk14,15 gf56,62,63,86,94 View showing the a2 and its relationship with the accumulation f62 abutting it. The view also shows the soft brown accumulation the divides the a2 from the wall f94 south to it. 62 E gk15,101 gf38,40,46,56,57,78,85,86,9 ga2 gi23 View showing the a1 and the a2. The view also shows the big E-W mudbrick wall and its link with the smaller wall N-S f85, in part uncovered some years ago in A19k98 and now in k101. Inside the probable room formed by the two walls f84 and f85 there is the accumulation f78. 63 N gk4 gf69,71,72,73,79,107 View showing the pavement type C f73 and the pavement f72 that we consider now as the same pavement, probably the same also of the pavement f35 in k3. South of the f72 there is the mudbrick wall f107 running E-W separated by a narrow area from the other small mudbrick wall f71 forming probably toward south a kind of bin of which we have excavated the fill f79. 63a W gk4 gf72,73 Closer view showing the pebble and sherd pavement. The pavement is also full of animal bones that we later removed in order to take out these bones in the best possible condition This pavement has a quite irregular surface that could be also sign of water flowing. 64 E gk13 gf30,41,50,60,81 View showing k13 after the removing of part of the pebble pavement f50. After this operation a new accumulation f81 has been uncovered in the southern part of k13 next to the brickfall f30. The view also shows the mudbrick wall f41 running E-W and the accumulation f60. 64a N gk13 gf30,41,50,59,60,81 View showing the accumulation f81 uncovered after the removing of the pebble pavement f50, and its relationship with the brickfall f30. The view also shows the mudbrick wall f41 running E-W next to the north section of k13 and the earth f59. 64b NE gk13,14 gf30,41,59,60,50,81,77,62,61,63 View showing the mudbrick wall f41 in k13 and f63 in k14 and the probable wall N-S f77 exactly in the eastern baulk of k13. In the foreground it's visible the pebble pavement f50 not yet removed in the southern baulk of k13, and the accumulation f81 below it. 65 E gk12,13,14 gf18,24,51,52,64,82 View of the east section of k12 with the string. The view shows the ancient tell surface f18 separated by a thin soft ashy layer f51 from the compact brickmelt f52 in the north-western half of the square. The view also shows the mudbrick wall next to the north section of k12 f64 and the brickfall f82 above the brickmelt itself. In the lower part of the picture we can also see the deep ashy layer f24. 65a E gk12,13,14 gf18,24,51,52,64,82 View of the east section of k12 without the string. The view shows the ancient tell surface f18 separated by a thin soft ashy layer f51 from the compact brickmelt f52 in the north-western half of the square. The view also shows the mudbrick wall next to the north section of k12 f64 and the brickfall f82 above the brickmelt itself. In the lower part of the picture we can also see the deep ashy layer f24. .rd S807 .ri sE 66 E gk3 gf9,13,17,31,35,36 View of the east section of k3 with the string, The view shows the topsoil f9 covering the soft accumulation f13 above f17 the ancient tell surface. In the section is also visible the f 31, the interface of the ashy layer f36 and the pebble and sherd pavement f35. 66a E gk3 gf9,13,17,31,35,36 View of the east section of k3 without the string, The view shows the topsoil f9 covering the soft accumulation f13 above f17 the ancient tell surface. In the section is also visible the f 31, the interface of the ashy layer f36 and the pebble and sherd pavement f35. 67 E gk13 gf30,60,80,81,83 View showing the pebble and sherd pavement f80 just partially uncovered after the removal of part of the accumulation f81. Next to the pavement f81 has been identified a drain f83 running from east to the north-west in a probable semicircular shape, but the clear boundaries have still to be found. 67a E gk13 gf80,81 Closer view of the pebble and sherd pavement f80 and the small patch, constituted of red clay with small white inclusions, really small pebbles and few sherds. It is part of the accumulation f81 above the pavement f80 and could be the preparation for the pebble pavement f50 that was above. 67b SW gk13 gf30,80,81,83 Closer view of the drain right to the north of the pebble and sherd pavement f80 n k13. The shot shows the end of the drain f83 built with hard clay, small stones and vertical bricks along the edges of it. This drain is still in part to be excavated. 68 E gk14,15 gf38,40,46,50,86,94 ga2 View showing the western edge of the structure with vertical bricks a2 and its relationship with the accumulation f87. The view also shows the southern boundary of the structure with the presence of the mudbrick wall f94 poorly preserved. 69 W gk14,15 gf40,56,78,84,94 ga2 View showing the eastern side of the structure with vertical bricks a2, after a partial cut of this edge for a better understanding of it. The picture shows the orientation of bricks, clearly vertical and slightly inclined toward north. 70 SW gk15 gf40,56 ga2 Close view of the structure a2 with vertical bricks, cut by us in order to have a clear section to better understanding it. The picture shows a complete vertical brick on the right with a probable artificial hole in the middle and other vertical bricks slightly inclined toward north. 70a W gk 15 gf40,56, ga2 Close view of the structure a2 with vertical bricks, cut by us in order to have a clear section to better understanding it. The picture shows all the vertical bricks side by side and one on top of the other. 71 NW gk12 gf24,52,64,82 View showing the deep ashy layer f24 in relation with the brickmelt f52 and the brickfall f82. In the west, and part of the north sections, it is visible the thick ashy layer, more than 1 meter deep, sloping down toward south and west. .rd S808 .ri lC 72 N gk14 gf40,56,63,91,92,93,97,106 ga2 View showing k14 after the removing of the compact accumulation f87. The picture shows the big wall running NE-W and another wall f106 running parallel to the previous one f63. The wall f106, together with the small wall N-S f92, built with small strange vertical bricks, and the wall f97 not very goodly preserved, seem form a room. Inside this possible room has been identified an accumulation/brickfall f91 above a stone pavement f93. In the eastern part of k14, next to the wall f92, it's visible the western edge of the mudbrick structure a2. 72a E gk14 gf91,92,93,97,106 ga2 Close view of the wall f92 built with small and thin vertical bricks. The shot also shows the accumulation f91 above the pebble pavement f93, uncovered only in the north-eastern corner of the room. 72b E gk14 gf91,92,93,97,106 ga2 Close view of the wall f92 built with the small vertical bricks and of the accumulation f91 inside the room, above the pebble pavement f93 only in part excavated in the north-eastern corner of the room. The picture shows also the relationship of these structures with the vertical mudbrick structure a2 just next to it. .rd S810 .ri lC 73 E gk25,26 gf101,102 View showing k25 and k26 before the beginning of the excavation with the topsoil f101 and f102. In the background we can see the Area of J5 and more generally all the Area of the Plaza, toward east and south. In the southern part of the picture is also visible a small portion of the old excavation Area of A19. 73a E gk25,26 gf101,102 View showing k25 and k26 before the beginning of the excavation with the topsoil f101 and f102 just to the north of k15 and of A19. 74 E gk25,26 gf101,102 View showing k25 before the beginning of the excavation with the topsoil f101 and a small part of k26 with the topsoil f102. 75 E gk25,26 gf101,102 View showing k26 before the beginning of the excavation with the topsoil f102 and a small part of k25 with the topsoil f101. In the right part of the picture is also visible a corner of the old A19 excavation area. 76 E gk12 gf24,52,82,104 View showing the brickmelt f52 in k12, the brickfall f82 and the deep ashy layer f24 abutting the brickmelt. The view also shows the irregular big hole in the edge of the brickmelt with the fill f104 constituited of an ashy layer. It could be a doorway of a collapsed building or simply a big animal hole. After the excavation of the fill we will can see if in the interior part there are visible bricks faces or not. 76a E gk12 gf24,52,104 Close view of the big irregular hole in the edge of the brickmelt f52 in k12. The picture shows the relationship of the hole with its ashy fill f104 and with the ashy layer f24. 77 N gk2,12 gf22,24,45,52,82,98,103 View showing k2 with the deep ashy layer f22 and the brickmass f98. The picture also shows a new ashy layer f103 in the eastern half of k2 and its relationship with the brickmass f98 where seem that some mudbricks are visible. In the background is visible k12 with the ashy layer f24, the brickmelt f52, the brickfall f82 and the stone-installation f45. 77a N gk2 gf98,103 Close view of the ashy layer f103 in k2. The shot shows the relationship of this ashy layer f103 full of sherds, charcoal, lens of soft red soil, and the brickmass f98 where it seems that some bricks are visible. 77b W gk2 gf98,103 View showing the link between the brickmass f98 with some bricks and the ashy layer f103.