.bk A20 .fl S819sE2.j .fd qitem .ed S819 .ei sE .rd S817 .ri sE q 56.1 df cl wm cl co reddish gray cn broken lg 1.3 w1 1.2 ht 0.9 ds small fragment of burnt clay with an irregular shape. It has several surfaces, one of them is a breakage one; the edges are sharp. The external faces are quite smooth; where it is broken, the item has a red color. q 209.1 df gr co dark gray wm li cn broken lg 11.8 w1 7.1 ht 3.2 ds fragment of a grinding stone, one side is flat and the other is slightly convex. The surfaces are rough and porous; the edges are sharp, particularly on the two breakage surfaces. The bottom is encrusted with soil. q 211.1 df gr wm li co black cn broken lg 10.7 w1 5.6 ht 6.5 ds small and shapeless fragment of a grinding stone, the original shape is not recognizable. The surfaces are rough and porous, the edges are sharp. .rd S816 .ri yM q 205.4 df db wm li lg 3.1 w1 2 ht 0.2 co grayish brown cn broken ds thin piece of a debitage; both of the surfaces are smooth and flat. The piece has a line around it that forms a kind of frame different in color (white, while all the rest of the piece is grayish brown); the line is thicker on one side. The edges are sharp. q 205.2 df bl wm ob co black cn broken lg 2.2 w1 1.9 ht 0.8 ds obsidian blade, the original shape is not recognizable because the item is broken. One of the surfaces is flat and smooth, the other side has four different surfaces also flat and smooth. The edges are sharp. q 197.2 df shell wm shell ct sp co pale white cn broken lg 3.5 w1 2.2 ds piece of shell. The outer surface is pale white, mat and round while the other surface is concave, shiny and white pearly in color. q 205.1 df bl wm ob co black cn broken lg 1.2 w1 1.3 ht 0.1 ds small piece of blade. One surface is smooth and flat, the other has three surfaces also flat and smooth. The edges are rough and sharp. The piece is very thin and slightly thinner on the sides. .rd S819 .ri yM q 223.1 df bl wm ob cn broken lg 3.2 w1 0.9 ht 0.9 co black ds possibly a blade, the item is broken so it is not possible to know if the top surface had two or three surfaces (which is the typical shape of blades). The shape is rectangular, one side is thicker than the other; all the surfaces are smooth and flat, one of the surfaces does not have any working mark on it. The edges are sharp and the extremities are slightly damaged or worked. q 222.1 df kwr wm cl cn broken co green and brown lg 9 ht 3.2 w1 5.2 ds six pieces of a kiln waster with very rough surfaces and edges. The outer side color is light brown, in the broken or damaged surfaces it is possible to see the inside color which is greenish gray. The pieces contain some inclusions that appear as white spots. .rd S818 .ri yM i 30 df bd wm li co light brown and white cn complete lg 1.6 w2 0.5 ds oval shaped bead, the top and the bottom are not rounded but flat; it has a centered perforation that extents from the top to the bottom. The bead is thicker in the middle and slightly thinner on the two extremities. In the middle of the item there is a white line that goes all around the bead, and that is also surrounded by a thin, gray line. These lines divide the bead in two half: one of them is darker in color than the other. The surfaces are very smooth and polished. .rd S817 .ri eE i 29 df ar wm bronze lg 7.79 w1 1.15 w2 0.92 nm the w2 is taken from the approximate center of the diamond shaped shaft co green cn complete ds a solid cast leaf-shaped arrowhead made of a copper alloy, possibly through the use of a stone mould. The piece is constructed with a diamond-shaped shaft that covers roughly 1/3 of the entire length. There is a gradual taper throughout the length of the shaft for ca. 3 cm. Following this point, the head of the piece emerges with a more pronounced taper, reaching a max width of 1.11 cm near the center of the head. From here, it tapers into its final point at the top of the weapon. Unlike piece J5q168.1, which follows nearly the same dimensions and strengthens the idea of a common mould, this arrowhead shows no evidence for a midrib along the center of the head. Typically, this component adds structural integrity to the piece, and perhaps as a result, this arrowhead is bent upward along the length of the head whereas the J5 piece has maintained the original form. .rd S818 .ri yM q 219.1 df kw wm cl co dark brown cn complete lg 1.3 w1 1.2 ds round kiln waste. The surface is smooth but scratched. One area on the side surface is broken and it shows the inside of the piece, that has a green color and a white spot in the center. q 216.1 df shell wm shell ct sp co pale white cn complete lg 0.5 w2 0.3 ds very small slug shell. The color is pale white although it becomes darker as it approaches the center of the shell. q 220.1 df uk ct ca wm cl co gray cn broken lg 3 w1 1.5 ds unknown clay artifact with no specific shape. The surfaces are smooth, but there are some scratching marks; the edges are slightly rounded. q 219.2 df gr wm li co bluish gray cn broken lg 8.5 w1 4.2 ht 3.3 ds pestle with six faces and a rectangular shape. All the surfaces are smooth and flat, except for the broken one that is at the top and is rough; some scratch marks are visible. The edges are round and smooth. The piece was not worked or shaped, all the surfaces are the original ones. .rd S816 .ri yM q 197.1 df bl wm ob co black cn broken lg 1.9 w1 1.3 ds obsidian blade, the shape is squared. One surface is smooth, the other side has three surfaces. The piece is worked and broken; one side is thicker than the other and the edges are sharp. q 19.2 df uk ct ca wm cl co brown cn broken lg 3 w1 1.5 ht 1 ds unknown clay artifact. The shape is cylindrical but with one flat surface, the base, which is slightly rough. The outer surface is convex and not smooth; on it, some scratch marks are visible. The side surfaces are broken. This piece is encrusted with soil. q 205.3 df db wm li co gray cn broken lg 2.9 w1 1.9 ht 0.2 ds debitage with very smooth and flat surfaces. The piece is very thin, with no specific shape; in one corner a thin white line is visible, that must have formed a frame around the original stone. The item is very similar to q205.4, that comes from the same feature and the same square; the two pieces do not bond together, perhaps there is a missing part in the middle.