.bk A20 .fl S820lC.j .fd view log .ed S820 .ei lC .rd S814 .ri lC v 78 O gk14,15,101 gf40,46,56,57,63,78,84,85,86,92,93,97,106,94 ga2 Overhead view showing the western half of k15, part of k14, and k101. The view shows the relationship between aggregates a1, a2, and a4 which are all at similar elevations.On the left, a1 is in view with the western mud brick wall f46 and the external edge of the stone pavement f57. Right next to it, the mud brick walls f84 and f86 and a2 vertical brick structure are in view showing a nice overhead view of the vertical bricks which are slightly oblique. View also shows the small room a4 formed by the cobblestone pavement f93 and the mudbrick walls f92, f97 and f106. In the lower part of the picture the big mud brick wall f63 running east to west is visible. The eastern portion of a2 was cut to see the bricks in section and originally the bricks continued all the way to the east. This structure a2 is still unclear particularly it's association to the one room structure a1 and another small room a4 to the east and west respectively. In the south, some bricks were noted as f94 and could also be some type of wall or continuation of the construction related to a2. 79 S gk14 gf56,92,93,97,106 ga2,4 View of a4, after removing the last accumulation f91 on top of the cobblestone pavement f93. The aggregate is formed by this pavement and by the three mudbrick walls until now recognized, f92, f97 and f106. The shot also shows the a2 just to the east of the small room, with the vertical bricks very close to the wall f92. Note that the stones do not appear to continue towards the west and south along with thepoor construction of the a4 walls which almost appear like jumbles of broken mudbricks clustered together making it difficult to articulate the wall with the possibility that one course of bricks in the southern wall were cut. 79a E gk14 gf 92,93,97,106 ga4 View showing a4 with the cobblestone pavement f93, that in eastern side and in the north eastern corner seems to go underneath walls f92 and f106. Towards the west, the pavement stops about 20 cms before the walls, while in the western part of the room the pavement is still to be uncovered below the accumulation f91. 80 O gk14,15 gf40,56,63,92,93,97,106 ga2,4 Overhead view of k14 showing a4 and its relationship with a2 and the big wall f63. a4 formed by the cobblestone pavement f93, and the mud brick walls f92, f97 and f107 that is abutting the big mud brick wall f63, running east to west. towards the east, the vertical bricks pertinent to the a2 are in view.. 81 O gk13 gf80,81,83,96 ga3 Overhead view of a3 partially excavated with a portion of f81 covering the pavement f80 associated with a drainage channel which is formed by the pebble and sherd pavement f80, accumulation f81, and the drain f83. North to the drain there is f96, a probable mud brick installation supporting the drain.