.bk A20 .fl S824lC2.j .fd View log .rd S724 .ri lC .ed S724 .ei lC v .rd S814 .ri lC 84 N gk3 gf68,100 View showing the tannur f100 in northern section of the old A18 excavation. The tannur seems to be surrounded by mud bricks, some vertical, forming probably a sort of substructure. On top of the tannur f100 there is the brickpile f68 and it seems that some pieces of broken bricks are just inside the tannur, in its topper part. Maybe the tannur was broken just because of these bricks, as showed by some fragments of the tannur inside of it. 84a O gk3 gf68,100 Over head shot showing the tannur f100 in the northern section of the old A18 with the brickpile f68 on top of it. 85 O gk15 gf38,40,46,56,57,63,84,86 Over head shot showing the a1 in the eastern half of k15 and part of the a2 to the west. The view also shows the mud brick wall f84 to the south of the a1 and the mud brick wall f86, running south to north. 86 S gk15 gf46,57,84 View showing part of the pavement f57 outside the room of a1, next to the wall f84. Some stones of the f57 have traces of burnt, in fact are black in color and maybe some kind of activities were done there. The mudbricks of the wall f46 and f84 haven't traces of burnt so it is possible that this is link with the first use of the stone pavement f57. 86a O gk15 gf46,57,84 Over head shot showing the burnt traces on the stones of the pavement f57. Only these stones, just outside the room of a1, are burnt, and probably it is linked with some kind of activities during the first use of the pavement. 87 W gk15,101 gf38,40,46,56,57,75,84,85,86,94,108,110 View showing the different level between the pavement f57 of the a1 in k15 and the a2 before its removing, and k101 with the pavement f110. The shot shows this different level of the two pavements f57 and f110, maybe part of the same strata if we assume a stepped organization of the structures. We will check this hypothesis in following days. 87a W gk15,101 gf40,46,57,84,85,94,108,110,115,116 View showing the different level between the pavement f57 of the a1 in k15 and the big pavement f110 in k101. Both these pavement are Mitanni and it is possible that they belong to the same strata, assuming a stepped organization of the structures, but this hypothesis is still to be clarified. .rd S816 .ri sE 88 N gk12 gf52,82,113,114 View showing the bin f113 just discovered in k12 after the partial removing of the brickfall f82. This bin is not clearly visible but it is constructed of gray bricks. The view also shows the very compact fill f114 in wich are recognized some reddish elements, probably part of some kind of installations like tannur. 88a t O gk12 gf113,114 Close up showing the bin f113 and its fill f114 with the reddish clay elements, probably belonging to some kind of installations like tannur, not very well visible in the right part of the picture. .rd S817 .ri sE 89 E gk12 gf82,113,114 View showing the bin f113 in k12 in one picture taken early in the morning in order to show the slight differences of color between the gray bricks of the bin structure f113,the gray compact fill f114 and the gray bricks of the brickfall f82. 89a W gk12, gf113,114 Close up view of the bin f113 and of the fill f114, taken in order to show the small reddish element inside the fill, probably part of a tannur, very badly preserved. 89b W gk12 gf82,113,114 View of the bin f113 and of the fill f114, taken in order to show the small reddish element inside the fill, probably part of a tannur, very badly preserved. The picture doesn't have a very good light. 90 E gk3,4 gf66,67,69,70,71,73,99,112 View showing the east section of k4 with the string. The section shows the topsoil f66, a layer with some patches of brickmelt f67 and other layers of accumulation f69 and f70. In the foreground are visible the pavement f73, the mud brick wall f107, the bin f71 and a small part of the pavement f112 in k3. 90a E gk3,4 gf66,67,69,70,71,73,99,112 View showing the east section of k4 without the string. The section shows the topsoil f66, a layer with some patches of brickmelt f67 and other layers of accumulation f69 and f70. In the foreground are visible the pavement f73, the mud brick wall f107, the bin f71 and a small part of the pavement f112 in k3. .ri lC 91 SE gk3,4 gf31,36,42,69,71,73,80,99,107,112,121,122,128 View showing k3 and k4 and the relationship between its structures after the partial removing of the east baulk of k3. The sherd and pebble pavement f112 covers the accumulation f121 that covers another sherd and pebble pavement f122. The pavement f112 is also abutting the wall f99 just visible in the east section of k3. The Picture also shows the relationship of the wall f99 with the wall f107 and the mud brick bin f71. 91a E gk3,4 gf31,36,42,68,69,71,73,80,99,107,112,121,122,128 View showing the structures of k3 and k4 and its relationships after partial removing of the east baulk of k3. The sherd and pebble pavement f112 extending north to south abuts the mud brick wall running north south f99. In the foreground are visible the brickpile f68 and the sloping clay layer f128. 92 N gk3 gf29,31,36,42,80,99,107,112,121,122,128 View showing the sherd and pavement f112, abutting the mud brick wall f99. Below the pavement there is the accumulation aa f121, visible in part just next to the wall f99. In the western side is still visible the ashy layer f36 not totally removed yet, covering the compact clay layer f128 sloping toward south. 92a N gk3 gf99,112,121,122 Close up showing the pavement f112 constructed of pebbles, sherds and bones. The picture shows all the bones of the pavement before its removal. We removed all the bones from the surface of the pavement f112 to avoid that a long exposition could damage them. 93 SE gk3 gf112,121,122 View showing the relationship between the pavement f112 and the sherd and pebble pavement f122 in k3. The two pavements are separated by a thin layer of accumulation f121, that could be related to the use of the older pavement f122 and also to the drain installation a3 right to the north of it. 93a O gk3 gf112,121,122 Over head showing the sherd and pebble pavement f112 and the sherd and pebble pavement f122, underneath to it, separated just by a thin layer of accumulation f121. .ri yM 94 E gk12 gf24,52,82,114,117,118 View showing the brickmelt f52 and the southern brick fall f82 in k12. The picture shows a small portion of the floor type b f117 visible at the bottom of the western edge of f52. Next to it there is the f118, a interface layer between the ashy layer f24, still visible in the lower part of the picture, and the layer underneath. 94a E gk12 gf52,82,117,118 View showing the western edge of f52 and f82 and its relationship with the floor type b f117 visible in the section. The floor f117 on top of which some big pottery sherds lying flat, is covered by the bricky material of f52. In the foreground is visible the f118 and in part the ashy material of 24 not completely removed yet. 94b SE gk12 gf52,82,117,118 View showing the floor type b f117 with the flat sherds lying horizontal on top of it. The floor is covered by the bricky material of f52. In the foreground is visible the f118, a interface layer between the ashy material f24 and the other feature underneath. 95 W gk12 gf24,82,117,118 View showing some flat brick faces in f82. Below, next to the f118 is visible a small portion of the floor f117 identified removing the ashy accumulation f24, still present in the western part of k12.