.bk A20 .fl S828lC.j .fd View log .ed S828 .ei lC .rd S819 .ri sE v 96 N gk15,101 gf40,56,84,85,108,120,125,126,127 ga2 View showing the north section of k101. This is not the real north section of k101 but an arbitrary section, from which we started to excavate a2. The shot shows the vertical bricks of a2 on top of the wall f127, next to the big wall with the stone substructure, f84. In the foreground we can see the accumulation f120 and the accumulations underneath, above the pavement f108. 97 N gk14,15,101 gf40,56,84,120,125,126,127, ga2 View showing the northern section of k101 that corresponds to the south face of a2, before we start to remove it. We can see the vertical mud bricks and the small wall f127. Underneath an section are visible some layers, within which a soft orange bricky layer very soft. In the foreground the mud brick walls f125 and f126 and the accumulation f120 abutting them. 97a NW gk14,15,101 gf40,56,84,120,125,126,127 ga2 View showing the a2 and its southern section, before we started to remove the vertical bricks. The shot also shows the relationship between the wall running south to north f125, and the wall f126, still in part to be clearly defined, below the a2. .ri lC 98 E gk13 gf30,41,62,77,83,89,96,105 View showing the east section of k13 with the string. The shot shows the wall f77 above the wall f41 and f105, and it is not clear if it can be part of the wall f41 or f105. to The south there is the ashy accumulation f62, covering the more compact bricky accumulation f89. In the foreground is still visible the brickfall f30, and just a small portion of the drain f83 and of its probable substructure f96. 98a E gk13 gf30,41,62,77,83,89,96,105 View showing the east section of k13 without the string. The shot shows the wall f77 above the wall f41 and f105, and it is not clear if it can be part of the wall f41 or f105. to The south there is the ashy accumulation f62, covering the more compact bricky accumulation f89. In the foreground is still visible the brickfall f30, and just a small portion of the drain f83 and of its probable substructure f96. 99 N gk3,4 gf69,72,73,99,107,112 View showing k4 after the removal of the east baulk of k3. the view shows the continuation of the pavement f73 toward west, and the mud bricks f129 probably belonging to a wall. In the foreground we can see the mud brick wall f107 linked to the wall f99 just in part visible to the south 99a N gk3,4 gf72,73,107,112,122,129 View showing k3 and k4 after the removal of the east baulk of k3. The view shows the three different level of pavement: the pavement f73 in k4, probably the same of f35 in k3 already removed, the pavement f112 in k3 and the pavement f122, uncovered just in a small portion. Next to the north baulk there are some mud bricks belonging to the f128. To the south the walls f107 and f99. 99b W gk3,4 gf69,72,73,99,107,112 View showing k4 with the pavement f73. To the south is visible the mud brick wall f107 running east to west, linked with the mud brick wall north to south f99. In the background we can see the pavement f112 in k3 and on the right two mud bricks belonging to the wall f129. .ri sE 100 S gk15 gf57,84 View showing the portion of the pavement f57 outside the room a1 toward west, and the mud brick wall f84. In the north face of the wall f84, next to the burnt stones of f57,between the bricks there is an oblique small channel. It could be part of some kind of drainage system, or more probably an animal hole, where the clay of the mud bricks has been polished from the continuing passage of the animal. 100a S gk15 gf57,84 Closer view of the small oblique channel inside the wall f84. It could be part of some kind of drainage system, or more probably an animal hole, where the clay of the mud bricks has been polished from the continuing passage of the animal. It has been photographed because of its close position to the burnt stones of the pavement f57, that was allowed us to think about some kind of particular activities. 101 W gk15, gf40,57,84 View showing the mud brick wall f152, running south to north, probably linked with the wall f84. At the beginning we tought it was part of the a2, but then removing the vertical bricks of a2 we saw that it wasn't part of it. Instead it is part of the room a6, with the function of western enclosure wall. In the foreground are visible the stones of the pavement f57. 102 NW gk14,15 gf40,56,125 ga2 View showing the a2 after the removal of some mud bricks on top of the structure. The shot also shows the top of the wall f127, after the removal of the first few vertical bricks from the south section of a2, following the strategy decided before, to start from the south, instead that from the top, in order to have a clear section of the structure. 102a t W gk5 gf40,56,127 ga2 Closer view showing the a2 after the removal of the first vertical bricks from its southern portion. After this operation is visible the top part of the wall f127, running east to west. 103 NW gk15 gf40,56,127,131 ga2 View showing the south face of a2 after the removing of the first vertical bricks. After this operation the wall f127 and the accumulation f131 below the vertical bricks are shown.