.bk A20 .fl S909lC.j .fd View log .ed S909 .ei lc .rd S826 .ri lC v 125 S gk101 gf84,85,108,110,120,125,126,139,144 View showing the floor f144 uncovered below the accumulation f120. The floor presents traces of white soil, due to organic material in its middle portion, and red traces to the west due to crumbled red broken bricks. The floor is linked to the wall f125 and probably also to the wall f127 and it seems belonging to a reuse of this area above the stone pavement f108 visible to the south. 125a W gk14,101 gf40,150,132,131,125,127,126,84,120,144,139,108 Sub view showing the floor f144 in relationship with the stone pavements f132 and f108 at different levels, to the north and south of it. The floor seems to be linked with the wall f126, just below the wall f127 that is the southern enclosure wall, very badly preserved, of a6. The wall f127 is linked with the stone pavement f132 and the clay layer f150 to the north of it. To the south is visible the northern portion of the stone pavement f108. 126 S gk101 gf109,115,119,138,142 View showing more vertical small bricks, slightly oblique belonging to the mud brick installation f138, uncovered after removing the vertical bricks of f137. To the north is just in part visible the floor f142. To the south there is still the accumulation f119 that was abutting the mud brick wall f115 constructed of vertical bricks. 127 O gk101 gf108,115,119,138,142 View showing the small vertical bricks of the mud brick installation f138 sitting on the accumulation f119, still visible next to the bricks to the west. The accumulation is also still present to the south, in the small area between the wall f115, the vertical bricks f138 and the southern baulk. To the north just a small portion of the floor f142 is uncovered. To the west of the vertical mud brick wall f115 is visible the wall f 109 and the eastern edge of the stone pavement f108. .ri sE 128 N gk101 gf115,119,138,142 View showing the floor f142 to the north and to the south of the accumulation f119 that was on top of the floor all over the small area in shape of triangle excavated this year. This accumulation f119 is still present in the middle of the area between the vertical mud brick wall f115 and the vertical bricks of the brick installation f138. The light was not very good when we took the photo. 128a N gk101 gf115,119,138,142 View showing the floor f142 uncovered below the accumulation f119. The shot shows its southern portion between the wall f115, the mud brick installation f138 and the southern baulk. The floor f142 is also in part visible to the north. 129 E gk101 gf115,119,138,142 Close up of the floor f142 showing its compact surface with traces of burning and white lens due to organic material. This is the southern part of f142 uncovered in k101, between the vertical bricks of f138, the accumulation f119 to the north, the mud brick wall f115 to the west and the south section. .rd S827 .ri yM 130 N gk13 gf4,7,30,41,59,105 View of the north section of k13 with the string. The shot shows the topsoil f4 above the accumulation f7, interpreted as the ancient tell surface abandonment. Below is visible the brickfall f30 probably coming from the big mud brick wall f41 running east to west, just at the bottom of the section. To the south of this big wall there is another wall f105 abutting the wall f41 and linked with some stone structures not visible in this picture. 130a N gk13 gf4,7,30,41,59,105 View of the north section of k13 without the string. The shot shows the topsoil f4 above the accumulation f7, interpreted as the ancient tell surface abandonment. Below is visible the brickfall f30 probably coming from the big mud brick wall f41 running east to west, just at the bottom of the section. To the south of this big wall there is another wall f105 abutting the wall f41 and linked with some stone structures not visible in this picture. 131 N gk12 gf3,6,8,18,24,52,64,82 View of the north section of k12 with the string. The shot shows the topsoil f3 above the accumulations f6 and f8. In the western part of the section is also visible a thin layer, f18 interpreted as brick melt, also continuing in the western section. Below this layer there is the ashy layer f24, more than one meter thick. This ashy layer is abutting the bricky layer f52, where has been identified the wall f64 running east to west, just next to the northern baulk. 131a N gk12 gf3,6,18,24,52,64,82 View of the north section of k12 without the string. The shot shows the topsoil f3 above the accumulations f6 and f8. In the western part of the section is also visible a thin layer, f18 interpreted as brick melt, also continuing in the western section. Below this layer there is the ashy layer f24, more than one meter thick. This ashy layer is abutting the bricky layer f52, where has been identified the wall f64 running east to west, just next to the northern baulk. 132 O gk101 gf84,108,125,126,127,145,149 View showing the bricks belonging to the f149. It is probably a wall, slightly semicircular in shape. It is preserved for just one course and it was sitting right on top of the stones of the pavement f108. To the north of f149 there is the accumulation f145. The view also shows the mud brick walls f127 at a higher level and the wall f126, just below it. Two other walls, f125 running north to south and f84 are shown in this photo. 133 N gk15,101 gf84,108,125,126,127,145,149 View showing the shallow wall f149, running east to west, slightly semicircular in shape. The wall f149 is sitting on top of the stones of the pavement f108. To the north is visible the accumulation f 145 between the wall f149 and the wall f126. The view also shows the arbitrary north section of k101 where are visible the wall f126 and the wall f127 that is the southern edge of the a6. To the west there is the mud brick wall f125 running north to south, and to the east the wall f84 with its high stone substructure. 134 O gk101 gf109,115,119,136,138,142 View showing the floor f142, already in part removed in its northern portion. The view also shows the mud brick wall f115, the accumulation f119 on top of the floor and the mud brick installation f138.