.bk A20 .fl U913mM1.j .fd description of items .ei mM1 .ed U913 .rd U913 .ri mM1 q 268.1 df fg ds probably a fragment of an animal figurine with two peaks on one side and a centered hole. wm cl cn broken ht 3.3 w2 2.6 th 2.0 co light gray c# 10YR 7/2 q 269.1 ct la df spindle whorl ds probably a conical shaped lithic spindle whorl with a smooth surface, but calcite rests on it, a flat bottom side and a centered perforation going through the whole body of the object. wm li cn complete ht 1.8 w2 3.2 co brownish gray q 264.1 df bd ds a small round bead with a perforation in the center. wm li cn complete w2 0.7 th 0.2 co white q 270.1 df uk ct la ds a rectangular shaped stone bar with a convex side, while all othe sides are flat and smooth. One side with calcium impression. wm li cn broken lg 12.6 ht 7.5 th 2.2 co dark gray q 264.3 df bd ds Probably a small round clay bead with a perforation in the center. wm cl cn broken w2 0.4 th 0.2 co pale yellow c# 2.5Y 7/4 q 272.2 df bl ds a fragment of an obsidian blade with a flat bottom side and a trapezoidal section. wm ob cn broken lg 1.2 th 0.2 co black q 272.1 df la ds a fragment of a obsidian silex wm ob cn broken lg 1.8 w2 1.4 th 0.6 co black q 267.1 ct ma df uc ds a small incrusted ring shaped metal artefact. wm mt w2 1.4 th 0.2 co gray q 264.2 df bl ds a fragmentary obsidian blade. wm ob cn broken lg 4.4 w1 0.7 th 0.6 co black