.bk A20 .fl U924mM1.j .fd description of items .ei mM1 .ed U924 .rd U924 .ri mM1 q 279.2 df ds ct la ds an almost oval shaped small door socket, the bottom side is flat and smooth while the surface is rough. wm li cn complete lg 16.2 w2 11.9 th 4.2 co brownish gray q 283.2 df gr ds a plano-convex shaped fragment of a grindig stone. wm basalt cn broken lg 13.7 w2 9.9 th 6.4 co dark gray q 283.1 df gr ds a broken plano-convex shaped basalt grinding stone. wm basalt cn broken lg 19.4 w2 11.6 th 4.9 co gray i 32 df gr ds a complete plano-convex shaped basalt grinding stone wm basalt cn complete lg 28.3 w2 11.9 th 3.4 co dark gray q 279.1 sp pestle df to ct la ds a complete lithic pestle, oval shaped in section, smooth surface with calcite incrustations. wm li cn complete lg 6.9 w2 6.3 th 3.7 co dark gray q 327.3 sp pestle df to ct la ds a round lithic pestle with calcite incrustations on the smooth surface. wm li cn complete lg 8.2 ht 4.5 w2 7.4 co dark gray q 266.1 df bk ds an irregular shaped piece of a mudbrick with a rough surface and rests of soil on it. wm clay cn broken lg 12.8 w2 10.8 ht 8.4 co light gray c# 5Y 7/2 q 323.3 df kwr ds an almost rectangular shaped kiln waster, convex shaped in section. wm cl cn broken lg 13.4 th 2.4 w2 10.4 c# 2.5Y 6/3 co light yellowish brown q 319.2 df fg ds a broken small animal figurine, legs and head are not preserved anymore, beginning of tail, legs and neck are visible. wm clay-baked cn broken lg 3.5 ht 1.4 th 0.9 c# 10Y 5/2 co grayish brown q 278.1 df shell ds fragments of mother of pearl with soil incrustations wm sh cn broken lg 1.2 w2 0.7 th 0.1 co white q 320.1 df cl ds a piece of a clay lump, one flat side, one almost convex side wm clay cn broken lg 4.3 w2 2.2 th 1.2 co very dark gray c# 5Y 3/1 q 281.1 df fg ds a head of an animal figurine with one preserved circled horn, probably a ram. wm clay-baked cn broken ht 3.4 lg 2.9 th 1.7 co very pale brown c# 10YR 7/4 i 37 df nail ct ma ds a completely preserved nail with nail head and a perforation in the upper part of the body, the nail is completely incrusted. wm bronze lg 5.9 w1 0.6 th 2.0 co brownish gray q 318.1 df weight ct ca ds a fragment of a donut shaped possible clay weight. wm clay-baked lg 9.7 w2 5.3 th 2.4 co pale olive c# 5Y 6/4 q 289.1 sp pestle df to ct la ds a broken pestle, partly rough, partly smooth surface, one half is completely covered by calcite incrustations. wm li cn broken lg 7.9 ht 5.6 w2 6.2 co dark gray q 296.4 sp pestle df to ct la ds a complete pestle with a smooth surface, one half is completely covered by calcite incrustations. wm li cn complete lg 7.7 ht 6 w2 7.5 co dark gray q 323.2 sp pestle df to ct la ds a complete pestle, rough surface, round in section wm li cn complete lg 8.9 ht 7.3 w2 7.1 co bluish gray q 296.3 df gr ds a grinding stone with a smooth surface, one half is completely covered by calcite incrustations. wm li lg 18.5 ht 2.7 w2 6 co light gray q 286.1 df shell ds fragments of mother of pearl with soil incrustations wm sh cn broken lg 1.9 w2 2.1 th 0.1 co white q 296.1 df bl ds a small obsidian blade with a convex peak, triangular in section, retouches on the edges are visible. wm ob cn broken lg 3.1 w2 1.4 th 0.5 cn broken co black q 294.1 df shell ds a fragment of a shell, probably mother of pearl with soil incrustations. wm sh cn broken lg 3.4 w2 1.6 th 0.1 co cream white q 288.1 df bd-c ds a cylindrical clay bead, the perforation does not going through the whole bead, it has a rough surface. wm clay-baked cn broken lg 2.9 w2 1.2 co very pale brown c# 10YR 7/3 q 312.1 df fg ds a fragment of an animal figurine, the front legs, the hind side and parts of the head are broken. wm clay-baked cn broken lg 4.7 w2 2.0 th 2.0 co pale tellow c# 5Y 7/3 q 307.4 df bd-c ds a cylindrical clay bead with a rough surface and calcite incrustations on it, the perforation is visible just on one end, the other end of the bead is convex shaped. wm clay-baked cn complete lg 2.5 w2 0.8 co dark gray c# 2.5Y 4/1 q 307.3 df core ct la ds an almost pyramidical shaped core stone, the bottom is convex shaped and has retouches and a part of cortex on it. wm li cn complete lg 3.3 w3 4.8 co dark gray i 34 df fg ds a fragmentary animal figurine. Front part with head and legs is broken, the surface is rough, part of the tail is visible. wm clay-baked cn broken lg 7.8 ht 3.3 w2 2.2 co light gray c# 2.5Y 7/2 q 286.2 df shell ds fragments of mother of pearl with soil incrustations. wm sh cn broken lg 2.8 w2 2.4 co white q 281.2 df ls ds a small flat polished stone wm li cn complete lg 1.4 w2 1.0 co bluish gray q 297.1 df se ds a stone cylindrical seal with a perforation going through the seal body, the surface seems to be smooth and has unidentified incised structures and partly calcite incrustations on it. wm li cn complete lg 2.4 w2 1.3 co light gray q 314.1 df fg ds probably a broken Penis of an animal figurine with a perforation going through it or a penis-shaped vent of a ceramic vessel. The front part is painted, the side where this object is broken is flat and wider than the other end. wm clay-baked cn broken lg 2.2 w2 1.7 th 2.1 co pale yellow c# 5Y 7/3 q 317.3 df cl ds a piece of a clay lump wm clay cn broken lg 5.4 w2 4.4 th 2.2 co olive c# 5Y 5/3 q 317.2 df fg ds fragment of animal figurine, rear part and front legs broken off, on one side it is painted with a vertical line reaching down from the head to the front leg, to the right of it three horizontal lines. wm clay-baked lg 8 w1 4.5 ht 7.5 co pale olive c# 5Y 6/3 q 291.1 df uk ct ca ds roughly triangular shaped fragment of clay object one surface has cunei-shaped impressions all over it. lg 4 w1 3.5 ht 1.5 wm cl co pale olive c# 5Y 6/3 q 296.5 sp pestle df to ct la ds fragment of a pestle with calcite incrustation. wm li lg 2.4 w2 6 ht 3.9 co dark reddish gray q 325.1 df bl ds an edge fragment of a flint, the surface is very smooth, the section of the blade was probably triangular shaped. wm li cn broken lg 1.4 ht 1.6 w1 0.5 co black i 33 df cv ds an almost complete pomme-granate shaped ceramic vessel with a flat nipple base. cn broken wm clay-baked lg 9 ht 5.4 w1 7 w2 2 co light gray c# 10YR 7/1 q 319.1 df ar ct la ds a triangular shaped obsidian arrowhead with a half-circular cut in the middle of the base, on the surface retouches going to the slightly concave edges wm ob cn complete ht 1.6 w1 0.3 lg 2.1 co black q 323.1 df bk ds a piece of a brick with a very porous surface. wm cl cn broken lg 6 ht 5.5 w1 3.8 co light brownish gray i 36 df uk ct ma ds a v-shaped bronze artifact, probably a nail, the surface is covered by soil incrustations. cn broken wm bronze lg 4 w1 0.5 ht 2 co gray q 302.1 df cl ds a piece of a clay lump, one side is flat, while the other side is convex. wm cl cn broken lg 4 w1 1 ht 2.3 co light gray c# 10YR 7/2 q 327.2 df uc ct la ds a possible pestle with rough surface, plano convex shaped in section, the handle side is wide and becomes narrow going to the bottom side. Found next to q327.1, in secondary deposition. wm li cn complete lg 23.2 w1 8 ht 12.5 co light gray q 327.1 df mortar ct la ds an almost perfectly cylindrical shaped mortar with a round hole in the center and a rough surface. Found next to q327.2, in secondary deposition. wm li cn broken lg 21 ht 16.8 co light gray