.bk A20 .fl U927yM.j .fd object description .rd U920 .ri ym .ed U927 .ei yM q 303.1 df gr ds a large grinding stone with a very rough surface. wm li co bluish gray cn broken lg 27 w1 14.3 ht 7.5 q 292.2 df gr ds broken grinding stone. the surface is slightly porous and the edges are smooth wm li co bluish gray cn broken lg 18 w1 9.5 ht 6.2 q 304.3 df gr ds big broken grinding stone, it was probably used as mortar. one side is flat and the other is convex. the surface is very porous and heavily incrusted with soil. co dark gray cn broken wm li lg 25.5 w1 16.5 ht 9 q 304.1 df gr ds irregular shaped grinding stone. probably mortar because one side is slightly concave. the surface are porous and the bottom surface is incrusted with soil. co dark gray cn broken wm li lg 25 w1 24.3 ht 10.5 q 292.1 df gr ds a grinding stone. one side is flat and incrusted with soil, and the other in convex. co dark gray cn broken wm li lg 15.5 w1 15 ht 5 q 282.1 df gr ds grinding stone. one sid eis flat, the other is convex. co dark gray cn broken wm li lg 16 w1 12 ht 6.5 q 292.3 df gr ds half of a grinding stone, the shape was probably circular with a perforation in the middle.the surface is porous. co dark gray cn broken wm li lg 15.5 w1 11.5 ht 4 q 292.4 df gr ds grinding stone. one side is flat, and the other side is convex. the flat bottom side is incrusted with soil. co dark gray wm li cn broken lg 9.8 w1 12 ht 5.5 q 284.1 df gr ds a very thick grinding stone. one side is flat and the other side is convex. the surfaces are porous and incrusted with soil. co dark gray wm li cn broken lg 16.5 w1 13.5 ht 8.5 q 306.2 df ds ds a door socket. the top surface is circular where the center is concave. the rest of the body is very convex, almost shaped like a ball but with a pointy end in the bottom. co light brown wm li cn complete w2 21 ht 21 q 306.1 df ds ds round door socket. the center of the top surface is concave. co light brown wm li cn broken lg 20 w1 17 ht 7.5 q 304.2 df gr ds big grinding stone. one side is flat, incrusted with soil and slightly concave. the other side is convex. co dark gray wm li cn broken lg 32 w1 28 q 293.1 df ds ds it is a door socket. the shape is irregular. the center of the top surface is concave. co light brown cn broken wm li lg 15 w1 10 ht 8 .rd U920 .ri jH .ed U927 .ei ym q 307.2 df gr ds it is a thin oval shaped grinding stone. one side is flat, the other side is convex. the surface is smooth and not porous. co dark gray wm li cn complete lg 25 w1 12.2 ht 4 q 307.1 df gr ds oval shaped grinding stone. one side is flat, the other side is convex. the surface is porous and incrusted with soil. wm li co dark gray cn complete lg 22.6 w1 13 ht 5.5 q 296.2 df ds ds round door socket. the center of the top surface is concave. one can also see two cracks on the surface. co gray wm li cn broken lg 20 w1 18 ht 7.3 i 35 df ds ds its a door socket. the the surface is whitish, and the center of the top surface is concave. co gray wm li cn complete lg 19 w1 16 ht 10.3