
The Plaza below the Temple Terrace (Version 1a)

J1 Synthetical View / Typology / Built Environment

Emplacement for Unit J1
Ordered aggregation

Lorenzo Crescioli – August 2010

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The only structures found in J1 are stone walls belonging to the different periods of the Temple Terrace. The main wall is the EDIII revetment wall ^wall1 standing for an height of about three meters and made of big sized irregular stones.
     The other big stone structure of J1 is a8 formed by the walls ^wall2 and ^wall3 forming a L shaped structure.

Other stones walls are interpreted as low screen/curtain wall to keep the base of the wall protected from water? and people. Examples are ^curt1, made of just few scattered stones, ^curt2, constructed of three rows of medium sized stones, ^curt3, made of big stones right at the base of the revetment wall. This could also be interpreted as a sort of bench, because of the dimension of the stones that show a regular flat upper surface (v127a and v363).

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Really few installation have been recovered in J1, Worth to mention is an alignment of small pebbles f343 running parallel to wall f259. Another is constituted by three red mudbrick in line found below the LC wall , forming a thin wall, or other kind of installation.
      At the base of the revetment wall there is a sort of pavement f318 made of big long flat stones forming small steps. This structure has been found in J5 and just its eastern side is found in J1.

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