.bk J02 .fl O627mh.j .fd daily journal O627 .ei mH .ed O627 .rd O627 .ri mH -dy In the morning we first collapsed more of the walls in k100 for safety reasons. Most of this and the earlier collapse is probably from the upper 2m of the trench. Once enough of the wall was down we started removing it in layers from north to south. Through the day we moved ca. soil from an area of 2m south from m3583 and perhaps 30cm down. At the same time Barbara was laying squares for J02 according to the plans decided upon yesterday. In the morning we suffered from several power outages, which made the work slow. When the power was on, everything was working well. In the afternoon the elevator stopped working. We had reached moist soil in the north and this moist soil must have clogged the elevator. This did not stop work for long, since at this point Barbara had nearly finished with two squares, k4 and k5, which we opened soon afterwards. During the rest of the day we were able to remove one big pick full in k4 and two pick fulls in k5. In both squares the removed material was mostly topsoil, which contained plenty of organic material. In k5 the soil immediately below topsoil also contained plenty of pebbles. We also found a flint flake from k5. -wk We had 9 workmen. 5 of them worked down in k100 in the morning. 2 shoveled dirt into a wheel barrow and one hauled it to the elevator. Two men inserted soil into the elevator simultaneously making sure that large stones did not clog it. 4 workmen worked up. Their work included shifting the soil, removing bones and pottery from the sift, and taking the dirt away. In the afternoon 4 men worked in k4 and 5 in k5. f 1 ds This is collapse from the walls of k100. Judging from the pictures taken by the Germans at the end of their excavation, there was approximately 100-150 cm of collapse at the bottom of k100 at the beginning of this season. This collapse consists of both weather induced collapse and the soil we collapsed on O627. Most of this collapse is probably from the upper 2m of the trench walls. It contains small amounts of bone, pottery, and small pebbles. f 2 ds Topsoil of k5. Contains roots, some modern material and pebbles. And ca. 10 cm in depth, covers the whole locus f 3 ds Topsoil of k4, containing roots, some modern material, and pebbles. It covers the whole locus. f 4 ds Layer immediately below f2 in k5. f2 ends into a organic root layer under which this feature is located. It contains some roots, plenty of pebbles, and some pottery sherds.