.bk J02 .fl O704mh.j .fd daily journal O704 .ei mh .ed O704 .rd O704 .ri mh -wk I exchanged Gandhi for Jasser with Laura. Anwar did not come back after breakfast. He said he was going to Amuda to see a doctor. He was feeling under the weather all morning. k 4 dy On Thursday we left the eastern half of the unit unexcavated. This half is east of the stones we discovered in the western half of unit towards the end of the day on Thursday. I continued that half with f11, which I have been using above in the whole unit. After this half was brought to the same level with the eastern half I changed the feature into f22 and defined it as lens type d. This feature is closely associated with the stones in this unit. The stones form a southeast-northwest running line in the southwest corner of the unit. I assigned these stones as f26 and defined it as lens type c. The stones are clearly the result of human activity but at the moment do not form a clear structure. In order to bring out the stones we worked first on the eastern half of the unit. This q-lot, q49, is included in f22 although no stones were found while excavating this q-lot. As in k5, the stones seem to be confined to the western half of the unit. We then excavated the western side of the unit under a different q-lot, q50. By the end of the day we had cleared soil around the stones and stopped the work on that level. sg Work stopped here for a while. k 13 dy We continued removing topsoil in the western side of the unit. After a while I changed the feature into f23, which consists of the same variation of soft and hard soil as in all the other units. At the end of the day we broke the soil also in the eastern side of the unit. That did not produce any pottery during the short time we worked on it today. sg We will continue with both sides of the unit tomorrow. k 14 dy We did not excavate in this unit today. GB looked at f17 in northwest corner of the unit and suggested that the hard deposit was formed there because the surrounding stones had prevented the soil from eroding and disintegrating as it did beyond the stones. We relayed the stones today. I assigned them as f26 and defined that as lens type c. k 5 dy We did not excavate in this unit today, but relayed the stones found here. I assigned them as f27 and defined that as lens type c. k 3 dy In the morning we continued removing topsoil in the northern half of the unit. Near the eastern baulk of the unit we found a nearly complete skeleton of a small juvenile canine. I assigned that as i2. sg We will continue going down with big picks. f 12 df lb ev Instead of defining this as ab I changed the definition since this lens is not bounded by any walls. f 15 ad ld ds Not bounded by any walls. f 16 df l ev Instead of defining this feature as accumulation, it is better to use lens since the stones bounding it do not seem to be walls. f 17 ev The stones to the south of this feature do not seem to be the remains of any walls and thus definition l is better than a. GB suggested that the hard deposit was formed there because the surrounding stones had prevented the soil from eroding and disintegrating as it did beyond the stones. f 22 ds This feature is located in k4 and refers to the accumulation directly associated with the stones (f27). The soil is a mixture of harder and softer patches. The harder patches could perhaps be brick pieces. The feature covers the whole unit although the stones are only found in the southwestern corner of the unit. f 23 ds This is a layer directly below the topsoil feature f19 in the western half of k13. It consists of harder and softer patches of soil in a similar manner as in other loci. f 24 ds These are the stones in k5 mixed with f16. The stones form a north-south line in the middle of the unit departing from the large stone f14 near the middle of the northern baulk. Included in this feature are also some isolated stones to the west of the line. These stones are in the same level with the stoneline but are not directly connected to and do not seem to form a distinguishable pattern. f 25 ds This is a layer directly below topsoil f18 in the northern half of k3. f 26 ds These are stones in k14 mixed with f15. They form three roughly east-west lines and also include a couple of isolated stones to the south of the lines. The first of the lines abuts f17 but extends further east than f17. At its eastern end this lines curves slightly to the north. f 27 ds This feature is the group of stones in the southwest corner of k4. The stones form an irregular line going from southeast to southwest. They are mixed with/in the middle of f22. f 28 ds This is a large stone partly embedded in the north baulk of k4. It is in the same level with f27 and f22. -ns The first feature of interest in J02 in terms of dating is the tannur feature f9 and its fill f10 in k14 attached to the middle of the southern baulk of the unit. We did not find a proper floor associated with it although we did find a hard, compacted layer of soil to the west of it, which I termed lb. This is f12. The next features of interest are stone formations or stone groupings in k4, k5 and k14. These are lower in elevation than the tannur in k14. I have labeled the stone features as follows: stones in k4 are f27, in k5 they are f24, and k14 they are f26. While these stones do not seem to form a coherent structure, they clearly are the result of human activity and thus the date for these would be of interest. They are located underneath and mixed with soil deposition that seems like natural accumulation. I have given different feature numbers for the soil just immediately above or surrounding the stones as follows: in k4 the soil around and between the stones is f22, in k5 it is f16 and in k14 it is f15. The appropriate q-lots to pay attention to with respect to these features are: f12 "working floor" associated with the tannur: f12q29; f10 (tannur fill): f10q28; f9 (removing the tannur, i.e soil underneath it): f15q39; soil (f15) around and mixed with the stones in k14 (f26): f15q30, f15q37, and f15q35; soil (f22) around and mixed with the stones in k4 (f27): f22q47 and f22q50; and soil (f16) mixed with and associated with stones in k5 (f24): f16q31 and f16q34. .rd R720 .ri pC f 15 sm f15 is a accumulation related to stones f26