.bk J02 .fl p829sc.j .fd features descriptions 232-236, 238-240, 244-248, 250-251, 253, 260-261 .ei sc .ed p829 .rd p829 .ri sc f 232 ;df wall ds f232 (v103, v103a, r718-r742) has been assigned to the limestone wall running E-W in k4. It was covered by f230, which is the accomulation below wall f144. f 233 ;df ad ds f233 is a natural accumulation in the E baulk of k15. The soil is medium hard with a crumble and dusty texture; when dry it rubs off. c# 7.5 YR 7/1 co light gray f 234 ;df fb ds f234 (v104, v104a) is a natural accumulation in k101 that covers all the unit. It is characterized by a clay loam texture (is sticky and a bit plastic, and maintains these charachteristics when dry) and by the presence of some ash lenses and little fragments of broken stones (calcar or limestone) in the NE area, where k103 abuts f127 (a wall running NS) f234 is the same of f236 in k103, and abuts f236; the upper boundary between them is irregular. it is grayish in colour. ds surface under f228. f234 is very well defined in terms of consistence (very compact respect to the accomulation above) and texture (very fine). f234 cover the whole unit and that it extends also in k103 (where is defined as f231) c# 7.5 YR 7/1 co light gray f 235 df ab ds f235 (v104, v104a) is a thin layer localizated in the sw corner of k103 (it extends 45 cm N to r713 and 60 cm W to r713). It is a layer consituited mainly by pebbles and pottery sherds, most of which lye in a horizontal way (although some are also in vertical deposition). The soil between the sherds has a clay loam texture (wet is sticky and a bit plastic). It is a thin layer, high 3-7 cm. f235 abuts f236 and the upper boundary between them is merging/sharp. nr the horizontal disposition of the pottery sherds may suggest that f235 could be a floor surface, but some sherds present also a vertical deposition, which however could indicate it is a dump. f235 then, as the rpevious fetures, differs in elevation between the N and S area of the square; in the N area f235 is m3953 +21 -166 while on the S is m3953 +12 -166 (=88.27); the bottom elevation is m3953 +13 -166 in the N and m3953 +7 -166 (close to the S limit of the square). f 236 ad ad ds f236 (v104, v104a) is an accomulation in k103 which covers the whole unit; it is characterized by a very soft and fine texture, clayish (wet is sticky and plastic) and by the presence of ash lenses spread in the central area of the square. It is covered by f231. f236 overlays and abuts f235; the upper boundary between them is merging/sharp. It is brown in colour. nr f236 presents a difference of 10 cm between the top elevation in the N and the top elevation in the S area of the square. The top elevation in the N area in fact is: m3953 +30 -163, while on the S is: m3953 +20 -163. The same occur for the bottom elevation: the bottom elevation is m3953 +30 -166 in the N area, while on the S is m3953 +10 -166. c# 7.5 YR 5/4 co brown f 238 ;df fb ds f238 (v104, v104a) is a floor surface in k103 (below f236) that covers all the unit. It is characterized by a very soft and fine texture, clayish (wet is sticky and plastic) and by the presence of ash lenses spread in the central area of the square. nr f238 presents a difference between the top elevation in the N and the top elevation in the S area of the square. The top elevation in the N area is m3953 +30 -166, while on the S is m3953 +10 -166. The same occur for the bottom elevation: the bottom elevation is m3953 +30 -166 in the N area, while on the S is m3953 +10 -166. c# 10 YR 6/2 co light brownish gray c# 7.5 YR 4/1 co dark brown c# 7.5 YR 4/4 co dark gray f 239 ad fb ds f239 is a bricky melted surface in k101. It covers almost all the unit (excluding the NW corner of the square where a thick red accomulation layer have been found, and defined as f244). It is characterized by a very compact surface with a very fine and soft texture and by ash lenses spread all over the surface. Where the feature is characterized by the presence of melted bricks it is brown in color, while, where the ash lenses are present, it is dark brown/greyish in color. nr f239 is characterized by a very irregular course; in general it slopes toward the south area of k101, but it have been noticed also four different elevations in the N to the S area of k101. The top elevation (in the N area) is m3953 +12 -169, while the bottom (aproximately 1m from r709) is m3953 +5 -169. The same occur for the bottom elevation.The bottom elevation is m3953 +7 -173 in the N area, while on the S is m3953 +3 -173. ;c# 7.5 YR 5/4 ;co brown ;c# 7.5 YR 8/1 co white c# 5 YR 5/4 co reddish brown f 240 ad fb ds f240 (gv105, gv105a) is an accumulation individuated firstly in the NE corner of k103 (it extends 160W and 140S from r713) and then, in almost the whole k103. It is characterized by very fine texture and a compact consistente and by the presence of several ash lenses. It is intruded by f250 and f251 (i.e. two animal holes). It is reddish-brown in color. In the SW corner of the square f240 is overlayed by f245; here have been noticed some laminations that give to the feature a white grayish coloration. nr As noticed already while excavating other features in k103, f f239 is characterized by different elevations. The top elevation in the N area is m3953 +20 -158, while on the S is m3953 +8 -158. The bottom elevation is m3953 +14 -173 in the N area, while on the S is m3953 +0 -173. c# 2.5 YR 4/4 co reddish brown c# 5 YR 6/1 co grey (for the ash areas) f 244 df ab ad lb ds f244 is a accumulation located in the SW corner of k101 (it extends 98 E and 190N from r708)characterized by a very fine and loose texture and by a crumble consistence, and by the presence of little fragments of stones (especially where f244 abuts the W section in k101). When wet it is light brown in color, while dry assume a grayish coloration. nr As noticed already while excavating other features in k103, f239 is characterized by different elevations. The top elevation in the N area is m3953 +8 -166, while on the S is m3953 +5 -166. The bottom elevation is m3953 +3 -170 in the N area, while on the S is m3953 +0 -174. It could be aslo interpreted as a lb f 245 ;df ab ds f245 is a accumulation located in the SE corner of k103 (it extends from r713). It is characterized by a clay loam texture (is sticky and a bit plastic, and maintains these charachteristics when dry) and a very fine texture. When wet it is dark brown in color. c# 7.5 YR 4/1 co dark brown f 246 df ad ds f246 is a accumulation in k103 that cover almost all the unit (exluded the N area, where f247, a gray accumulation, is located). It is characterized by a very fine texture, it has a plastic consistence and is reddish-brown in color. f246 abut f247 (in the N area of k103): the boundary between them is sharp. It abuts also f239 (in the W, of k101) and the boundary between them is irregular; it covers f253. nr As noticed already while excavating other features in k101, f246 is characterized by different elevations. The top elevation in the N area is m3965 +14 -173 while in the S area is m3965 +0 -173. The bottom elevation of f246 in the N area is m4169 +88 -154 while in the S area is m4169 +90 -154. At the elevation of m3953 +14 -174 f246 was interested by a large area of ash (r750). c# 5 YR 5/5 co reddish brown f 247 ;df ad ds f247 is a very fine and compact accumulation located in the N area of k103 (it abuts the N section of k103) light gray in color. nd f247 is the same as f248 in k101. f 248 ;df ad ds f248 is a very fine and compact accumulation located in the N area of k101 (it abuts the N section of k101), light gray in color. nd f248 is the same as f247 in k103. f 250 ;df hr ds f250 is a animal hole (9cm in diameter) in the central area of k103 (r745); It intrudes f240, f246 and f252. f 251 ;df hr ds f251 is a animal hole (10cm in diameter) in the central area of k103 (r746); It intrudes f240, f246, f252 and f253. f 253 ;df ad ds f253 have been assigned to a very fine and compact accumulation which cover almost all k104 (excluding the area close to the N section of k104, where f247 and f248 have been individuated). f253 is covered by f246 and overlays f247 (which is the same as f248), and it is intruded by f251 (animal hole). f 260 ad ad ds f260 is a natural accumulation below f232, the wall running EW in k4 (r916). It is a melted brick accumulation and has a medium texture; is grayish in color. f260 rest on f150. f 261 ;df ad ds f261 is the accumulation in the E baulk of k4. The soil is medium hard with a crumble, very fine and dusty texture; when dry it rubs off and it is grayish in color; once excavated it is yellowish brown colour. c# 7.5 YR 7/1 co light gray c# 10 YR 5/3 co yellowish brown .fd objects descriptions .rd p828 .ri sc q 621.2 df gr ds fragment of basalt grinding stone. The upper surface is flat; the lower one is slightly concave; the original shape was oval. wm li ht 14 lg 11 th 4.5 cn broken P2 ZSB 105-22 q 621.3 df gr ds fragment of basalt grinding stone with a dognut shape (half is missing). wm li ht 13 lg 6 th 6 cn broken P2 ZSB 105-22 q 631.1 df gr ds fragment of basalt grinding stone. The upper surface is flat; the lower one is slightly concave; the original shape was probably oval. wm li ht 10 lg 10 th 6 cn broken P2 ZSB 105-22 q 583.1 df kw ds large fragment of kiln waste. wm cl ht 12 lg 14 th 11 cn broken