.bk J2 .fl P905mKB.j .fd Seal Impression Descriptions .rd P904 .ri mKB .ed P905 .ei mKB q 458.1 df si tc si f174 ds small bearded man facing palm tree, other small unclear geometric figures ht 2.1 @measured along axis of the iconography w1 3.3 th 1.2 cn partially preserved c# 10YR3/1 co very dark gray q 747.1 df si tc si 295 ds two rollings: upper one rampant bull facing right, trace of lion mane. Lower rolling hero between two animals with hero holding horn of the animal on the right but his other hand unclear K16 reverse: peg impression, two leather strap impresions, trace of leather knot below ht 2.5 w1 3.5 th 1.4 cn partial c# 7.5YR7/2 co pinkish gray ns based on the style the seal is late ED III but may be very early Akkadian also because there is a continuity into the Akadian period of the ED III style and motifs i 22 df si tc si 256 ds rampant horned animal with body facing right and head facing left K16 unclear ht 2.3 w1 2.3 th 1.6 c# 7.5YR4/1 co dark gray