.bk J02 .fl T901cJC.j .fd feature summaries and best views .rd T901 .ri cJC f 334 sm Wall running east-west in k14 that abuts f127. It is the same as f288 and is part of the same wall as f346. It is a small curtian wall in front of the revetment wall (f128) with several large limestones. A12 v153a f 335 ;sm Accumulation under the wall f334. It is a bricky red and brown material. It probably served as the foundation for the wall f334. A12 v153 f 336 sm Accumulation under the wall f334. This number was only used for one q-lot and then f335 was accidentally used to refer to the accumulation under wall f334. For summary purposes f335 and f336 should be considered the same accumulation. A12 v152c f 337 sm North baulk of k14. This was excavated as volumetric feature. A12 v152 f 338 sm Large brickfall in south k15 and k5. It is composed of red and gray bricks. Probably Mittanni in date. A12 v179 f 339 sm Very hard gray surface in k15. This surface was probably created by the erosion (f366) seen in the south section. Water from the erosion made it very hard. Originally thought to be a either a glacis (f319) or a sloping surface across the whole area (k110, k5 and k15) it turned out to be an erosion surface confined primarily to k15. A12 v174 f 340 sm Small area next to the cement staircase and immediately under the cement staircase that was removed when the south section was cut back. It was composed entirely of brickfall. O99 There is no direct view of this feature as a separate feature but it is part of the large brickfall f338. The best view was chosen from the pre-excavation photos and f340 is visible in the area just to the east of the cement staircase. A12 v151 f 341 sm Large brickfall composed of red and gray bricks, seen clearly in section that covers the western part of k15. It is part of the same brickfall as f338. The bricks at the bottom are larger and more clearly articulate and appear more degraded towards the top of f341. This feature was originally excavated as a volumetric feature but it was composed entirely of brickfall. A12 v156 f 342 sm Removal of brickfall in south k5 under the cement staircase. This feature is the same as f341, both refering to removal of brickfall surrounding the cement staircase. A12 v151 O99 There is no direct view of this feature as a separate feature but it is part of the large brickfall f338. The best view was chosen from the pre-excavation photos and f342 is the portion of the brickfall hidden by the cement staircase. f 343 sm Dirt, including backfill from under the cement staircase. Has no stratigraphic importance O99 There is no view of this feature as it has no archaeological significance. f 344 sm Hard compact surface in south k110. It is about 10cm thick in section and a very distinct gray color. It has some sherds and pebbles embedded in it. A12 v158a .rd T909 f 345 sm Six floating stones inside the large brickfall. They are all at about the same elevation but do not form any kind of structure. A12 v157 f 346 sm Small curtain wall in front of the revetment wall (f128) to the west of the the wall f127. f346, together with f334, is one wall that abuts the western wall (f127) of the apron (f131). It is composed of large limestones, some with a triangular shape. The f346 portion of the wall was partially collapsed when excavated. A12 v161 f 347 sm Very compact gray floor in k110. It is part of a long sequence of floors in front of the apron (f131) indicating the long-use of the area. A12 v213 f 348 sm Very red granular accumulation in k15. It may form a subfloor for the f359 and f373. This feature was only partially exposed and was not excavated. A12 v175 f 349 sm A group of large pebbles, about 10-20cm in size, sitting in the accumulation (f335) under the wall f334. They may form a part of the base of the wall. O99 There is no view of this feature as it was accidentally removed before photographing. f 350 sm Soft, sandy layer with a reddish color. It is a very thin accumulation. It is one of a series of 11 level floors and accumulations in south k110. A12 v213 f 351 sm Brown accumulation inside of the wall f346. A12 v161 f 352 sm Accumulation under the wall f346. It is only partially excavated as we did not remove all of the wall. ds Comes aprt in chunks, has a reddish and brown colors. Very similar to f335. A12 v161 f 353 sm Reddish accumulation in south k110, one of the series of 11 floors and accumulations in this area demonstrating the long use. This layer is distinguished from f350 as it is less sandy and is more compact. A12 v213 f 354 sm Accumulation immediately to the west of f127, where it met with the curtian wall f344. It is composed of gray laminations overlaying the hard gray layer, f319. This feature was probably created by water collecting near the base of the corner of the two walls (f344 and f127). A12 v174 f 355 sm Floor composed of pebbles and sherds laying flat, recovered only in the southern portion of k110. A12 v162 f 356 sm Brickfall in k111. This feature was an arbitrary 20 cm deep to remove a portion of the brickfall to allow for easier access from the J7 vantage point to J2. A12 v163 f 357 sm Thick deposit of several natural accumulations. This feature was created by several different depositional events but was excavated as one feature. It has many flaky layers and breaks apart into layers very easily. A12 v213 f 358 sm Lens of pebbles in the southern part of k110. It is probably created by the same natural processes that created the deposits of f357. A12 v164 f 359 sm Salmon-colored floor covering the whole area in front of the apron (f131). It is cut by erosion in front of the apron but presumably continued up to the base of the apron. Might be the first floor associated with the construction of the apron. It is a reddish orange color in section and gray with reddish patches when viewed from the top. It is hard with a smooth surface. A12 v181 f 360 O99 There is no view of this feature as it was originally intended just for cleaning and scraping the square. In the views of the south section of k5 (v211) It would have been where f344 and f347 are now labeled. f 361 sm This feature is a reddish layer with small pebbles and sandy inclusions. It is the continuation of f350 and f353 from k110 into k5. It was excavated as one feature instead of two. A12 v211 f 362 sm Accumulation of small pebbles and sherds in the southeast corner of k5. It is the continuation of f355 from k110 into k5. It is eroded on its western edge where it is cut by f366. A12 v168 f 363 sm Naturally accumulated surface with many plate-like layers. It is brown and soft. A12 v211 f 364 sm Naturally accumulated floor surface with plate-like layers, similar to f363 but more red and coarse. A12 v211 f 365 sm Naturally accumulated floor with many plate-like layers, it has many inclusions and is very coarse. It continues across the whole area in front of the apron (f131). A12 v169 f 366 sm Erosion cut seen in the south section of all k110, k5 and k15. It is very large and slopes sharply in eastern k5 before leveling off to a more gentle slope in the west. The surface underneath (f339) is very hard and has forms a sharp division between the features above and below suggesting the cut was caused by water erosion. The brickfall rests immediately on top of the cut. A12 v179 f 367 sm Fill of erosion cut f376. It is soft and similar to the natural accumulation immediately above (f365). It extends across k5 near the apron and into k15. It contains some larger sherds and is brown and flaky in consistency. A12 v172 f 368 sm Hard gray layer sloping up to the base of the apron (f131) with some large sherds embedded in it. When f367 was excavated it became apparent that f368 is, in fact, the same feature as f369. A12 v172 f 369 sm Hard gray layer that extends out from the base of the apron, where it was called f368, and continues under the salmon-colored floor f359. It comes up against the apron and may be associated with the construction of the apron. A12 v181 f 370 sm Plaster 'floor' in k5. It is composed a few fragmentary pieces of plaster on a level surface that may have originally formed a floor but now it is heavily damaged and difficult to determine. It is composed of 3 main patches of plaster, which contain very fragmentary plaster pieces and no complete surface. A12 v173 f 371 sm Gray laminations on top of the northern portion of f339. This feature is very flaky and comes apart easily. A12 v174 f 372 A12 v177 f 373 sm Pink layer in the southwest corner of k15. It is very fine powder and forms no real surface. It is probably a damaged portion of f359. A12 v175 f 374 sm Hard gray sloping layer. It was not excavated but may form a surface that extends completely from k15 to the base of the revetment wall. A12 v175 f 375 sm Surface with plaster inclusions, possibly a plaster floor. It is very friable with small white inclusions. It is limited to a small area in eastern k15. A12 v177 f 376 sm Cut of erosion that extends as a very shallow channel from east to west in front of the apron, removing some floors, notably f359. It was filled with a natural accumulation of f367. A12 v186 f 377 sm Layer immediately under f359, it is thin and has a plate-like structure. It may be a subfloor for f359. It is not well defined and is not very thick. A12 v189 f 378 sm Hard gray layer that abuts the lowest visible step of the apron, may be part of the first floor associated with the apron. A12 v191 f 379 sm Thick layer of ashy accumulation mixed with hard reddish inclusions. It also has a very granular texture in some places. It may be part of a subfloor for f359. A12 v191 f 380 sm Staircase under the main visible staircase (f130) that is part of the larger monumental structure. f380 likely represents an earlier construction phase based on the large step up between f380 and f131. This staircase has only 3 visible steps with a fourth possible under f130. It was assigned its own feature number in MZ22 to distinguish the first staircase (f380) from the second staircase (f130). A12 v203 f 381 sm Mud layer with impressions in it. Probably created by pooling of water in front of the apron. A12 v196 f 382 sm Cut in the southeast corner of k100. It is a very deep (more than 50cm already excavated) with a very straight edge where exposed. The fill (f383) is relatively clean. nl This feature forms an aggregate, a12, with f383 A12 v198 f 383 sm Fill of cut f382. It is very soft and contains very little cultural material. It is wet when excavated and has a deep rich brown color. There are some bricks possibly seen in section. A12 v193 f 384 sm Small row of pebbles inside the cut of f382 that runs parallel to the cut. The stones are embedded in a hard layer f385. A12 v197 f 385 sm Very hard complact layer at the presumed bottom ofthe cut f382. A12 v197 f 386 sm Sherd and bone pavement in front of the lower staircase f380 A12 v199 f 387 sm Accumulation forming the subfloor for the sherd and bone pavement f386 A12 v201 f 388 sm Pebble and sherd floor, less dense than either f386 or f390, but also with very small sherds. A12 v200 f 389 sm Subfloor for f388, soft brown soil. A12 v201 f 390 sm Sherd, bone and pebble pavement. A12 v202 f 391 sm Bakaya-like layer at the base of the last visible step of the lower staircase f380. It is contained to the 10cm immediately in front of the step. A12 v203