.bk J02 .fl V930cJC.j .fd Strata rationales by feature resulting from study season discussions. .ri cJC .rd V930 f 391 I10 As this feature was not excavated the sherds can not give a date. Based on the stratigraphic location below f388 and f389 which were dated to s670-JPC based on the presence of incised Ninevite 5 sherds. See notes on pottery in f388. f 390 I10 Based on the stratigraphic location below f388 and f389 which were dated to s670-JPC based on the presence of incised Ninevite 5 sherds. See notes on pottery in f388. f 128 I12 The first escarpment of area J1 is dated to the early EDIII period and it is believed to be associated with the construction of this wall. In J2 the first accumulation associated with the base of the wall was not clearly identified, but the layers associated with the lowest levels of the revetment wall are primarily dated to early EDIII or the mid EDIII, which fits with the J1 material. f 239 I12 This feature was assigned to s650-JPC, indicating it was contemporary with the building of the revetment wall, but upon further review it is unclear if it is associated with the revetment wall (f128) or the is after the construction of the flanking wall (f127) which is currently dated to s630-JPC. The types of contact with these two walls were not recored. See v105 which does not show the type of contact clearly but may indicate that the feature was after the construction of both walls. As of 2011 the q-lots have not been analyzed. f 244 I12 This feature is considered to be part of f239. There are no views or other types of contact that might indicate if it is before or after the construction of the flanking wall f127. f 247 I10 The lowest excavated levels at the bottom of the revetment wall f128 are the two sloping accumulations f247 and f248. They are at approximately the same elevation as the base of the wall which is calculated at 8806 so they are presumed to be part of the initial construction. They are sloped to the south to direct water away from the base of the wall. Their relationship to the wall, f127 was not recorded although it is presumed they were built before the wall was constructed. f 248 I10 The lowest excavated levels at the bottom of the revetment wall f128 are the two sloping accumulations f247 and f248. They are at approximately the same elevation as the base of the wall which is calculated at 8806 so they are presumed to be part of the initial construction. They are sloped to the south to direct water away from the base of the wall. Their relationship to the wall, f127 was not recorded although it is presumed they were built before the wall was constructed. f 132 I12 Based on discussions with jW about the continuation of the second apron in J3 we are now unable to identify why this feature was assigned to the Mittani period. Some of the accumulations that abut the stones are Mittani but these may have been a result of the covering of the area during the Mittani period. If the accumulations against the apron were early Mittani it would argue more strongly in favor of a Mittani assignment as the accumulations in J2 were relatively low during the early Mittani period. If the accumulations, however, are late Mittani it might suggest that they only accumulated after the plaza had been filled and the accumulations covered the whole area. The bakaya found under the apron probably dates to the time of construction of the monumental access, reflecting the surface of the terrace in the third millennium. .rd Vy16 .ri cJC f 392 df floor ds This feature was only identified in section. It is a thick gray layer seen in the west section of k100. It has been assigned a feature number as it is thought to possibly be the first floor associated with the construction of the monumental access. wm cl lc k110 ar This feature may be the first floor associated with the construction of the ^mnacs based on several factors. First, it is a thick layer of relatively uniform material - suggesting it may have been intentionally laid. Furthermore, it slopes up against the stone visible in the western edge of k100, that is likely a patch stone added to connect the apron with the earlier staircase when the apron was constructed.