.bk J03 .fl P803jW.j .fd daily journal P803 -wk,-dy .ei jW .ed P803 .rd P803 .ri jW -wk Two large picks and 5 in support. Faraj missing. Little impact on work due to several scheduled photographs. -dy Continued to excavate accumulation, f2, in k12. In first pick run, except for the SW corner, began to see changes in soil texture from fine and powdery to thick chunks with decayed rootlets, typical of soil moistened by entrapped water. Changed features. Encountered several large stones and a lens of compacted granular material toward the northeast. Paused work for a consultation with gB, mkB, and faB. There is a good possibily that we see the top of the west end of the apron that capped the wall that was exposed in J2 to the east. Also exposed a tannur midway along the west baulk of k12. Cleaned and prepared to photograph on P804. Removed the north baulk of k11 down to the extant level of k12 so that we may excavate down to the mound's projected perimeter wall top.