.bk J03 .fl P813jW.j .fd daily journal P813 -wk,-eq,-dy,-sg .fn corrections and additions made by jW on Q415 .ei jW .ed P813 .rd P811 .ri jW -wk Three picks and five in support reported for work. Thanks to the effiency of the elevator and the confined working space, we may be able to finish this season without replacing Ahmad. -eq Elevator continued to work well, moving large quantities of dirt without mechanical problems. Workmen have organized an efficient system for shoveling, retrieving pottery and clearing the input scoop. -dy In k101, we cleared the accumulation,f between the large stone in the middle of the locus and the reduced west baulk. As in the eastern half, there is evidence for, but no absolute proof of, the south face of wall, f11. In k12, we removed large, floating stones, f20, f23, and cleared the entire locus down to an elevation of 9137, close to, but still above the expected elevation of the wall top. We saw many areas of laminations, without any clear pattern and scattered brick chunks and ashy pockets throughout. We then designated a single feature for all of the accumulation/lamination in the locus, f34, and made one pick run before the end of the day, having been just able to complete the dirt removal, but not the cleaning and inspection before the end of the day. -sg Tomorrow, P814, we will thoroughly clean the entire locus k12, and inspect it carefully to see if we can find evidence of the wall, f11, top and the material confined behind it to the north. Then we will meet with gB and faB to determine whether to dig more here or to move further to the north to excavate the topological column, which we expect to provide key evidence of how the wall was built.