.bk J03 .fl P820jW.j .fd daily journal P820 .fn corrections and additions made by jW on Q415 .ei jW .ed P820 .rd P820 .ri jW -wk Three picks and 5 in support reported for work. At the end of the day, workmen were advised that tomorrow will not be a work day for them. The day will be made up at the end of the season. -sf Student Zuzann did not report for work today. gM worked on processing objects after breakfast. Due to a trip to Hassake by the director and other senior supervisors, staff will work at home tomorrow processing data. -dy Entire Mozan staff visited unit for a report on the progress of the excavations during the past week. Continued to follow surface of third millennium terrace south from k102 into k12. Living accumulation, f38, covering the terrace, f50, yielded sherds mixed between ubiquitous and EDIII. This pottery lot q78 tagged for rapid analysis. Excavated accumulations, f51, above third millennium wall stones and accumulations, f42 surrounding second millennium wall stones. Removed floating stone, f26, after relaying and marking it. -sg gB, mKB, faB, jO, jW and unit staff met to decide where to place the new unit J4, which is to determine the extent and nature of the third millennium plaza which we expect to be located south of the monumental temple wall. Because the same information could be obtained from a number of locations, we decided to incorporate it into J3 instead and place it three squares south of k11. This placement has the added benefit of being on the path of a possible visual line of sight to better view the entire wall system while a master plan to excavate the temple complex is being developed. It will be designated k103, and excavations will begin on P822.