.bk J03 .fl Q812vE1.j .fd Introduction to the MZ 19 season excavations in J03 .fn edited by jW 0n R924 .ri vVE .rd Q812 .ed Q812 .ei vVE --i During MZ17(2004-O) and MZ18(2005-P) at Tell Mozan the revetment wall of the temple terrace had been exposed in three excavation areas: J1, J2 and J3. From the information provided by these excavations it could be deduced that the temple terrace was in continued use from EDIII times to the end of the Mitanni period. Furthermore, through all these centuries of use the terrace must have been well maintained. After the plaza in front of the terrace had started to accumulate deposits during the second millennium BC, there was probably a rebuilding of the monumental staircase to which the second apron was added. During this 2006 campaign we will try to further complement our knowledge of the temple terrace and thus of the Monumental Urban Complex at Urkesh by focusing on three issues. 1) In the sounding through the baqaya-glacis covering the temple mound, Late Chalcolithic sherds were found. We will attempt to clarify the context of these sherds. The working hypothesis is that these deposits were brought in from a nearby settlement to construct the temple terrace and are therefore out of their primary context. 2) The exact shape of the temple terrace remains uncertain despite the information available from the geomagnetic survey performed by the German excavation team from Tuebingen and the information from the recent excavations. Therefore we will expose further the top of the revetment wall. 3) On the basis of the results of last year's excavations it has been hypothesized that the second apron was added to the revetment wall during the Mitanni period, probably at the start of phase 6a. This hypothesis will be tested by further exposing the second apron and investigating its connection to the revetment wall.