.bk J03 .fl Q822bL2.j .fd description of q item and item;edited by R819eI .ei mO .ed Q816 .rd Q822 .ri bL q 520.3 ds flake of flint, it has an irregular shape, the debitage is shown on one side q 520.1 ds piece of flake, it has seven faces and irregular shape, the debitage is shown clearly in many sides q 192.1 ;df la df bl ds a blade of flint retauched in two sides, the upper side was not broken but make by retouch wm li ht 4.7 lg 3.4 th 0.7 co grey cn complete P99 to be drawn and photo q 183.2 ;df la df db ds flake of flint with irregular shape, the debitage isn't very clear and there is no retouched side wm li ht 4.2 lg 2.1 th 0.9 co dark grey cn complete ;P2 ZSB 16-77