.bk J03 .fl Q921jW.j .fd daily jounal .fn -dy, -sf, sy, -sp .ei jW .ed Q921 .rd Q921 .ri jW -dy jW supervised data entry and worked on stratigraphic analysis. bL drew templates for J3 West and worked on stratigraphic analysis. eDB finished entering the logs for J3 and then assited J4 in setting up the programs to process their Global Record, afterwhich he processed their relays. eI drew the Uruk seal impressions and drew templates for J3 East. eI and jW visited the field to plan the work needed to draw the rest of the stones that had been covered by the long east baulk of k11, k12, and k101, which include those of the apron, f10, and the memory stones atop the revetment wall, f11. -wk jW was granted permission by gB to have Abd'el Hamid work on Saturday in the field with eI. -sy We need to establish several new markers with relays to finish measuring and drawing the stones of J3 East. -sp kD, a visiting Environmental Archaeolgist, examined the unit with jW to briefly study the material used to make the baqaya glacis, f109, the wahal glacis, f152, and the mud glacis, f241. If possible, we would like to know whether these features are natural or man-made. The baqaya is found under the surface soils and would have to have been dug elsewhere and carried to the temple mound to be used as a coating. The wahal is relatively clean and is composed of silt and sand. The cleanliness and the hard uniform surface make it more likely than not to have been carried to the mound and compacted there. The mud glacis has many sherds and pebbles. This could have resulted from erosion and transport from higher on the mound after Mittani abandonment or it could have been carried to the mound from elswhere.