.bk J03 .fl Qx10jW1.j .fd Daily Journal for period ending Qx10 .fn -dy, -sg, --i .ei jW .ed Qx10 .rd Qx10 .ri eDB -dy bL and eDB are almost finished preparing templates for photographs and section drawings. bL and eI are now available for J3 work full time after being detailed to conservation and drawing for considerable portions of the last week. eI and mO, who returned from Aleppo University for the last two days of work, are preparing stratigraphic assignments and analyses for the East portion of J3. Previously the entire staff, including rE, finished the stratigraphic analysis for the West portion. jW re-constituted the feature descriptions that had been lost when the Feature Data sheets were misplaced. There are some discrepances among the feature descriptions, the types of contact, and the strata assignments which will be resolved by jW in Los Angeles. -sg In the last day of work this season, we will place all files in the deep freeze, organize the data among the various computers and pack equipment in preparation for departure the morning of Qx12. --i The finishing numbers for various elements in the global record are as follows: aggregates = a15; composites = 0; features = 327; items = 26; special loci = 109; plots = 20; q-lots = 408; relays - the first series ended at 1000, restarted at 2000 and ended at 2560; views = 163; drawings = 37, sketches = 59.