.bk J03 .fl R726jW.j .fd Comments about relays r1208-r1212, r1215, r1216, r1219, r1220 .ei jW .ed R726 .rd R726 .ri jW r 1208 nv This relay is one of a number taken in the east part of J3 as the BA Temple mound apron, a501, and revetment wall, a502, that were not processed (no solution) because their lines of position did not intersect (no ties). In this case it is impossible to resolve the issue and the relay will not be used. ;r 1208 ;text R726jW.T ;Unsolved Relays ; Relays fail to process through to a solution for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the most prevalent is that the wrong marker for one or both is recorded. Another reason is that the wrong distance from the correct marker is measured or recorded. Another reason is that the markers are separated by an angle that is nearly 180 degrees. Sometimes it is possible to correct these errors, but many times the relay must be discarded. ;endtext