.bk J03 .fl U901jW.j .fd summary of evidence and strategy for dating the BA temple terrace .ei jW .ed U901 .rd U901 .ri jW -su By virue of the fact that the revetment wall, f11, can be dated to the EDIII perion, its abutting baqaya glacis, f50 and f109, can be likewise tentatively be dated to EDIII. There have been limited indications that the mound that the glacis covers dates to an earlier period. These include Uruk seal impressions and Late Chalcolithic sherds found in the vicinity of pit a10, which cut the glacis. Recently, ceramics analysis of soil features (f114, f120, f121, f151, f152, f209) which covered the glacis to a depth of 15 cm revealed the presence of a considerable number of LC sherds. The issue presented is: do these features, the glacis, and the mound beneath date to the Late Chalcolithic period? -sg gB pointed out that stratigraphically, accumulations above the glacis are not sealed from above. Therefore, their source and time of deposition cannot be determined. In fact, since f152 served as a glacis to memory stones of the revetment wall, it is likely that these accumulations covering the baqaya were fill, probly mined from nearby and dumped there in the MIttani period. The only true test of the composition and date of baqaya and the mound below to sink a trench and analyze the contents. To that end, on U904, gB, mKB, fAB, pC, and jW will visit J3 to plan the possible excavation. Because of its limited, but delicate nature, experienced workmen would be hired to do the digging.