.bk J03 .fl U914jW1.j .fd summary and strategy for U913 and U914 .ei jW .ed U914 .rd U913 .ri jW -su After excavation was completed on U913, gB, mKB, fAB, pC, and jW met on site to discuss the result and generally plan for the excavation over the next few days. mKB stated that there were an adequate number of sherds to date the glacis, f109, and features immediately below, to the Late Chalcolithic 3 period. The original plans called for us to excavate all of k110 to a depth of about 2 meters. However, since f346 and f347 appear to cover red baqaya bricks laid with brown mortar,f347, there is the possibility that it is either a pavement or a wall-top, neither of which we would want to destroy at this time. It is sufficient to note that it is an important LC3 feature. A better way to study this feature is to excavate all of k13 and scrape well the original surrounding features to gain a perspective of what f347 is and what function it served. -sg On the morning of U914 we will clean the entire unit (including the walls of pits a5, a6, and a10) to prepare for a major photograph which will show all phases of the glacis construction from the late Mittani period, back through the Late Chalcolithic period. After taking a test photograph (the best time to take the record shot is in the late afternoon) we will remove the balance of f346 in the northern half and along the western border of k110, being careful not to damage the bricky material in the far NW corner.This will expose the balance of the ash layer, f347, which when removed should expose the bricks of f348.