.bk J03 .fl U921jW2.j .fd daily journal for U921 .ei jW .ed U921 .rd U921 .ri jW -wk All assigned workmen reported. -dy Took final photograph of the impression of rim of jar, i31, in floor, f357. Removed the south wall of pit, a19 and continued south into glacis, f351. Found a large brick structure, f361, in the NW corner of k12. It had be penetrated by a pit, a21, with fill, f359 sitting in cut, f360. Removed the fill and photographed f361 before and after. Carefully excavated in the NW corner of k13 to try to ascertain whether mudbrick pavement, f355 continued in that area. It does, in a strip about 75cm wide along the west face of f348 and the north baulk. To the southwest there is an area of reddish brown accumulation, f362.