.bk J03 .fl ZE814jW.j .fd Clarification of f268 .ei jW .ed ZE814 .rd ZE814 .ri jW f 268 ds A cluster of four individually designated large stones that sits in accumulation f257. They surround four smaller stones and the combination has been designated as aggregate a9. A99 It would have been better to assign an aggregate number to this cluster also. su Two journal entries have separately described this feature as entirely different entities: In Qx09jW.j, now supersceded, it was summarized as: A natural accumulation which sits in f257 in k106. In Wx07jW1.j it was summarized as: Group of 4 displaced stones in k109 that sits in accumulation f257. su There was no accompanying q-lot or soil data. An entry, now corrected, by the ceramics specialist in Q915mKB.j was erroneously associated with f268, rather than f263, resulting in an assignment of the feature to the LC period instead of the Mittani period.Also there was no soil data or q-lot. su Considering all the evidence, it is most probable that this feature should be properly defined as a cluster of stones that is part of aggregate a9.