
The Terrace Edge, Center (Version 1a)


Phase 3mJ3B within unit J3

James L. Walker – October 2012

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Phase 3m (s650) is immediately below the features in phase 7c. There are no intermediate structures or accumulations. We assume that during this entire interval the temple mound was sacred, not used, and kept clean of debris from higher in the mound. In this phase the revetment wall f11 and baqaya glacis f50 were built directly atop a Late Chalcolithic glacis. The wall foundation cut the LC glacis and LC material was used as fill behind to transition to the wall top. Determination of how the wall was built was a major goal of the excavation.

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Significant about the ceramics and items recovered was that none dated to the EDIII period. This confirms that once the wall and glacis were built, the area was maintained as sacred. One burial was recovered. No carbon was found and the bones have not been dated. However, from the context (in LC3 fill), we assume that it was from the LC period.

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