
The Terrace Edge, Center (Version 1a)


Phase 7vJ3B within unit J3

James L. Walker – October 2012

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Phase 7v encompasses the strata (s120 and s122) associated with the decline, modification, and eventual abandonment of the Mittani occupation in the unit.In the time period covered by s122, The plaza to the south of the EDIII revetment wall f11 filled completely and covered the wall. A number of displaced stones were found in these accumulations.
   In the time period covered by s120, several attempts were made to preserve the concept of a revement wall and glacis. First, a wahal glacis (f123 and f148) was constructed and a rough line of stones (a16) was place atop the path of the now-hidden EDIII revetment wall. After this glacis was covered, a third mud glacis (f241) was built, but soon afterwards the Mittani occupation ended.

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Ceramics from these layers are partially analyzed and cataloged. Pottery is from mixed phases, but predominately Mittni. Although most items are ubiquitous stone tools and clay artifacts, there are several outstanding examples of Mittani craftsmanship. First is a frit pendant i20.1. The second is two bronze tools, i500 and i501.