.bk J06 .fl S902pC.j .fd various and aggregate .rd S902 .ri pC .ed S902 .ei pc f 119 ds it is the brickfall located above the glacis f109 tc ov f109 f 161 ds f161 is the west baulk of k85; the topmost part corresponds to the glacis same as f110 el 8897@top f 145 tc co f161 f 56 tc si f55 f 9 el 9239@bottom f 12 df ld el 9156@bottom f 11 tc ov f13 f 13 tc ov f14 f 14 el 9244@bottom f 15 el 9156@bottom f 16 el 9160@bottom f 17 el 9142@bottom f 18 el 9109@bottom f 30 nr this feature has no bottom elevation and no type of contact: it is a baulk and has no stratigraphic importance. It was also excavated partly two years ago and therefore half of it is in J4 record P1 removed f 31 el 9152@bottom P1 removed f 32 P1 removed f 33 P1 removed S721 f 34 nr this feature has no type of contact: it is a baulk and has no stratigraphic importance. It was also excavated partly two years ago and therefore half of it is in J4 record P1 removed S722 f 35 el 9087@bottom ar f35 is very similar to f37, while it has the same type of inclusions, as lot of sherds and stones. It is the topmost part of the dump and the only difference is that the quantity of the sherds and bones is less. P1 removed S722 f 36 nr f36 is the last feature excavated in k65: we decided to stop excavating in k65 and to concentrate the excavation to the North in k74. In k65 was found only natural accumulations P1 removed S722 f 37 el 9072@bottom P1 removed S728 f 38 el 9075@bottom tc ov f41 P1 removed S723 f 39 el 9137@bottom tc co f43 P1 removed S722 f 43 el 9137@top el 9105@bottom f 40 P1 removed S728 f 41 tc ov f45 el 9075@bottom ar f41 was labeled as brickfall, while were found some bricks in the soil: we can now say that this is not related to the great brickfall ^bf1, while there is a floor f46 separating the two brickfalls. f41 is an accumulation charaterized by the presence of some bricks. P1 removed S722 f 42 tc ov f68 tc ov f61 el 9084@bottom pb this feature was full of pottery, but there is no q-lot recorded; probably there is a mistake on labeling f 43 P1 removed S723 f 44 nr We do not have contact association while f44 is a baulk and excavated whit no distinction on feature, while there were only natural accumulations very similar. P1 removed S723 f 45 P1 removed S723 f 47 nr f47 is a baulk and was excavated whitout dinstinction on features, therefore there is no type of contact P1 removed S724 f 48 P1 removed S724 f 50 P1 removed S724 f 51 P1 removed S724 f 52 P1 removed S726 f 54 el 9144@top nr f54 is a baulk and was not excavated stratigraphically, therefore we do not have the contact association between other features P1 removed S726 f 55 el 8974@bottom P1 removed S726 f 56 tc re f55 nc it is not clear whether stone f56 sits on f55 or rests on it. It clearly sits in the brickfall (^bf2) P1 removed S724 f 58 nl this feature number has never been used f 59 co pinkish grey c# 5YR 6/2 nl f59 is an accumulation while abuts f64 if f64 is a wall. We are still not sure whether f64 is a wall or is the brickfall f 60 sm f60 is an accumulation located in the South-West part of k85 and was found under f37. It overlays the brickmelt f70. f60 is a soft soil full of pottery, probably is a transition between the ^dump1 and ^bf1 P1 removed S728 f 61 co light brownish gray c# 10YR 6/2 f 62 ar f62 was the first stone found next to the west baulk of k85, were after removing it, we found f152, a stone wall. f62 probably belongs to this wall. P1 removed S804 f 63 el 8948@bottom P1 removed S816 f 64 el 9042@bottom co pink c# 5YR 8/3 P1 removed S804 f 65 el 9077@bottom P1 removed S729 f 67 P1 removed S728 f 68 tc co f78 el 9059@bottom tc ab f71 tc ov f71 tc ov f78 P1 removed S730 f 71 c# 7.5YR 7/2 co pinkish grey f 70 tc ov f75 ar it is the brickmelt above brickfall f75. There were grey and red bricks but mostly was a fine soil whit an irregular surface. It was found in the Eastern part of the locus, partly under f60 ;df brickmelt P1 removed S729 f 71 ;df brickmelt P1 removed S731 f 72 P1 removed S729 f 73 tc si f72 nc f73 was only a small spot of dark soil found under f72. After removing it we continued to excavate f72 P1 removed S729 k 73 ds k73 is a locus excavated by J4 in season 2006. It is located North of k74. Aim of the opening of locus k73 was the removal of bin a7 and the exposure of ^glacis1. Due to the lack of time this goal was never accomplished f 77 P1 removed S730 f 78 P1 removed S802 f 81 P1 removed S731 nr f81 is a baulk excavated with no stratigraphic distiction for the layers in it f 82 P1 removed S804 f 83 P1 removed S731 f 123 tc ov f107 el 8951@bottom f 75 el 9012@bottom tc co f86 ;ad l P1 removed S802 f 77 tc ov f80 el 9080@bottom f 78 tc ov f71 tc ab f82 el 9028@bottom f 89 tc re f79 f 81 tc co f83 f 82 el 9017@bottom c# 7.5YR 7/4 co pink f 84 df w ar f84 is probably a wall, but since we did not excavated it, but only exposed the top we still do not understand what kind of installation it is. It is very similar to wall J4f84, located just 5 meters to the North, and probably belongs to the same construction phase. el 9071@top f 85 ds f85 is the western baulk of k85: the top was accumulations, then the same as f37 and at the bottom the brickfall df mix el 9097@bottom P1 removed S731 f 86 P1 removed S807 f 87 P1 removed S803 f 88 df mix P1 removed S803 nr f88 is the northern baulk of k74 and was excavated in one feature. The top corrisponds to f59 f 90 el 8949@bottom P1 removed S806 f 91 P1 removed S803 f 93 c# 7.5YR 7/4 co pink el 9003@bottom P1 removed S805 f 94 P1 removed S804 f 95 ds it is located in the west baulk of k85 and corresponds to f70, the brickmelt tc co f98 ;P1 removed S804 f 96 P1 removed S804 f 97 co 10YR 6/3 c# pale brown co 10YR 6/1 c# grey P1 removed S807 f 98 tc co f152 P1 removed S805 f 99 el 8849@top f 124 op Looking in section was recognised a layer of soil full of pottery and stones. This could be the same as f37 in k85 f 101 el 8982@top el 8924@bottom nr the elevation was taken from the relays (top is the top stone 101.2 and the bottom is the tast stone 101.13) f 102 ds is the stone located in the East section of k200. once we excavated the baulk more stones came out building a row and therefore a wall which is f152 f 103 el 8978@bottom f 107 el 8951@top tc ov f159 c# 7.5YR 5/6 co strong brown f 103 tc ov f123 f 109 el 8955@top f 110 el 8949@top el 8929@bottom f 115 el 9220@top el 9052@bottom tc co f116 f 116 el 9019@bottom f 117 tc co f124 el 9052@bottom f 120 el 8949@bottom tc co f110 f 128 nr f128 is the northern part of f101. While we were removing stones f101 we recognized that f129 are the same type of construction as f101 f 131 el 9053@bottom f 132 el 8932@bottom tc co f150 c# 7.5YR 7/4 co pink f 139 tc ov f138 f 151 tc ov f164 el 8836@bottom f 152 tc re f110 wm li f 154 el 8828@bottom f 164 el top 8836@top f 159 tc ov f126 f 127 tc re f63 nt it is still not clear wheather wall f127 rests on glacis f63 and therefore the wall is later, or f63 abuts the stones f127: in this case the glacis goes together with f127 f 142 tc si f122 f 147 nr this is the last feature excavated for season 2008 in k87 ar could be the glacis, but being south and being the surface flat, is a floor surface f 163 df st wm li f 164 dy today, while drawing the East section ok k84, we recognized that f164 was probably cut in ancient times, probably in mittani: the top part has a curved slope, which is unnatural. see expecially drawing of the east baulk of k84 el 8865@top el 8815@bttom f 165 df ad ds the North baulk of k84: it corresponds to f151 and f154 el 8857@top el 8815@bttom f 166 co pink c# 7.5YR 7/4 f 167 co pinkish gray c# 7.5YR 6/2 f 174 lc k84 el 8807@bottom f 176 lc k84 .ri pC .rd S907 a 3 df pt ds the pit cut f122 and the fill f142: it consists in a shallow pit filled with ash and lot of pottery, in some cases also almost complete vessels. The continuation of the pit is in J4k100. G9 f122,f142 nf a3 is a shallow pit which was filled with several layers of ash, ashy soil and lot of sherds: it is not clear the function of this pit, while is elongated and seems not to be a storage pit, as a1. a 4 A21 is df is G9 f177,f100,f130,f129,f99 G3 the wall f129 and f130 are bonded, as well the oblique stones f177 and f100. They belong to the same construction phase but also they mark the entrance to the monumental access. To the East of wall f129 there is no structure related to the staircase and therefore this is the main entrance underlined by the oblique stones ds a wall f129 frames the staircase to the east and the two oblique stones are located to its southern end and are bonded with it nf a4 marks the entrance to the staircase. The wall is the eastern boundary of the staircase and the obelisks underline the importance of this place. The ideally support the wall like a buttress. another specular wall with obelisk is located to the west of the apron. a 5 nf a5 is probably a larger building. We have only a small portion of a wall. .rd S913 f 22 df ld nl f22 was defined brickfall while we recognised some pieces of melted bricks. Looking in section there are no bricks and further excavating was found no continuation of it, therefore this feature is to label accumulation (the other brickfall lies circa 30 cm deeper) f 24 ar walls f24 and f27 are part of a stone building with North-South orientation. It was excavated in season 2001 (Gebäude XV: P.Pfälzner MDOG 134 2001, p138) and dated to EDII. It is probably structurally and functionally linked to the temple terrace: the structure could be the entrance from the South to the sacral area a 6 A21 s df is G9 f24,f27 G13 q34.1 ds walls f24 and f27 are the southern and eastern walls of a larger stone structure: we have only these walls but is probably a rectangular building. The stones are large and rough. nf this building was probably the southern gate to the temple terrace: it is dated to EDII and the building technique is the same as for the walls of the terrace (revetment wall). The orientation of the building reflects the same orientation as the staircase. The plaza in the 3. millennium was a free space beginning from this point. Probably at the beginning of the second millennium the limits of the plaza were more to the North and this building was anymore used. Another possibility is that is a corner wall and not a building; in this case is the south and east boundary of the plaza nl this building was excavated in season 2001 (Gebäude XV: P.Pfälzner MDOG 134 2001, p138)