.bk J06 .fl T731pC.j .fd feature ds .ed T731 .ei pC .rd T731 .ri pC f 200 ds the last 20 cm of the pit fill under f192: Is characterized by the presence of ashy soil with reddish soil lenses, which probably are coming from f164, the glacis cut by the pit f199. f200 is as f192 full of pottery, some bricks and tannur pieces pr the pit is filled by two different features: f192 is on the top and f200 is the bottom of the pit, were the soil is mixed up with f164 tc si f199 f 192 tc co f200 tc ab f129 f 201 ds 12 stones part of bin a7. They are layed on an accumulation layer and are building the northern line of the bin. The function of those stone is probably to delimit the area of the bin. tc re f203 f 202 ds this feature is the soil located next to the stones f201: we treated a a topsoil, while there were some plastic pieces: it was exposed for several years tc ab f201 f 203 ds 5 cm of accumulation under the stones f201: Is a soft and dusty soil with few sherds and pebbles tc co f204 f 204 ds a floor surface located under the natural accumulation f203 and on top of the pit f199. It is a very compact and hard surface which is sligtly sloping south. For its characteristics, the slope and its stratigraphical position with elevation we assume it is the ^glacis1 pr this feature was excavated in several parts, while we removed stones f197 and f201 in stages and therefore this floor was never completely exposed. tc co f192 tc ab f129 f 206 ds a floor surface under stone f201.3 same as floor f204 tc co f192 tc ab f129 f 207 ds 3 small stones ca 10 cm large located under large stone f201.3 f 208 ds mixed feature: scraping the North section of k82 f 209 ds 5 cm of the soil in k82, treated as a topsoil while was exposed 3 years f 210 tc re f209 ds a lens of soil and pebbles resting on f209: probably whashed down taken by water f 213 ds the soil colum under the floating stone f212 located on top of wall f129 f 212 ds a floating stone located in k82 on top of wall f129 f 214 ds a hard and compact accumulation located in k104 under stone f201, same as f203 tc co f206 f 215 ds f215 is a floating stone in k72 f 216 ds f216 is the accumulation under the floating stone f215 in k72: it is a mixed feature f 217 ds soil from scraping the east section of k104 f 218 ds f218 is a wall with East-West orientation located in k82. dy the wall is still not exposed but visible only in section. There are visible 2 rows of large stones. The orientation let me think that it connects to f219, the corner of a stepped stone structure located in k71, exposed by the germans f 219 ds the stone installation located in k71. A triangular shaped stepped stone structure which may be the corner of the eastern limit of the temple terrace. It is composed by large irregular stones placed in steps with mud mortar between. nr f219 was exposed by the german team and is in their record B6-Inst.14. Not dated because not completely exposed .rd T729 -dy We continued to remove the stones f201, part of the bin a7 and we found the glacis layer f206 and under it the pit f192. We had a meeting in the field with fAB and we discussed the strategy for the next days. While we did not found the East-West running revetment wall, that we expected to find under the line of stones f201, we looked for other possible structures which could be the eastern boundary of the temple terrace. Mohammed Omo suggested that the line of stones f218 under the northern baulk of k82 and visible only in section could be the revetment wall. Therefore we looked at the stepped installation f219 in k71 and we decided to expose its southern face. Before exposing it we cut back the north section of k72 and removed the floating stone f215 with the accumulation underneath f216. -sg After a discussion with fAB in the field we decided to change strategy for the excavation in J6. While the presumed eastern continuation of the revetment wall was not found under the line of stones f201 (part of the bin a7), we are looking for another possible boundary for the eastern part of the temple terrace. We assume that the temple terrace was bounded along its southern side by a 3 metrs high revetment wall (J2, J3, J1, J5). In J6 and J4, which is the eastern edge of the terrace we are still looking for a boundary. We decided in season 2008 to dig east of wall f129 (the north-south running wall east of the monumental staircase and bonded with it) and we expected to find the east-west running revetment wall, but found only the ^glacis3. This season we moved to the north and we expected to find the revetment wall under the line of stones in k104 and k73 f201, part of the bin a7, but instead we found a pit under these stones. We then looked to kite pictures (see v132) and we looked for lines of exposed structures which could be the eastern boundary. Wall f218 in k82 seen only in section and the stepped stone structure f219 in k71 could be the eastern boundary of the temple terrace: f218 is a possible wall running east-west, east of the staircase which should continue in f219. the reasons for this are following: 1) The triangular stepped structure f219 builds a line parralel to the western line of the apron J2f132; 2) if this line is continued reaches the east side of the temple BA; 3)the ^glacis1 and ^glacis3 are build for a structure located to the north, which is most probable f218 and f219. -sg For this reasons we will change strategy for J6: we have less then 3 weeks excavation and we want to reach a goal, which is understanding and finding the eastern boundary of the temple terrace. We first will dig in k71 and expose the southern face of the stepped structure f219. We will first expose all the mittani ^glacis1 in k73, k72, k71 and see if it abuts or goes under f219, and obvoiusly removing bin a7. Then we will remove all floating stones in k82 f220 and expose the third millennium red ^glacis3. If we have time we will expose the top of wall f218 and connect it to structure f219. This part will be very delicate while on top of wall f219 there is a mudbrick wall, which goes until the staircase. We always interpreted it as a later wall, coming after the monumental staircase was anymore used. We do not want to remove something we still not understand, therefore we wait doing this until we expose all f219.