.bk J06 .fl T804pC2.j .fd features .ed T804 .ei pC .rd T805 .ri pC -sg In J6 and J4 we are excavating the eastern area of the temple terrace: walls f129, f218 and f219 build the eastern boundary: we have many different phases of glacis/escarpment which slope down from North to South-east from the middle or possibly early third millennium until Mittan. ^glacis1 is the latest one, found in all J6, which seems now beginning from structure f219 and possibly f218. We have above it different activities and small structures, like the bin, some tannur and floors. The latest event is the great brickfall. In early mittani a shallow pit removes stones from an early wall f227 (possibly EDIII? ore earlier?) and removes also part of ^glacis3 (phase33, late Akkadian):^glacis3 probably reaches wall f218, while in k82 under the floating stones f212 was found a very similar layer (still to be excavated). This possibility is still to be proved but is very tempting and explains why wall f227 is so low in respect to wall f129. wall f227 was then in late akkadian period covered by ^glacis3 and anymore used. In an earlier phase, probably same as the main construction phase of the temple terrace (EDII), the boundary of the terrace was located souther; then ^glacis4 and ^glacis5 are the features which go together with this wall. f219 and f218 are probably the same structure and possibly date to the third millennium: the german team excavated f219 and the mudbrick terrace surface, which dates to the third millennium. f219 goes structurally together with the mudbrick terrace and the apron J2f131. -sg This year we will be able to date better this structure. While we reached in k104 the bottom of the pit a8 and we found the ^glacis3 and probably ^glacis4 abutting wall f227, we want to move north in k82 to see what kind of structure f227 is. Therefore today we removed some floating stones f212 in k82 and tomorrow we will continue remove all stones and then go down in all square: we want first to reach ^glacis3, the reddish late akkadian glacis, which was cut by pit a8. In the northern section of k104 we can see that the pit still goes to the north: therefore we will find the pit in k82 under possibly the ^glacis1. We whant to remove the pit and see where ^glacis3 continues. Where ^glacis3 is cut by the pit, we will have the chance to expose wall f227. In k71 we want to undestand structure f227: we already exposed its southern face, but did not found the bottom, but only the latest glacis (probably ^glacis1) which abuts it. We will stop excavating in the southern portion of the square and continue to dig in the northern part to expose the eastern side. The german team was able to reach in the northern side a floor level and date it to Mittani (B6-Inst.32), which could go together with the level of the sherd floor f240 located above glacis f242. We will therefore remove the floating stones next to f219 and then go down, looking for the floor surface found by the germans. .rd T808 -sg While today we found the probable glacis f164 in front of wall f218 which slopes toward south, we decided still not to expose it excavating with the goal of finding it and not risking remove the later glacis, which we did not found in front of wall f218. We will then before remove the pit. we can be safe removing the pit while we see it in the northern section of k104 and also because is the latest event we have in k82. This will give us the chance to see the stones of wall f227. We will then see wheather f164 still continues under the pit and then follow it from south and connect it to the presumeble f164 found in front of wall f218. In k71 we are going down until the level of the mittani glacis. Today came out new stones in k82 which are not floating and are lower than stones of staircase f255. f256 are building a north-south running wall which is in line with wall f129, but we are still not able to connect the two and also we can see only the top of them. The interesting thing at this moment is that those stones seems going under the last stones of the staircase f255. Now that the section under f255 is visible, is possible to see the foundation for the stones: directly under the stones are mudbricks and then accumulation. This accumulation covers wall f256. This means to me that, after wall f256 was anymore used or important, was slowly covered by accumulations and then, possibly in the second millennium were layed the last steps of the staircase above a brick preparation. Another element that let me think that the last steps of staircase f255 is a later building phase in respect to the lower staircase, is that wall f129 interrupts right on the fifth step. Here another wall is laied on top of a reddish layer which seems to me being f164, but still to be prooved. Today we found a reddish layer in front of wall f219 which seems to be the same as f164. It this is right f164 was built for wall f164 rather for wall f227