.bk J06 .fl T827yM.j .fd daily journal, feature description, locus daily .rd T825 .ri yM .ei yM .ed T827 -dy we decided to excavate the bricks f324 in the north west corner of k82, in the corner between wall f218 and wall f129, thinking that it might be a foundation box. After excavating 20cm of these bricks we found that they might continue deeper then we thought, so in order to understand the situation better we excavated a small 80 by 75cm square next to the bricks east from wall f129 and south from wall f218. We then removed the accumulation layer f328, then the surface under it f327 which had some bricks in it. excavating f327 further more, at a certain point we came across a different material in the same level, so we removed it as f330 that turned out to be only a lens, because it only covered a small part of f327. we then decided to enlarge the square that we are digging to 1x1 Meter: in this way we can understand better f327 and also to see if the two walls f218 and f129 continue down, since it is very clear that the bricks f324 go under the stones of the wall f218. Wall f218 goes deeper, but for wall f129 we could not see any more stones at the level we reached. Tomorrow we will continue excavating f327. We are also looking very carefully at the face of the bricks to see if they have some sort of inscription. We took a soil sample for further analysis of the brick composition .rd T826 -dy Today we continued excavating f327. Then we did a nail test trying to get a conclusive proof weather the bricks f324 are a foundation box or not. It was very clear from the nail test that there is no empty space behind the bricks, therefore it is not a foundation box. Due to the fact that the situation is very complicated and hard to understand, we decided to leave this as an open question for next years excavation. f 324 ds bricks in the north western corner of k82 between wall f218 and wall f129. The size of these bricks is 33 by 8cm and they are unbaked bricks. These bricks have a distinctive reddish brown color and a lot of white inclusions in their soil and some small animal bones. The mortar between these bricks is very compacted and hard and there is an ashy spot on the northern side instead of the mortar. these bricks are oblique ar we thinking that those bricks might be a foundation box. ar since there is no empty space behind the bricks, and since some of these bricks go under wall f218 we are now assuming that they might be a part of an earlier structure and that wall f218 was built on top of it. f 326 ds it is a cut next to the bricks f324 to the east from them. ar probably the cut that was made when the bricks f324 where put there. f 329 ds the fill inside the cut in the north western corner of k82. it consists of a dark gray soft material. The soil of this feature has an ashy texture. f 328 ds the accumulation layer north of glacis f300 in k82. it is a hard layer that consists form a dry soil. f 327 ds the surface underneath the accumulation layer f328. it has a compacted hard clayish wet soil that contains a lot of roots, phytoliths and some carbon pieces. The south eastern part of this feature was partially covered with a lens type a f330. this feature has some bricks in it and it also has a verity of colors forming lines that runs west to east and then curves to the south, and they go like this: a yellow line, then a gray line, then a thin red line. f 330 ds a lens of soil that was partially covering f327 in k82. it consists from a dry crumbly soil. tc ov f327 k 82 dy today are excavating the bricks that we think are a foundation box in north western angle in k82 between wall f129 and wall f218. We started by removing 10cm of these 33 by 8cm oblique bricks f324. then we removed other 10cm, but then we stopped because they might be going deeper then we thought, there for it will be dangerous to proceed without supporting the wall on top f256, and also because its very clear that the bricks goes under wall f218 there for we know now that its not a foundation box but rather a part of an earlier structure. so we decides to excavate a small 80 by 75 square that we enlarged later on to 1.1m square next to the bricks so we can understand the situation better and see how deep the bricks go and if the stone walls f218 and f129 continues down. So we removed f328 which is an accumulation layer that was the stopping point for the season , then we removed f327 below it which is a compact surface that had colored lines in it ranging from yellow to gray to red and that runs west east before changing its cores towards the south. Inside this feature there where some bricks and a lens type a f330 that consists of dry crumbly material that we also removed. The stones of wall f218 seems to continue down, but we couldn’t find any more stones continuing down in wall f129. Tomorrow we will continue excavating in this square to understand better the situation. ar faB assumes that the reason we couldn’t find any stones continuing down in wall f129 is because the wall was built on a slope. k 82 dy today we continued excavating f327 some more, finding more bricks inside. and we also did a nail test to be conclusive about weather it is a foundation box or not. We did not find an empty space behind the bricks, which would have been there if it was a foundation box. So we decided to stop and leave this situation as an open question for next years excavation because In order to understand better we have to excavate a larger area which is not possible this season due to the lake of time. f 326 tc cu f328 f 328 tc co f327 f 300 tc ov f327