.bk J06 .fl U717pC2.j .fd specific labels .ed U717 .ei pC .rd T717 .ri pC .fn revised gB ;walls ^ wall6 ds Stone wall with north east, south-west orientation 12 meters long and two stones thick. Build to the east of the monumental staircase. The wall has two well cut stones faces. The wall is larger at the base. The masonry at the southern part of the wall is more regular and the stones smoother. At the southern face two oblique obelisks are laid against it and the wall at the west side is buttressed. At the northern end the wall is built on top of a mud brick wall ^wall13 belonging to a previous phase. The upper row consists in large undressed boulders resting on top of a thick mud layer. L99 flanking wall for staircase ht 180 ht 285 w3 150 w1 120 lg 1200 A35 v242 ^ glacis3 A35 v151 ^ wall10 df w ds Wall with east-west orientation, 2 stones wide and 1 stone high, originally 2 meters longer to the west (removed during excavation) reaching wall f129. the wall keeps the same orientation and position as wall f227. It is 400 meters long and 20 cm high. N99 In the first phase of use was probably a courtain wall, same as wall f227, which follows the same orientation and is in the same position. Later the stones are used as foundation from mud brick structure a7 A35 v239 A35 v238 A2 f201 ^ wall11 df w ds Stone wall east-west oriented, two stones wide and two rows high, partly exposed. It is perpendicular to wall f129 and continues into the east section (to be further exposed). The wall has the same orientation of ^wall6 and ^wall12. North of ^wall11 an earth glacis slopes down toward south reaching the back of the wall: possibly only the southern face was visible. The upper row is damaged by a pit a8 which removed some stones. Rubble stone masonry. Stones are set in rows embedded into mud mortar. Medium size stones, irregular in form, with nicer side on the top and on the southern face, so that the wall looks more regular. Smaller stones fill gaps in the joints. The southern face is more regular, the back side is rough and irregular M99 a screen wall (or courtain wall): it is not free standing while only the southern face is well set, while the northern is very irregular. While the bottom was not reachet we cannot know how it goes deep, but probably not too high. It abuts ^wall6. The function is probably of terracing the mound (note that south and north of the wall there is a notable slope. A2 f227 ht 40 w1 90 lg 320 A35 v240 ^ wall12 df w ds Stone wall east-west oriented, beginning north of staircase and ^wall6, continues to the east for 760 cm, turns north with a 90° angle continuing for 660 cm. The structure is not completely exposed, but for what is possible to understand, it consists of one single wall which on the southern side is 9 rows high and for the eastern side only 4 rows are exposed (max height 325 cm): the masonry is the same for all the lower portion; the upper part instead is damaged and consists in an irregular laid stone surface. To the east and to the south an earth escarpment ^glacis8 and ^glacis9 abuts it L99 Rough undressed stones embedded into mud mortar with smaller stones between the joints. The stones have an irregular shape, but most of them have a rectangular form. The stones are set in uneven shifted courses. The wall has no foundations and is straight for all its height. To the west the first stone rests on top of a previous mud brick wall ^wall13. The upper portion to the east consists in irregularly laid stones, sloping slightly up M99 Eastern boundary of terrace (revetment wall). Possibly the wall continues to the North reaching the eastern side of the temple A2 f218 A2 f219 ht 325 ht 135 w1 250 lg 760 A35 v241 ^ wall13 df w ds Unbaked mud brick wall, partly visible between ^wall 6 and ^wall12, both overlaying it. It is 9 brick high and has a east-west orientation. The bricks are laid in regular rows sloping slightly north. Probably the wall was damaged as were built ^wall 6 and ^wall12. The bricks are made by a reddish earth with white inclusions (the source of the earth is a natural virgin soil which in this area has a typical red coloration) M99 not clear: 1) a previous phase of the revetment wall or staircase wall; 2) a foundation box; 3) the mud brick terrace or substructure for the staircase ar I think that the mud bricks belong to the substructure for the staircase. Under the staircase were found mudbricks in several locations. Here is the eastern flanking wall of the staircase which lais on top of mudbricks A2 f324 ht 70 w1 40 A35 v244 ^ wall14 df w ds Stone wall with south-west, north east direction located on top of ^wall6: consists in one row of small stones on top of a row of medium size stones. The stones were laid probably after the upper portion of wall ^wall6 was collapsed. The east edge of the wall is shifted 35 cm to the west, so that the upper face of 3 stones of ^wall6 is exposed. The southern end of the wall is not straight but a bit curved to the west. L99 irregulary laid stones in a uneven line set in two rows and embedded in mud mortar lg 460 w1 136 ht 100 A35 v243 A2 f256 ^ wall15 df w ds three stones with east-west direction embedded into mud mortar against ^wall6 ar the stones are not collapsed stones, but intentionally laid directly east of ^wall6. The stones lay under ^glacis3 and are laid parallel to ^wall11 A2 f236 A2 f299 A35 v245 ;glacis-escarpment ^ glacis4 A2 f260 df escarpment ds A hard and compact reddish earth laied east of ^wall12 (probably also south: is the same as ^glacis8?). When wasfirstly exposed the upper part was crumbly and friable. It starts directly against the lower courses of ^wall12 and slopes to the east and to the south A35 v247 ^ glacis5 A2 f242 df fb ds A hard gray compact layer starting on top of ^glacis4 and south of ^wall12. The surface is hard with small pebble inclusions and was easy to expose from the above accumulations, which were instead soft. The pick stopped exposing this surface and it slopes to the south (could be the same as ^glacis1) A35 v247 ^ glacis6 df fb A35 v248 A2 f204 A2 f206 ds a hard and gray compact surface, slightly sloping toward south, located under ^wall10 (a thin accumulation was separating the stones from the floor) and east of ^wall6 ^ glacis7 A35 v240 df fb A2 f300 ds a hard and compact surface sloping sharply to the south east. It is preserved only directly north of ^wall11 but probably was reaching also ^wall6 and ^wall12 N99 function of this glacis is not clear: probably was layed to allow the flow of water. Probably is the surface of the temple mound which with a long exposure to water and sun became so hard. ^ glacis8 df escarpment ds a compact bricky red orange earth with complete mud bricks, gypsum pebbles. It start directly south of ^wall12, covering the first courses of the wall. It slopes then to the south after half a meter. Just exposed was wet, sticky and compact, but after one day exposure to the sun was dry and friable. ar most probably a series of layers of earth mixed with mud bricks were laid at the base of wall f218 and f219, protecting it. A2 f265 A2 f276 A2 f275 A2 f309 A2 f314 A2 f322 A2 f310 A35 v246 ^ glacis9 A2 f284 A2 f311 df fb ds Hard compact surface strong brown in color, sloping sharply to the south east. The surface had some sherds lyng flat, gypsum and phytolits. It was exposed to water and wind. ar It is located under ^wall6, possibly is the surface of the temple mound A35 v250 ^ glacis10 A2 f317 A2 f289 ds Thin compact and hard layer found east of ^wall6, but under it. It slopes to the south east ar since is located under ^wall6 and because has the same characteristics as ^glacis9 and ^glacis11, i assume it is the surface of the temple mound A35 v252 ^ glacis11 A2 f290 df fb ds a highly compacted surface brown in color with lot of cardon pieces and a bit ashy, located under ^wall6 and starting almast flat and sloping after half a meter sharply to the south east A35 v251 ;pits ^ pit3 A35 v237 A2 f192 A2 f231 A2 f288 A2 f226 A2 f261 ds fill of the pit f199. It is a hollow pit, which is more large than deep (see also a8). The soil is soft and ashy in the upper part, then becomes bricky full of pottery in the lower level. ^ pit4 A35 v237 A2 f282 ds a small pit cutting ^pit3: the fill is wet brown soil ;dumps ^ dump2 A2 f200 A2 f306 A2 f293 A2 f301 A35 v249 ds A dump of pottery in a red bricky soil: it consists of a huge amount of sherds, most of them badly fried and many kilin waster. The soil is reddish and bricky, quite loose. It stops against ^wall11 and is located on top of ^glacis7. ar this dump could come from a kilin nerby to the area. The pottery found dated all to EDIII ;floors ^ floor7 df pc A2 f239 B1 W22b1714 J6sk49 T731 sD.tif ds Pebble and sherd floor inside the bin a7, delimited to the north by ^wall10, part of bin a7. See for a description as the floor was excavated J4f143 ^ floor8 A2 f240 df fc ds sherd and pebble floor, consisting in a hard and compact mud surface located south of ^wall12 ^ floor9 df fb A2 f273 A2 f277 ds a compact and hard pebble and sherd floor in front of ^wall6 A35 v255 ^ floor10 A2 f303 df fd ds a hard thin compacted floor in front of ^wall6. It flakes easly and has many thin layers. ar was probably exposed to water sun and wind and is naturally compacted, on top of ^floor11 (probably the same as J2f365 ^ floor11 A2 f312 df fb ds a higly compacted floor red-salmon in coloration it shows some mud patches as it was exposed to water. It is very damaged, probably same as J2f359 A35 v256 ^ layer1 A2 f232 A2 f235 A2 f268 A2 f296 A2 f280 A35 v257 ^ ab1 A2 f297 A2 f237 ^ ab2 A2 f151 A2 f160 A2 f161 A2 f181 ds A thick layer of a soft, wet, reddish accumulation, characterized of plenty of organic material found directly on top of ^glacis3: The interesting of this feature is that is the first mittani layer on top of Late Third Millennium feature. ^ pit1 A35 v45 ^ wall8 A35 v21 ^ wall9 A35 v21 .rd T212 .ri pC ^ a1 df ld ds soft accumulation under topsoil: rooths, small stones, rooths and pottery characterize this feature. >l f3 >l f4 >l f7 >l f9 >l f14 >l f16 ^ a2 df ld ds natural accumulation which presented on the top a hard and irregular surface, but removing it was soft with patches of harder soil; it is characterized by pebbles, rooths and pottery >l f12 >l f33 >l f18 >l f36 >l f22 ^ pit1 ds a pit cut in the brickfall, round in shape, filled with some bricks and a soft brown accumulation. Inside was any kind of object or organic material; probably it was used as a storage pit. >l f87 >l f73 >l f92 ^ pit2 ds a shallow pit filled with different ashy layers: inside was found a lot of pottery, bones and charcoal. >l f122 >l f142 ^ wall6 df w ns While we did not uncovered the wall till the bottom, we cannot be sure of its date. We can be sure it is more ancient than h33, while ^glacis3 abuts it. For the fact that is bounded to staircase J2f130 we think that is at least h23 (ED III). Another reason is the similarity of construction way to staircase J2f130 ^ wall8 df w ds the first line of stones is only visible, but from the german documentation (see k100) was clearly visible that there is another line under the one visible. Large stones are layed in a row, between stones there is mud. Stones are rougly shaped. The type of construction is similar to ^wall9, but also to ^wall6 ar the way of construction and the date of this wall together with ^wall9 (ED III, h23) let assume that the two walls are a building, possibly related to the temple monumental access. Also the possible structure is located axially south to the staircase ^ wall9 df w ds a line of large stones roughly shaped. Together with ^wall8 builds a L shape structure, which probably is a rectangular building (still to uncover). The type of construction is similar to ^wall8, but also to ^wall6 ar the way of construction and the date of this wall together with ^wall8 (ED III, h23) let assume that the two walls are a building, possibly related to the temple monumental access. Also the possible structure is located axially south to the staircase A35 v90 ^ wall6 df w ns While we did not uncovered the wall till the bottom, we cannot be sure of its date. We can be sure it is more ancient than h33, while ^glacis3 abuts it. For the fact that is bounded to staircase J2f130 we think that is at least h23 (ED III). Another reason is the similarity of construction way to staircase J2f130 ^ wall8 df w ds the first line of stones is only visible, but from the german documentation (see k100) was clearly visible that there is another line under the one visible. Large stones are layed in a row, between stones there is mud. Stones are rougly shaped. The type of construction is similar to ^wall9, but also to ^wall6 ar the way of construction and the date of this wall together with ^wall9 (ED III, h23) let assume that the two walls are a building, possibly related to the temple monumental access. Also the possible structure is located axially south to the staircase ^ wall9 df w ds a line of large stones roughly shaped. Together with ^wall8 builds a L shape structure, which probably is a rectangular building (still to uncover). The type of construction is similar to ^wall8, but also to ^wall6 ar the way of construction and the date of this wall together with ^wall8 (ED III, h23) let assume that the two walls are a building, possibly related to the temple monumental access. Also the possible structure is located axially south to the staircase ^ a1 df ld ds soft accumulation under topsoil: rooths, small stones, rooths and pottery characterize this feature. >l f3 >l f4 >l f7 >l f9 >l f14 >l f16 ^ a2 df ld ds natural accumulation which presented on the top a hard and irregular surface, but removing it was soft with patches of harder soil; it is characterized by pebbles, rooths and pottery >l f12 >l f33 >l f18 >l f36 >l f22 ^ pit1 ds a pit cut in the brickfall, round in shape, filled with some bricks and a soft brown accumulation. Inside was any kind of object or organic material; probably it was used as a storage pit. >l f87 >l f73 >l f92 ^ pit2 ds a shallow pit filled with different ashy layers: inside was found a lot of pottery, bones and charcoal. >l f122 >l f142 A35 v90 .ri pC .rd S901 ^ dump1 A35 v19 A35 v43 ^ bf1 A35 v34 A35 v120 ^ bf2 A35 v120 ^ ash1 A35 v120 ^ glacis1 A35 v57 A35 v120 ^ glacis2 A35 v120 ^ ash2 A35 v99 .rd S901 .ri pC ^ dump1 df aa >l f35 >l f42 >l f43 >l f37 >l f38 >l f94 >l f131 ds a probable dump spread in almost all J6: it is a compact soil with patches of softer soil, characterized by a massive presence of pebbles, bones, large stones, lot of pottery and large sherds. It slopes toward South and the pottery is all Mittani. It is the latest level before abandonment (were instead are only natural accumulations) and located just above the brickfall ^bf1 ^ bf1 df bf >l f46 >l f95 >l f98 >l f52 >l f64 >l f70 >l f71 >l f72 >l f78 >l f111 >l f114 ds The topmost portion of the brickfall: it is defined as brickmelt: it is a very compact, irregular hard surface which when was removed showed small fragments of bricks. Brickmelt is the latest stage of melting of the bricks, which was exposed longer to water and sun and therefore has a hard compact surface. This distinguishes only the kind of accumulation and not a different kind of event, which is the same as ^bf2 ^ bf2 df bf >l f53 >l f55 >l f69 >l f75 >l f82 >l f83 >l f86 >l f93 >l f103 >l f108 >l f119 >l f120 >l f123 >l f124 >l f136 >l f143 >l f145 >l f146 >l f175 >l f179 ds The brickfall spread in all J6: it is a thick layer of bricks mixed with soil and lot of stones (also door socket, kilin waste, lot of pottery, grinding stones), where the bricks build any kind of construction, but are irregulary located: it belongs to a collapse of a large structure or a series of smaller buildings, probably located to the South-East of J6. This brickfall continues also in J2 and J7 following the West-South slope of the glacis, located under it. Most of the pottery is dated to Mittani ^ ash1 df ly >l f90 >l f97 >l f139 >l f149 ds a layer of ashy soil, which is located directly under bf2 and overlays glacis1. It is thicker in k75 and slopes then towars South-West in k85 and k86, following the slope of the glacis underneath. It marks an event consisting on burning just before the brickfall. this ash was found in J7 at the same elevation ^ ash2 df ly >l f167 ds a layer of ash under ^glacis1 in k74 nr This feature was not excavated in season 2008, but only exposed. It is not the same as ^ash1, while they are not touching, but between them there is the glacis. It is an event to ascribe before Mittani and to associate to ^wall7 ^ glacis1 df glacis >l f63 >l f109 >l f107 >l f180 ds a hard and highly compacted surface with small pebbles (>1 cm) and some sherds lying flat, found directly east of ^wall6 and south of ^wall12, directly under ^bf2. It is a surface covering almost all J6 and is found at a high elevation. The characteristic of this surface is that it slopes toward South especially in k85 (9000 higher level, 8912 lower level). The very topmost surface flakes off, while the bottom part is very crumbly. In some points is damaged. nl We decided to name this series of compacted surfaces glacis, for the similarity with situation in J3, were North of the revetment wall were found several layers of hard compacted surfaces sloping and intentionally set to cover the temple mound. In the case of J6, we encontered also several surfaces which for similarity of consistence and inclusions and for the comparable structural situation, was decided to give the same name, even if for glacis normally is seen a coating beginning from a wall or construction. In this case wall f127 (^wall5) is the structural component of this (see a2) ^ glacis2 df glacis >l f110 >l f132 >l f159 >l f138 ds It is a grey hard surface sloping south, south-west, located under glacis1; there are small calcite pebbles in the matrix. ^ glacis3 df glacis >l f164 >l f183 >l f187 ds It is the glacis east of wall f129, of a red orange granular soil; the main characteristic is that it slopes sharply to the south, beginning as thick compact band and ending as a thin orizontal layer (f183). The purpose of this glacis is still not clear: a probable explanation is that it was meant to protect wall f129. It probably continues to the east as f187 in k74 nl f164 is the same as J4f150 ar f187 was found in connection with wall f166 and was not excavated completely, so we could not determine whether it is the same as f164. The equivalence is based only on the assumption that the elevation and the type of material (red orange granular with Late Akkadian material, as pottery and seal) in both glacis are similar. ^ wall8 >l f24 ds f24 is a stone wall with East-West orientation located in k100 (is a J6 locus, but is located in area C2: see introduction to k100); it consists in one row of large rough stones. It is bounded to ^wall9 ^ wall9 >l f27 ds f27 is a stone wall with North-South orientation located in k100 (is a J6 locus, but is located in area C2: see introduction to k100); it consists in one row of large rough stones. It is bounded to ^wall8 ^ floor 1 df fb >l f46 >l f67 ds It is a highly compacted surface dark brown in color. It was found only in k84 above ^bf1 and not to the south in k85; instead the same floor was found in J4 in k83 North (J4f119). This floor is probably related to a use area under the bin J4f93, located to the North: this floor in J4 goes under the stones of the bin. A35 v27 ^ floor 3 ds This surface was only exposed in this season and not excavated, therefore we can only assume that it is a floor, or more probably the ^glacis1, which in the southern portion of J6 it levels and is more correct to name it floor. df fb >l f147 ^ floor 2 df fc >l f140 >l f135 >l f157 ds a sherd floor located between ^glacis1 and ^glacis2. It is compact with small pebbles and lot of small sherds lying flat. It was found only in patches in k85, k84 and k74. The location and the same contact association between other features permit to make the equivalence of the floors. This floor could be related to the use of the area East of the staircase and ^wall6 during the middle of Mittani. It is also related to ^wall3, while it abuts its southern stones A35 v72 A35 v93 ^ floor 4 df fd >l f154 ds it is a compact surface with lot of small pebbles. It is probably a floor but compacted naturally, made by people walking by A35 v87 ^ floor 5 df fc >l f171 ds a patch of a compact surface characterized by some sherds lying flat. It was found only in front of the obelisk f177. This floor was probably damaged or we did not recognize it while removing the west baulk with the big pick. It marks the use of the area in front of installation a4. A35 v108a ^ floor 6 df fb >l f184 >l f271 ds a highly compacted floor surface characterized by the presence of some sherds lying flat. Is located in front and east of installation a4 and was obviously continuing to the West above the staircase, but was not excavated in this season ar this floor surface continues obviously to the West: the western part is a trench excavated by the german team in season 2000 (see k200), till now we do not have the details of the stratigraphy; instead west of this trench, 1m from ^floor6, were found other floors which were stratigraphically associated to the apron J2f131 and partly to the staircase J2f130 (see J2f326, located at similar elevation) A35 v114 A35 v254 ^ wall1 df w A35 v34 >l f76 >l f64 ds f76 is located in the South-East corner of k73, f64 in the East part of k74. They are possibly the same wall: f76 shows two rows of bricks in section, instead f64 was recognized as brick melt. ar we are still not sure whether is a wall running North-South or f76 and f64 are two different things. In the East section, after removing all f64, came out a line of bricks, which could be possibly the missing wall. The structure to which this wall is related is located to the East. ^ wall2 df is >l f84 ds it consists in one line of 5 large stones located in a line running North-East, South-West. While was exposed only for the top part, we do not know whether is a wall or another type of installation. Is clearly the same type of construction as J4f84, located just 5 meters to the North ar we do not know still if it is a wall, but because of the similarity to wall J4f84, we suppose that they are the same installation. We removed a stone of J4f84 and we did not found another row of stones. It can be associated probably to some structures located to the east and not excavated. A35 v41 ^ wall3 >l f101 >l f128 ds 13 stones located on top and in front of wall f130 (^wall6). It is solidly built even if the stones are not located in rows: lot of the stones are bonded to each other and between them there is soil mixed with lot of pottery and pebbles ar it is a memory of ^wall6: ^wall6 was built as a boundary between the west, where is the monumental staircase and the East, were instead there were buildings (^wall7). As the accumulations grow up and ^wall6 was anymore visible, were laid stones to remember the boundary. The same function has ^wall5, which probably comes slightly after ^wall3, while it covers it A35 v104 ^ wall4 >l f152 ds 5 large stones located in two rows ar the wall was probably continuing to the West if we interpret it as a 'curtain wall', similar to the ones found in front of the apron at a similar elevation, and located just few meters to the West (see J2f144, J2f232).It is located under the ^glacis1 and above ^glacis2, like wall f127, therefore belongs to the same construction phase A35 v77a ^ wall5 >l f127 ds A wall running north-south located above wall f129. It consists in a line of large rough stones laid on top of ^glacis1, which covers f129. ^wall5 and ^wall6 are very different even if their function is the same. They are also separated by a thick layer of earth and ^glacis1. ar it is the 'memory wall' of wall f129 and part of a rebuilding phase in Mittani time: this rebuilding phase concern the upper part of the monumental access, while the lower part was almost all covered. To the same construction phase there is the second apron J2f132 and in J3 a series of stones layed on top of the revetment wall, which was anymore visible. This series of rebuildings are to ascribe to a mittani constuction phase, when almost all the monumental access and the revetment wall were covered by accumulations. A35 v57a ^ wall6 >l f129 >l f130 >l f100 >l f177 ds The Third Millennium wall running North-South, located East of the staircase. Its southern end is wall f130, which comes out to the west for 30cm and its stones are set in east-west direction, whereas stones of f129 are layed in North-South direction: it has the function of a boundary between the area where is the monumental staircase and the East, were there are other buildings (only hypothetic, not excavated). On the top of the wall there is a layer of earth and probably of ^glacis1 on which rests on top of ^wall5, which is a later building phase of the same wall. ns It is structurally connected to the staircase and because is bounded with it and the staircase is contemporary to the apron and the revetment wall, we can say that this wall belongs to the same construction phase. ar The back part of the wall was not exposed due to safe reasons (removing the earth in both sides would create a collapse or damage of the wall) A35 v57a ds The wall has been damaged in ancient times, while it has several cracks. One possible explanation is that on top of this wall was layed too much whight (^wall5 and ^wall3) ^ wall7 >l f166 df w lc k74 ds Line of bricks, running more or less N-S, near the East baulk of k74, disappearing under it. The wall is just being spotted, not really excavated, that is why we have not all the detail of its constituents. We just know that is made of bricks, but they are so highly compacted one with the other, almost melt together, that in that stage it is difficult to isolated them. At its both ends it is partially covered by glacis f107, and it's abutted by ashy accumulation f167. At the bottom of (what has been uncovered till today of the wall), a hard clayish glacis, f187, is also abutting it. There seems to be a greyish line on the northern half of the wall that could suggest the presence of a corner, but in fact the brick continue northwards. This could mean another section of the wall, but at this stage we still have not the evidence to decide. It could just be a rodent hole, for example. A35 v99a