.bk J06 .fl U729pC .fd strata assignment MZ21 MZ2 .rd U729 .ri pC .ed U729 .ei pC ;add 0 to all strata gB!!!! s 10-J6A ds Last 10 years: tell surface and features whith no stratigraphic relevance, as section cleaning. Including features exposed for several years or cleaning of sections, backfill s 20-J6A ds Last centuries: upper layers of tell: soft natural accumulations s 50-J6A ds upper layers: soft and hard soil, natural accumulations s 60-J6A ds Mid Assyrian: upper layers: soft and hard soil, natural accumulations s 119-J6A ds Late Mittani: collapse of the upper portion of ^wall12: lot of fallen stones where found in k82 and k71 s 120-J6A ds Late Mittani: soft and hard soil, natural accumulations with collapsed stones s 140-J6A ds Late Mittani: erosion, water channels, laminations and scattered unorganized occupation s 157-J6A ds Mid Mittani. Scattered use of area south of bin: it consists in a dump, a floor surface and a pit cut in the brickfall. brickfall is visible and blocks the access to the staircase and the J6 area is afterwards abandoned. s 160-J6A ds Mid Mittani. Great brickfall: a large collapse of structures begins to the east of J6 and comes to the west covering all the J6 area and the plaza in front of the monumental staircase in J2: In front of monumental access are built courtain walls to keep the brickfall to the south and protect the staircase. Probably is the last attempt of saving the staircase before it is compleatly abandoned s 161-J6A ds Mid Mittani. A thick layer of ash is found in all J6. Evidently a fire was just before the brickfall s 170-J6A ds building and use of bin a7: the bin occurres just before the fire and the brickfall. In this time period there are mud brick buildings located just east of the temple terrace (source of the later brickfall). These structures are possibly connected also to the bin a7. It is not clear the function of this small half mond structure but probably related to some ritual activity, while the temple terrace (located just few meters to the west with its monumental staircase fully in use) is still used. s 171-J6A ds Mid Mittani. Accumulations under bin. The glacis of the previois phase is covered in this subphase by a layer of accumulations. s 172-J6A ds Mid Mittani. Floors on top of ^glacis1 s 173-J6A ds Mid Mittani. Reorganization of space East of wall f129: a series of glacis are layed in J6. Accumulations were also covering ^wall6, but to remember the function of the wall new stones to remember the function of boundary of the wall. the staircase is covered for the first lower half s 174-J6A ds Early Mittani. A second layer of compacted and hard mud, which we labeled ^glacis2 was found under ^glacis1 s 180-J6A ds Mid Mittani. 'Memory Walls' s 190-J6A ds Early Mittani. Pit cut of several hollows s 200-J6A ds Early Mittani. A thick layer of accumulation covers the area, which is not ababndoned, while a series of floors are still laied in front of staircase. s 400-J6A ds Isin Larsa. Hollow pit fill. s 410-J6A ds Isin Larsa. Hollow pit cut. s 500-J6A ds Late Akkadian. A thick band of reddish earth mixed with bricks is layd east of flanking staircase ^wall6. A series of floors laid in front of staircase. s 510-J6A ds Late Akkadian. Several floors laid in front of staircase s 600-J6A ds Mid EDIII. Glacis south of Revetment Wall. Second dump. s 610-J6A ds Mid EDIII. Glacis south of Revetment Wall. First dump. s 620-J6A ds Mid EDIII. Upper accumulations covering wall f227 and wall f129. s 630-J6A ds Mid of the EDIII. A screen wall f227 is built parrallel to the revetment wall s 640-J6A ds A dump of Early EDIII pottery covers wall f227 s 650-J6A ds Early EDIII. Lower courses of wall f129 are covered by accumulations. s 660-J6A ds Early EDIII. Major construction and remodeling of the temple terrace. It is during this time that the revetment wall and monumental staircase are built. s 670-J6A ds Early EDIII. Pre-EDIII Temple Terrace. Slope surfaces probably of the tell, under Staircase flank wall f129. s 680-J6A ds Tentatively assigned to EDII on the base of stratigraphy but not on typological reason. A mudbrick wall is located under the Revetment Wall and Staircase flank wall.